A/N: These are just a bunch of pieces I hocked up while bored and participating in a discussion on Familiar of Zero x-overs. Don't expect much from them. Note that Imperial name structure runs on a 'Last Name Formal', 'First Name Familiar Informal', 'First Name Diminutive Affectionate' style.

Disclaimer: Don't own any of this.

A Guardsman in Tristain

"Did you see that? The corporal! The corporal and that-"
"Shut-up and keep firing!"
"But nothing! If you don't start concentrating on your targets I wi-AUGH!"
"Sarge! SHIT!"

Even after all the times in the past, the explosion still took Louise by surprise. Blast caused her to stagger and a lungful of dust sent her into a momentary coughing fit. Inside disappointment tore at her... she had failed, again! Why did the Founder curse her like this? Already she could hear her classmates, who had wisely backed away, begin to jeer.

"As expected Ze-" Montmorency's quip died on her lips as a... creature skittered out of the dust cloud. The thing put Louise in mind of a cross between an insect and Kirche's salamander, with the size of the latter, but with an exceedingly large amount of teeth and razor sharp claws.

The creature seemed to be a bit confused, staggering here and there for a moment. It gave a hard shake of its head and took a good look at the assembled students, malevolent slits taking them in before it gave an aggressive screech and reared back, obviously about to strike.


A thin red-yellow beam of light blasted into the side of the creature and blew a large hole in the horror. The thing shrieked and collapsed, twitching a bit before ceasing to movement. All assembled eyes turned to a man standing in the dead center of the explosion, identifiable from the scorched grass.

Clad in some kind of unidentifiable plate armor painted a sort of brokenly dull green, the man lowered the weapon that put them in mind of a musket and glanced around. His face, surprisingly young (Louise thought he was maybe four years older) if it weren't for the small scar on his cheek and the look of experience in his eyes, squinted in confusion...

"What the-Where the warp am I?"

Somehow, Louise managed to find her voice first. "W-who are you?"

The man looked right at her with a frown, reaching up and taking off the bowlish helmet to reveal a buzz-cut of black hair. "Corporal Rigan Saito, 332nd Cadian Regiment of the Imperial Guard. Now, who are you?"