PLEASE read this note!: For those who are unaware, I've official begun posting a continuation story of "Happily Every After". (Chapter 2 of this fic). It is currently 4 chapters long, but I've got at least 2 or 3 more waiting to be posted. So if you like Not Domestic PLEASE go look up my new story "Our Happily Ever After"! I've been meaning to share this with you all for quite some time.
That being said, I hate it when people make new chapters on old fics just to give you an A/N, SO I've written you another (very) short fic to try and make up for my appalling absence on this! I'm sorry! I got busy and I started writing for FMA. I NEED to get back to Doctor/Rose though. I wrote this up in a matter of about 2 hours, so I hope you enjoy it! I'm sorry for all the music themed fics... (This is set around the same time at the last one)
Rose huffed and shifted the heavy bags in her arms again. It had been a long day, to say the least. Days like this were never the nicest, but today had been particularly frustrating.
It hard started with a phone call from the office over breakfast. Nothing too major, no invasions or anything reality threatening, but they had insisted on her coming in – on a Saturday no less! – for whatever emergency had struck Torchwood today. Normally they would ask both of them to come, and since they weren't asking for him Rose knew that this was probably something to do less with extra-terrestrials and more with extra paperwork.
He had offered to zip her over there, their house was the most mobile house anyone had ever seen, but she insisted on taking the car instead. He kept forgetting that they had one. She never liked taking the TARDIS grocery shopping, and she had some things to pick up on the way home.
He had kissed her a fond goodbye in the doorway, and she had ordered him not to get into any trouble and to have fun with the kids. The mischievous smile that had come upon his face at that last instruction had not boded well for the keeping of the first.
She had been proved right when she got to work; it was all something to do with an intergalactic passport mix up, and they needed someone connected to a working translation circuit to deal with the family of Zorastrins that had taken a wrong turn and wound up on the planet last week.
Zorastrins weren't unfriendly people, but they did not do well with verbal communication, and neither human nor even Time Lord were equipped with good enough eyes to make use of their normal communication pathways, which had to do with flashing colors across their palms in an exceedingly quick rate. In any case, Rose had thought she saw the last of them two days ago, and it took a very, very long time to get them sorted. She was going to simply skip the grocery store on the way home, but they were out of milk, and that was simply unacceptable.
And so, after a very, very long day Rose finally made her way back to the Tyler Estate and walked round to the back garden, where stood a large blue box, in its normal spot. She shifted her grocery's to the other arm and fished out the key.
As soon as the door was open the heavy bags were lifted from her arms. Before Rose knew what was happening she found herself pulled through the door by two small pairs of hands to a sweet duet of "Mummy!" from both sides. She gave quick hugs as the children hurried off to put up the groceries. It entered her mind that their father must have promised them something special, for they never worked this quickly.
The moment the door shut behind her Rose's guess was confirmed and the entire room lurched up with a great VWORP! and came down again with a jolt. Despite her long day, Rose could not help but laugh at this merry greeting. She looked up to see the ship's captain grinning from ear to ear.
"What have you been doing?" Rose could not help but laugh. "I leave you three alone for one day!"
"We watched a movie!" Piper piped up as they ran off.
"Shh!" her brother countered quickly, and failed to muffle his "It's a surprise!" as they ran down the hall.
"Oh?" Rose turned back to her pinstriped husband whose smile must have stretched a mile wide as he ran around the console flipping switches and turning nobs.
"So where are we-" Rose came up to the console to find the target destination, but both her question and her search were cut short as her husband's lips found hers and claimed them greedily as his own.
"Surprise" He told her, turning her so he was between her and the console. "Welcome home." The TARDIS gave another bumpy rumble, and he broke their kiss with a curt "Sit." Which Rose found herself obeying.
The TARDIS gave another heavy jerk as she landed, and before she had even finished settling the Doctor excitedly pulled Rose back up and brought her to the threshold just before the door. He stopped her there and turned to see the look on her face. They had done this countless times before but every time it was the same. He could tell she could not wait to see what lay outside the TARDIS doors, and she could tell that he could not wait to show her.
"Before we go I need to ask you a question." The Doctor's hands were at her waist and her on his lapels.
"Yes?" She raised an eyebrow and gave him a teasing smile. She knew he was probably going to ask he if she had ever been anywhere like the place they were about to go. He liked doing that. The question she heard, however, was nothing like that.
"Have you ever been called Marion?"
"What?!" Rose's brow knotted and she almost backed out of his arms, but stopped. "Why?"
"It's your middle name." The Doctor told her, as if she did not know. "Have you ever gone by Mary? Can I call you that?" His questions were rapid-fire, skipping with anticipation but stalling from opening the door.
"What's wrong with Rose?" She questioned back.
"Nothing!" The Doctor insisted, looking hurt at the thought that he might dislike her name. "I love Rose! It's a beautiful name! But…"
David and Piper, now eight and six respectively, ran giggling back into the console room as Rose pressed him further "But what?"
The Doctor put on his pouty face. "It doesn't rhyme."
Rose's brow knotted once more. "With what?"
The mile-wide smile returned as bright sunlight flooded into the room. David had thrown the doors open and Rose had only a moment to take in their location before the Doctor acted and answered. They were in a large green space, a garden with flowers and sunshine and trees, but also with people all around. They had all stopped to stare at the big blue box, but now were staring at its occupants as they came flying out.
"Oh!" The Doctor grabbed her hand and her waist and took a great step out the door. "It's a jolly holiday with Mary!" A smile that mirrored his own broke out on Rose's face as he led her in a large foxtrot. "Mary makes your heart so light!" He paid absolutely no heed to those around him, only to the woman in his arms. "When the day is gray and ordinary Mary makes the sun shine bright!" He sang.
Rose could not help but laugh out loud now as she did her best to follow his steps. From the dress of the people around them he had brought her back to Victorian England: Central Park London, 1910, is she had to guess (And she had gotten pretty good at guessing, even if she did say so herself) They all seemed dressed in the Sunday best, out for a stroll with umbrellas and hats, and stood ogling the loud dancing pair that had appeared out of nowhere into their midst.
"Oh happiness is blooming all around her." The Doctor sang on, doing his best not to laugh. He had to remember the words "The daffodils are smiling at the dove!" At this part the Doctor nearly tripped over a flower patch, and swerved to avoid a young lady beside it, but did not stop singing.
"When Mary holds your hand" He gave hers a tight squeeze, "You feel so grand." He stopped and she almost ran into him "Your heart starts beating like a big brass band!" He pulled her closer and stopped to press her hand to his single beating heart.
Rose could not stop laughing now. Everyone was staring at them. David and Piper were running behind, clapping and singing along with their father, obviously told by him to behave, and not a hint of regret or insincerity flickered past his shining eyes. Only the Doctor could pull something this cheesy off and it still be the sweetest thins she had ever come home to.
"No wonder that it's Mary that we love!" The Doctor cheered, moving their dance to the shade of a low tree "No wonder that it's..." He took a step closer and Rose found the tree at her back "Mary that we…" His left hand moved to her face. "Love!" Both of them were laughing as his lips collided with hers again.
"Does this make you Bert, Doctor?" She giggled as he trailed kisses from her lips to her ear.
He shook his head against her "Never. Besides I like Rose better." He said in between kisses as he made his way back to her mouth.
"Me too." Her arms were wrapped about his neck now and his about her shoulders. They were both sure that the strangers around them were more aghast than ever at their actions, but neither of them really cared. Time and place seemed not to matter much anymore. Almost nothing could take their attention from each other.
One thing however could.
"Daddy?" David tugged on the back of his father's suit jacket, and despite how captured his attention was by Rose he stopped immediately to heed the boy.
"Hmm?" They both looked down to see David nearly hiding behind them, and his sister behind him.
What their son asked them would put a stop to their celebration of life and love for today (thought it began again when they got home and put both children to bed), but was the start of another great adventure in the Tyler-Smith house.
"Daddy," David asked, "Why is that statue moving?" The Doctor's eyes went wide.
"Don't blink!"
(For the lost: The ending of this story is a tribute to the Broadway version of this song, which featured a dancing statue, as opposed to penguins :) )