Author's Note: I cried when I was writing this! I love this story so much, and I had such a great time writing it! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. There is something else in the works… More on that later… I'd suggest adding me to your alerts if you're interested though ;). Enjoy the last chapter!

Author's Note (UPDATE): The sequel for Easy A is up! I feel cheap for doing this because it'll notify you all again, but I thought I'd let you guys know! It's called "I Don't Even Know Why I'm Writing You" and you can find it on my profile!

Congratulations to all of you for making it through your last year of high school. Instead of giving you a final, I have something much more important for you to do. Each year, two students are given the task of writing a speech for graduation, reflecting their high school years. For your final, I want you to write your speech for graduation on the last entry of your journal. I hope you all have wonderful lives and take what you've learned here with you through them.

Miss. Brown.

Entry 50

High school is a place where only the strong survive. The weak are pushed into lockers, thrown into trash cans, and terrorized by bullies through these four years, counting down the days until it's finally over. I use to be one of them. I was bullied all through my first three years of high school. I was even elected junior prom queen as a cruel joke. But, the night that happened, I changed.

I realized that night that people were going to always be cruel and try and push you around unless you tried to do something. Unless I tried to make them see. So, I waltzed up on stage and took it in stride, laughing with them so they couldn't get the satisfaction of laughing at me. That's what high school is all about.

High school is about learning to not take yourself so seriously! You spend almost all of high school trying to prove that you're grown up and that you want to be taken seriously, only to discover that if you try that hard, you come off as fake and put a target on your back.

I was in glee club for the three years that it was around when I was in high school, and it was one of the best experiences that I'll probably ever have. It taught me another important thing. Sometimes, you have to put yourself out there, even if the criticism might be bad. Glee club was a melting pot of everyone in the school, from jocks to dorks, we were all there. It was one of the only true places where people really were themselves. It was a place where football players and nerds actually became friends! That's impressive for high schoolers, but I'm sure you know that. And, every time we went to perform, we poured our hearts and souls into the music, bringing it to life. And, most of the time, we were booed off the stage, or had rabid animals thrown at us. You don't even know how many rabies shots I've had to get from being in New Directions. But, we learned to not let it bother us, because we knew that what we were doing was special and beautiful and so amazing that they just couldn't understand it.

Finally, I learned one other big thing in high school, and that's to forgive and forget. A good friend of mine, Dave Karofsky, had bullied me so much my junior year that I transferred schools. Now, I can say that he is easily one of my best friends, and is one of the people I'll miss the most from this school. Do we always see eye to eye? Uh, no. He loves Skillet, and I love Barbra Streisand. But, it's our differences that make us such good friends and make everything easier. I wouldn't have had him as such a good friend if I'd never given him a second chance.

So, as we leave this place and go scattered across the world in search of our purpose and where we fit into this crazy universe, I just hope that all of my fellow classmates remember everything that happened here, the good and the bad, and learn from it. I know that I really did.

Kurt Hummel.

High school had been a breeze for me at first. I mean, I was a jock, the big guy on campus. I didn't need to study because teachers would pass me since I was on the football team. I didn't need to be worried about being popular since I was a stud. I mean, I was the prom king my junior year, and I didn't even want to run. It was a breeze, sure, but it was all fake.

I spent my first three years of high school faking my way through it, staying the jock, the bully, so I could be cool and not have to worry about being judged. I became a great actor when I put on my mask every morning and turned into someone I'm not for the purposes of staying at the top of the ladder. I beat people up and called them names that I wish didn't even exist, all for my own selfish purposes.

What I learned from high school is that I don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to be one of those people who steps on people on their way up the ladder and doesn't think there will be consequences. I don't want to make fun of people for being who they are anymore, since the whole reason I did that was because I knew people would do the same thing to me.

I don't want to be the jock stud anymore. Luckily, I won't have to be. There aren't guys like I was in the real world, because the world hammers them out or they realize that what they're doing is bullshit and clean up there act. I'm not going to let myself be hammered out by the world, so I'm going to pull my shit together instead, starting with my graduation. This is a time for me to remake myself, and I'm not going to mess it up.

Dave Karofsky.

There is one major thing I learned from high school, and it's something I've told people as advice. Throughout my high school career, I was constantly changing schools, William McKinley was my third. The first time I changed schools was because I was being bullied for who I was. Then I transferred to Dalton Academy, where there's a zero tolerance policy on bullying, and thought all of my problems were solved.

Well, one day, this angel faced kid came wandering through our halls like a lost puppy, and that's when I met my best friend in the whole world. He was facing a similar problem to what I faced at my school, and I told him just to take courage.

If I am to take anything from high school, that would be it. Courage. The world is a mean place, and people will constantly be riding you, wanting you to change for them, but you have to have the courage to stay true to yourself and to pursue your version of happiness, not someone else's.

Blaine Anderson.

High school is all a popularity contest. This is something that everyone with half a brain knows, but sometimes it's cooler to be the person who isn't cool. The people who aren't popular in high school are the ones who make it, because they aren't use to getting their way and just having people like them. They learn hard work and how to deal with criticism. That's what high school taught me.

Glee club taught me something else. It taught me how to shine. I mean, I knew how to shine anyways, but it taught me how to truly sparkle without being someone else, someone I'm not. It showed me that I won't have to get a nose job or dress like a skank to get noticed, because I already shine so bright that you'd have to be blind to not notice me.

Rachel Berry *insert star here*

I was single for the entire four years of high school. I chased guys who would never be interested in me, just because for once I wanted to have someone tell me I was beautiful and to love me. Well, what I learned through that is that no one will love me until I love myself.

I learned that I can be independent, that I don't need a man to make me happy. If I love myself and take care of myself, a man will definitely follow. People can sense that confidence.

Mercedes Jones.

I learned from high school that being disabled doesn't mean you can't be whoever you want to be. It just means that you have to try harder, and you will, if it's something you really want.

Artie Abrams.

I learned from high school that being prom queen isn't everything. One day, no one will even remember who was prom queen. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and the ones who love you.

Quinn Fabray.

I learned from high school that it is totally possible to sing and be on football. Who knew, right?

Finn Hudson.

I learned from high school that you shouldn't fake something, like a stutter, just to hide yourself.

Tina Cohen-Chang.

I learned from high school that it's ok to be in glee club and not be able to sing! They'll still like you anyways.

Mike Chang.

I learned from high school that if you're always brutally honest to people, they'll hate you. Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut. Then, when you have a big secret to tell them, they won't judge you as harshly.

Santana Lopez.

I learned from high school that your friends will always have your back, even when times get rough.

Sam Evans.

I learned that you shouldn't rinse your teeth with Dr. Pepper. It turns out that he isn't a dentist.

Brittany S. Pierce.

I learned from high school that sometimes you have to man up and take responsibility for your actions. Sometimes it isn't cool to just be the badass.

Noah Puckerman.

I learned from high school that I am way better than all of these losers and that Imma be famous one day.

Lauren Zizes.

Dear Kurt,

I want you to know that it was a pleasure having you in my class. Your enthusiasm was such a taste of fresh air compared to the zombies I normally teach. I cannot wait to see your Broadway career bud and all of the amazing things you will do. In this letter is a check for 2,500 dollars and a copy of your journal assignments from my class. I want you to use the money for whatever you might need for college, like books. I know it isn't much, but it's all I can give you on my teacher's salary. The journal is for you to keep, as a reminder of everything that happened this year. I know you want to leave this all behind you, but one day, you'll want to look back. If you ever need me, you have my phone number, and my address is on this letter.

Miss. Brown.

Dear Dave,

I know at first you hated my class and my assignment, but I can tell that by the end of the year you changed your mind. I just wish you the best of luck as you continue your education, and become a pastor. Also, good luck on your romantic life with Walt, if that happens of course. Attached to this letter is a check for 2,500 dollars and a copy of your journal from my class. Use the money however you see fit, hopefully it'll at least get you books for school. The journal shows a huge change in your life Dave. Don't lose it. It'll be a reminder of who you were, of that old Karofsky that you left behind. Keep him sealed in that book Dave. If you ever need me, you have my number, and my address is on this letter.

Miss. Brown.