Hey guys. You're probably wondering why I haven't updated this story (and my other stories) in so long…

The truth is… I'm discontinuing this story.

Please don't hunt me down and murder me. Well, you can if you want, I can't stop you.

I just have no more ideas for this story. I have no idea where it's going. I've thought about the plot line in the time that I haven't updated, and I've just decided, I can no longer write for this story in particular.

Thank you for the reviews, and the love. Thank you to those who have followed this story from the beginning, right until this very message.

I love all of you (cheesy moment).

I think HTTYD is just fading away from me. I no longer feel the same excitement I used to feel when writing and watching it…

It will always remain in my heart as such an amazing movie with lovable characters and I will always love Hiccup to death. It will always be in my top ten movies.


WannabeViking. Much love.

Btw, I'll probably change my name, just saying.