Characters: Yachiru, Lilinette
: It's good to be a kid.
: None
: no spoilers; AU
: post-Deicide arc
Author's Note
: Consider this to be an AU of something that might have happened had Starrk and Lilinette not died, and just consider this to be complete and absolute crack as well.
: I don't own Bleach.

Yachiru has found a new playmate to paint with, a girl maybe a few years further along in physical development with. She's friendly and Yachiru likes her very much, even if the others cast wary looks at the girl and the man who's with her keeps a close eye. Yachiru likes her, and as ever, she isn't about to let the cautious demeanors of others keep her from liking someone.

And the new girl's much more fun to paint with than Nemu was. Nemu's nice but she's too quiet and her paintings are always done in dark colors. Why can't she paint in bright colors like Yachiru?

Ah well. The new girl has little trouble with that.

Yachiru reaches forwards for the red paint and the other reaches for the green and their arms bump against each other. The cups of paint fly in the air and splatter across the great swathes of paper and their clothes and skin and hair.

They take one look at each other and then, as one, Yachiru and Lilinette break down laughing, rolling around on the paper and deciding that this is now a finger-painting day and forsaking the brushes. The red and green, far from forming brown, mixes to create great multi-colored swirls.

It's good to be a kid.