A/N: Another moment taken to thank everyone for your patience. Content warning: Blatant TIVA...oh, and sex. Yup, sex.

Even though Ziva had never been one to openly discuss her feelings and experiences, she found that talking about her life with Tony was actually helping her. He didn't seem to be judging her, merely listening as she spoke of dreams she'd had as a child versus how she'd been raised to be a killer in service of her father, Eli. As was evident by the skills she'd shown as an agent for NCIS, she'd learned well as had often been sent out on brutal missions. The blood of many was on her hands. She'd even confessed that she felt her time in Saleem's compound was penance for the lives she'd been ordered to take over her career in Mossad. This had drawn a large protest from Tony, who'd then spent the better part of an hour lecturing her on how she should never think that way.

"Your past is behind you now, Zee. It's time for a fresh start. Wipe the slate clean. You're an agent…and a US citizen!" he exclaimed, staring her daringly in the eyes.

She'd spent the better part of the last two days curled with him on the sofa, simply talking. A slight smile touched her lips. She felt better now than she had in many years, as if a massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

"You gotta understand, Ziva," he pressed, "this is your chance to live life the way you wanna."

She looked up at him, shifting in her seat until she had moved to her knees, bringing herself eye level with him. "The way I want to?" she repeated slowly, waiting for him to nod. "What makes you think I am not living the way I wish to?"

"Oh, c'mon." He sighed, pulling her into his lap. "You take home random men because you're afraid of commitment. You're living constantly looking over your should because of your past. I mean, look at how many apartments that have been blown up. You've not had a steady place to live since you've been in the states." He rested his hands on her back, his fingers kneading absently at the skin beneath her shirt.

"I suppose it would be nice for the explosions to stop," she said thoughtfully, "but how can you be certain that I wish only to have one partner, Tony? It keeps things from…becoming boring."

He snorted, shaking his head.

"I believe this is a philosophy you also share, seeing as how you have not had a constant relationship since Jeanne." The last words were uttered gently, not as the jab they usually would have been had they been in the bullpen. She was concerned, knowing that wounds like the undercover op he'd been on with Jeanne had caused never truly healed.

A brief moment of silence passed between them as he considered her words. "I always act and talk big," he confessed, the corners of his mouth turning up a bit, "wanted to be Thomas Magnum with the red Ferrari and the beautiful women hanging on my arm." The smile faded a bit. "Jeanne was unexpected and I did love her and there's not a day I don't regret…everything."

"I…am sorry, Tony." She ran her fingertips lightly over his cheek, trying to convey the comfort and affection she felt.

"Sounds crazy, I know, but you helped me through it." He closed his hand over hers. "It doesn't hurt as much now, and besides…I got you out of the deal." He laced his fingers through hers.

"I must admit, Tony, I have never seen this side of you before."

"It's always been there."

"Yes, I know," she countered. "I've just never been able to place my finger on it. I have seen the 'DiNozzo charm,' I was just not aware that I would actually allow myself to fall prey to it."

He gasped, feigning hurt before bringing her back to the sofa and pinning her down. She looked up at him, not struggling as he held her wrists to the cushion beside her head, a slight teasing smile gracing her full lips.

"No woman is immune to the DiNozzo charm," he murmured, blinking innocently, "especially you, Ziva David."


"Yes, really." He maneuvered above her, settling between her legs as she cradled his body on top of hers. "It might've taken longer than I wanted, but it did eventually work."

"You are very egotistical," she smirked. "You know this, yes?"

"I've been told." He grinned.

With a nimble slide, she pressed up from the couch, sending him beneath her as she straddled him, holding him down in retaliation. The look, however, that passed through her eyes was not one of amusement, rather one of unadulterated desire. It hadn't been obvious when he'd had her pinned, but she could now feel the raging hard-on he'd been hiding; it was bulging against his jeans and pressed firmly against her thigh. His eyes had darkened in response and he freed himself, grasping at her hips as he pulled her forward, crushing his lips to hers.

An involuntary groan tore from his lips as she shifted, grinding against his hips. A throaty, lustful chuckle sounded from her chest and she kissed him again, wrapping her fingers in his hair. He forced himself upright, wrapping his arms fully around her to hold her closer, slightly winded as she continued the assault on his throbbing groin.

"What is it you want, Tony?" she asked huskily, breaking contact with his lips reluctantly.

"You," he replied, his voice strained in need. "I want you."

She stood, grasping his hand tightly in her own and coaxing him from the sofa. They moved together toward the bedroom, Tony sliding his arms about her waist as she moved in front of him. They paused in the doorway, finding themselves once more lip-locked holding tightly to one another.

He tugged at her shirt, lifting it free from her abdomen to feel her skin. She pulled back.

"What is it?" he questioned breathlessly, his hands gripping her hips.

"Nothing," she deflected, lowering her fingers to work at his shirt, undoing the buttons one at a time until the fabric fell away, revealing his bronzed skin. She trailed her hands slowly over his chest and abdomen, loving the way he flexed at her touch.

His breath caught as she unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them to the floor, his boxers following. He stood, completely nude in front of her as she touched and caressed, memorizing every inch of flesh. She smiled slightly each time he inhaled sharply, repeating the motion until he shivered.

It took only moment of the slow torture before he was anxiously reaching for her, pulling aside the offending articles of clothing as gently as he could. He frowned slightly as his eyes danced over the small scars that covered most of her skin, knowing that had been what she had wanted to hide from him earlier. He pulled her against him, his lips finding hers as he worked at her pants, sliding them free from her hips. She stepped out of them and slid onto the bed, displaying herself in only her underwear.

Growling low in his throat, he moved on top of her again, easily cradled by her body. He met her lips for a softer kiss before trailing downward, helping her out of her bra before appreciatively seizing an erect nipple in his mouth, his tongue and teeth leaving her gasping. She arched her back as he continued lower, hooking his thumbs into her thong panties, urging her to lift her hips so he could slide them away.

He nuzzled his face into her neck, kissing the tender skin. "Do you want me, Ziva?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper as his warm breath washed over her skin, raising chills across her body.

"Yes, Tony," she managed to reply, biting her lip as she arched into him again.

He caressed down her body, his fingers easily finding her swollen button as they slid between her slick folds, showing him she was ready and waiting for him. It was impossible to ignore the trauma she'd endured at Saleem's hand, feeling the scars that hid just out of view as his fingers probed her depths. She shuddered, her fingers digging into his back as she held tight, riding out the waves as he pressed against her g-spot. He marveled in the way her muscles clenched around his fingers, milking every ounce of pleasure she could from his touch.

Gazing down at her, he withdrew his hand, bringing the wet fingers to his lips, letting her watch him taste her. It was intoxicating, her scent driving him wild.

Pressing forward, he buried himself inside of her, gasping with her as she contracted around his length. He held himself still, chills coursing through his body in tandem with hers as they lay joined. It took mere moments for her to lock her legs about his waist, urging him to thrust against her as she rose from the bed to meet his hips.

She was tight and he fit her perfectly, feeling the intense pressure as she milked him. The sensation was overpowering, leaving him struggling not to cum before she'd found her own release. He let his hands wander her body, finally closing around her breasts and tweaking her nipples, drawing a deep moan from deep inside her.

He strokes became harder and faster, drilling into her as he felt her tremble, her nails digging into his back.

"That's it," he panted encouragingly, bowing his head as he felt the first tell-tale contractions, "cum for me, Ziva."

None of her partners had been as considerate, pleasuring her first, asking her, begging her to release. The effect was instantaneous and she cried out, feeling him spill inside of her as the thrusts slowed and became clumsy, his seed mingling with her own juices.

She pulled him down against her, wrapping her arms tightly about him as they struggled to regain their breath.


"Agent David," Director Vance greeted, gesturing at the seat in front of his desk and waiting for the Israeli to take it before he continued. "Enjoy your weekend?'

"Yes, actually," she answered, crossing her legs casually as she looked him over, her eyes calculating. It took a lot for her to trust him, feeling her own guilt and attachment rise again when she thought about the woman who'd occupied the post before. Jenny had been her friend.

"The therapist seems to think you've made 'great strides' in dealing with your personal trauma," he stated, glancing down at the file in front of him. "How is that, Ziva?"

She regarded his question carefully, weighing her options. Vance was prone to shaking the team up and she didn't want to be the cause of it this time. "I have found that it does help to speak to those closest to me about what I have experienced. I also knew that you would not allow me back to field duty with my team until I had satisfied your own curiosities." She ticked her fingers against her knee, drumming them as she spoke. "What happened to Tony brought back memories I had suppressed and I found myself unable to cope. I was…unwilling to talk about what had happened. Because of this, I found myself unable to separate fiction from reality."

"I see," he responded quietly, reaching to his pocket for an ever-present toothpick to place between his teeth. "And now?"

"Now," she supplied, "I have found a confidant that has been where I have. There will not be another incident like this one."

He flipped through the file, ignoring her for a long moment, his eyes flying across the pages far too quickly to be taking anything in. The pros of having Ziva at NCIS far outweighed the cons, he knew that. The chewed a bit on the end of the toothpick, as if struggling to reach a decision.

Used to this type of behavior from her father, she simply sat, waiting for him to reach a decision regarding her reinstatement. Wordlessly, he eventually slid open the desk drawer, retrieving her badge and gun from where it had sat on top of a stack of old files. He laid them on the desk, looking squarely at her.

"I don't want to have these removed from you again, David. We clear?"

"Crystal, director," she responded, favoring him with a small smile before standing, securing her weapon at her side and pocketing her badge. Taking her dismissal, she turned her back to the desk and strode to the door, stepping through and letting it close behind her.

She looked down at the bullpen as Gibbs, Vance, and even Jenny had so often before, looking over the agents who at below. Gibbs struggled to read the blurred words on the computer screen, struggling even more as he attempted to navigate between emails. McGee was typing furiously, attempting to ignore the paper wads that occasionally found their way his way from Tony's desk while DiNozzo fiddled with loose objects at his desk, attempting to look busy while the boss was in the office. That was her place, at her desk across from her partner while at work and by his side outside of work.

She smiled, heading to the stairs to rejoin them. This was her family and her home. No matter what happened from that point on, she knew she'd be okay.


A/N: The ending is always the hardest, but that was it. I hope you all enjoyed this little story. Love or hate, leave it in a review. I love hearing from you. If you'd like to continue to follow me, the first chapter of the NCIS/SPN crossover should be up in the next few hours. (Here's hoping!) You may also find me on facebook under Casmoiraitiel. Hope to see you there.