Jessica (POV)

Let me introduce myself my name is Jessica Valentine, I am 17 years old. I have brown wavy hair and ocean blue eyes. I love pranks I can not get enough of them they always cheer me up when I'm down. I also have a passion for music I mean I sing sometimes, play guitar and piano, and I perform at popular hang out for teens. People say when it comes to music I am amazing, but I still think I need to work a little harder to become a musician.

Anyways, I was heading out when I heard my name being called. I look around to look for who it is and I finally spot a familiar face and I smile.

"Hey, Sam, hey Mikaela" I said to them with a smile. Sam is a close friend of mine, but I never talked to Mikaela until they stated dating. We stared to talk and she is a really great person, we became instant friends.

"What are you doing?" asked Sam

"I was going to Apple Palace, you know that popular teen hang out." I said

"Why are you meeting anyone special?" said Mikaela with a grin.

"No! I go over there to perform it's my job" I said

"Do you mind if we go we want to see you perform and maybe take some friends of ours over" said Mikaela

"Hey free country and more audience knock yourselves out" I said excited that they were coming.

"Okay we will be there in an hour, we just need to invite some friends" she said smiling

"Okay bye see you later" I said

*An hour later*

I was staring to get nervous that my friends wouldn't show up. Right when I was starting to get upset Sam, Mikaela, and three other boys that I didn't know showed up. I ran up to them.

"Hey guys" I said

" Hey Jess" said Sam

"Hello" said Mikaela, "We would like you to meet some friends of ours, this is Brad, but we call him Bee. This is Jake we sometimes call him Sunny. And this is Blake, but we call him Sides."

Brad was average height probably 6' tall. He had blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He was wearing jeans and a yellow shirt that had black stripes in the sides of his shirt. He was just smiling.

Jake was a little taller than Brad. He also had blond hair and the same blue eyes. He was wearing jeans and a bright yellow shirt. He was different though he seemed to want to be anywhere but here.

Last there was the one they call Blake. He had brown hair and the same eyes as Brad and Sunny. He was wearing a red shirt with jeans. He looked like Sunny so I assumed they were twins, except he had a huge smile.

I got to admit they were really cute.

"Hello I'm Jessica, but feel free to call me Jess." I said shacking their hand man they all had muscle.

"Hello just so your wondering Me and Sunny here are twins" said Blake.

"I kind of guessed that already" I said, " well I should start to get ready or they will get mad if I am not ready."

" Okay good luck" said Mikaela

"KK" I said

I started to get everything ready to perform. I got all the microphones ready. I was just waiting for the rest of the band. Finally they came and suggested 'Airplanes' by B.O.B Ft. Haley Williams. I announced to the crowed to enjoy and we started to play none stop for 9 songs and my voice was getting tried and it was finally time to finish. We packed everything and said our good byes. Then I walked up to my friends.

"Hello again" I said smiling

"Jess you were amazing where did you learn to sing like that?" said Sam

"Lots of practice I guess" I said like it was no big deal

"You don't sound excited that your good at this" said Blake

" My parents family think that music is worthless and singers only think of themselves" I said

"But you don't think that do you?" said Mikaela

"no" I said, "hey you guys want apples I get them for free here and they are really fresh."

"sure" everybody said at the same time

We just looked at each other and started laughing. I left to get the apples.

Mikaela (POV)

When she left Sam and I looked at sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Bumblebee.

"can you guys even eat?" I asked

"Ratchet made our holoforms so that when we eat human food our bodies turn it to eregon" said Bumblebee.

"That's cool" said Sam

I saw Jessica coming with the apples and told everybody to shut up. What surprised me she came in juggling the apples. She didn't stop until she came to our table and caught all six apples which looked really hard to do.

"Tada" said Jessica with a bow.

"Girl you surprise every time, what can't you do?" I said

"Get a boyfriend" she said playfully

"You could if you try" I said

She just shrugged.

"Hey Jess" I said

"What?" she answered

"remember how we used to tell if you're a good kisser by just biting an apple?" I asked

She answered me by moving her eyes to the direction of the four boys. I looked over there and I was waiting for them to eat the apples. Sunstreaker bit the apple first, he took a big bite of it which meant he is a good kisser. We looked at Bumblebee and Sideswipe and the same thing big bites. We looked at Sam and he was taking small bites. That's when Jessica and I started laughing until we had tears in our eyes.

"What is wrong with you?" said Sam

"Sorry Sam, but I'm not telling you" said Jessica. Sam looked at me and I shook my head no.

"Come tell us" said Sideswipe

"Fine" said Jessica, "When can tell if you're a good kisser by how you bite the apple.

The boys looked embarrassed now.

"So how did we do?" said Sunstreaker

"Jake, Blake, Brad good job" said Jessica a little timid

"How about me?" asked Sam

Jessica and I just burst out laughing and the boys also started laughing.

"Sorry Sam you have some work to do" said Jessica

" Jessica you are a weird girl" said Sam

"Looks like you rubbed some of you on me" said Jessica


This girl is funny and talented. She is great I'm glad I came along to this place. I was getting bored at the base. This is the must fun I had in a long time.

"Hey guys it's getting late I should get going" said Jessica

"Come on can't you stay a little longer" I said

"Nope I have to walk home" she said

"You are not walking it is getting dark outside" said Mikaela

"Sorry but I'm walking" said Jessica

"No your not"

"Yes I am"

"Girls stop arguing I'll drive you home Jessica" I said

"You don't have to" She said

"I want to" I said

"Ok I owe you one then" she said

"Come on let's go" I said pulling her wrist

We got outside and her jaw dropped open. I just laughed at her expression. My alt form is red Lamborghini, Which most people find cool.

"This is your car?" she asked

"Yup" I said smiling

"This is awesome Blake" she said

"Well would you rather stand out there or get in" I said opening the passenger side.

She got in and I could tell she was enjoying it a lot. I got in the car she told me her directions and we were off.

"So Blake how's life" she asked

"Great" I said chuckling

"What's so funny" she asked



"Yeah you"

"Well okay then"

"So Jessica what do you like to do" I asked

"I like to play music and pull pranks on people" She said

"You pull pranks that's awesome, I do to"

"Well maybe we can meet some time and pull a prank an Sam" Said Jessica

"That will be great" I said

We pulled up to her house and I turned off the car.

"So see you later?" she said

"Yeah see you later" I said

Before she got out of the car she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she got out and went inside.

"Dude you fell happy" said Sunstreaker though the bond

This girl gave me a kiss on the cheek of course I'm happy" I said

"Well don't get to close to this girl"

The thing is I might be doing that.