Chapter 1 – Your mumma's dog

*Sigh* Back to chapter one again. Well…I'm back with the sequel. It will be WAY better then the first, I promise. If it's not you can shoot me, *hands out guns.* If you haven't read the first story, go to 'Someone's got a case of the Hiccups', read all 27 chapters then come back. Its set about a month after the last story…here we go.

Remember my old friend, NinjahRose? She's writing my author's notes again.

This time I've kidnapped Snotlout.

(Hiccup's POV)

"Do you miss her?" Fishlegs asked, while picking at loose wood on the table.

"Yes," I frowned.

"What was she like?"

"Look, Legs, can we please talk about something else," I snapped.

"That's what you always say!" Tuffnut exclaimed.

"Yeah, well I just don't want to talk about it okay," I bit my lip.

"Guys, just leave him alone," Ruffnut put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"What's with Astrid? She looks mad," Tuffnut gestured toward Astrid, who was violently stabbing the table she with sitting at with a dagger.

"She's just pissed off because Hiccup won't accept her apology," Ruffnut laughed.

As soon as I got back, Astrid swarmed me with apologies and offers. I just had to refuse, I couldn't disappoint Alura. It was more than likely I would never see her again but I couldn't go back to Astrid just because she was out of the picture.

"Hiccup, it's time to go home," Dad said, after opening the Meade hall doors. I couldn't go anywhere without his permission any more. He told me, "I've already lost your leg; I'm not losing the rest of you."

"Coming," I gave a frustrated sigh, "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye Hiccup!"

"See you!"

"Yeah..." I have a tiny wave as I excited the building. I could feel Astrid staring at me but I took no notice.

"Hiccup, I've been meaning to talk to you," Dad put his hand on my back as we walked.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"You've been ignoring Astrid, why?"

"Oh, umm... I kind of met someone else..." I sucked in a sharp breath.

"You're not with Ruffnut are you?" He asked.

"What? No!"

"Good, I think she's a bad influence. Who is the lucky girl?"

"Well... Dad... you remember when I was gone for a while... don't you?"

"Yes, you never explained why."

"Well... You might think I'm crazy but I woke up in a very different place to Berk."

"You mean another island?"

"Sort of..."

"Well, don't leave me hanging boy! Give me details," He boomed and punched my arm. I rubbed it while thinking about the bruise that was going to be there later.

"It was more... advanced. I don't really know, Ally didn't tell me much..."


"That's the girl I met..."

"Good on you boy! She sounds like such a Viking!" He punched me again.

"I wish..." I whispered , to low for him to hear while thinking about what it would be like if she was here.

A/N -

NinjahRose – Whoa... Whoa..., what... what just happened.

Snotlout – I don't know, I think it's a sequel. ;)

NinjahRose – Why the hell are you here? And what just happened to your face?

Snotlout – I winked.

NinjahRose – Well... it was creepy.

Snotlout – Your mum's creepy.

NinjahRose – Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. *Ninjah slap* Get out of my sight.

Astrid – Haha! Nice one NinjahRose! *Holds up hand for hi-5*

NinjahRose - *stares at hand for long period of time* … *Ninjah slap*

Snotlout – *gets up from floor* Viking does not own HTTYD.

Well... the first chapter is done. Imma go sleep now.