Hey Guys, this is an Alec / Magnus FanFiction

It's rated M for swearing and future smut.

Magnus falls for the new kid the first moment he sees him. Will the new kid feel the same? First FanFic, I will try my best at side pairings. M/A, J/C, I/S. R&R.

This chapter is just sort of an introduction, next chapter will be longer. Maybe.

Lots of Love,


Alec Lightwood hated his life. He wasn't exactly emo really, but his life sure as hell wasn't peaches and cream. He hated the fact that his sister was so much more confident than him, he hated that he had no friends outside of his family, he hated how he had to up and move senior year, he hated knowing that the person he was very much in love with was never going to love him back, and he absolutely, positively hated that he was gay.

As he walked up to the gates of Idris Public High School he knew that this place was not going to help. Isabelle and Jace were walking a few strides in front of him, a fact he was glad of. They had a habit of attracting attention as soon as they walked into a room, and so Alec gladly lagged behind. Even if his sister and adopted brother weren't wonderfully gorgeous, the Lightwood name alone would give them the spotlight they both so desperately longed for. Most people weren't even aware that there was a third Lightwood child, especially not that he was a shy, awkward, closeted gay with emo kid hair and sunlight deprivation.

Jace turned and called to him, kindly, and brotherly like he should. But no matter the tone, Alec still got a little excited every time Jace said his name. He's your brother.He repeated in his mind. Your brother. He hung his head lower and pretended not to hear him. He only had to be at this school for a little under a year; he could survive under the radar for that long. Act standoffish, don't make waves, and just don't get noticed.

He watched as his siblings walked in the main doors of the school, opening the double doors at the same time. He watched as every eye turned on them, some in shock, most in awe, a few in lust. Just as always. He didn't understand it, he didn't think he would ever want attention, and was glad when his siblings could steal it away from him. Without a glance back at him, the two popular Lightwoods strode into the building, smiling at the onlookers as if stars smiling for the paparazzi.

As he followed behind, hands in the pockets of his black hoodie, he didn't notice one pair of eyes following him, not his siblings. A pair of bright green eyes, following him like a cat watches its prey.

Magnus Bane loved his life. He loved being popular, he loved being colourful, he loved his job, he loved his two best friends, and he loved being so hot. Well, not so much being hot, as being able to work what he had so that every eye was on him. He didn't really care if they were looking with admiration, love, hate, disgust or a weird combo of all 4, as long as they looked.

He blew a kiss at the mirror hung in his locker and smiled. He looked fabulous. Raven hair up in spikes that could kill, black eyeliner coming about an inch off his eyes, purple eye shadow, blood red lips and glitter. Glitter everywhere. His clothes were just as colourful, if not more. Black leather pants that left little to the imagination, a highlighter pink t-shirt, purple mesh fingerless gloves and wonderful snakeskin shoes.

"Magnus!" A whiny female voice said from the other side of his locker door.

"Yes Camille?" He said trying to look like he wasn't guilty of zoning out as he closed the door.

"Were you even listening to me?" She said, stamping her 4 inch stiletto in anger.

"Sweetie, this is Mag we're talking about. You know if he's near a mirror he wouldn't be listening even if Adam Lambert came up to serenade him." Ragnor said, his done up eyes not straying from the entry to the hall. I don't know, maybe, depending on the song, Magnus thought, picturing Adam singing to him in the dreary looking halls.

"Well, as I was saying, the Lightwood kids are starting here today." She said.

"The who?" Magnus asked, raising his perfectly sculpted eyebrows.

"The children of Mayrse and Robert Lightwood," Magnus still looked blank, "The ones that own that huge software company?"

"I'm just impressed you know what software is." He said smirking at his female bestie. She looked like she wanted to poke out her tongue, but Magnus new she would never resort to doing anything that unattractive.

"Hey, I wouldn't know who they were if that Jonathan weren't gorgeous." She said, receiving a little high five from Ragnor.

"She speaks truth honey. And his sister's not that bad either." Ragnor stated.

That was when they walked in, two teens, probably juniors. They were both perfect, the girl was tall with dark hair and perfectly tanned, barely covered skin and the boy was a little shorter, very blonde and very buff. Looking at the girl's thin waist and long legs Magnus smiled a little, thinking to himself that Camille might have some competition for hottest girl this year. The boy (Jonathan?) was smiling a winning smile at all the girls, who Magnus could see physically falling in love with him. Not my type Magnus thought as the boy winked at Camille. I don't like blondes. He also had a thing for little imperfections, and this boy seemed like he didn't know the meaning of the world.

Then suddenly he saw the most gorgeous boy he had ever seen. He wasn't projecting confidence or perfection like blondie boy but everything about him made every bit more perfect. He was about 6 foot tall with raven black hair in an emo style that covered his right eye, and big baby blues staring very hard at his shoes. He was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie, the one little thing Magnus would want to change. Nothing against black, but if he could see that boy in a red or a blue, oh, just oh. A new obsession, a new crush.

Hello new boy.

So what do you think?

Should I keep going?

R&R People.

