Hi, this is the first fanfic i have ever written so please be nice! I've kinda been Fanfic mad lately and thought I would try writing my own one. Now, i've had the idea of Kurt meeting Blaine for the first time in my head for a while now, and how he felt when he first laid eyes on Blaine and how he ended up at Dalton so i thought i'd give it a go. If you don't like it fair enough.. but.. yeah.. i hope you enjoy this short chapter.

Also. Glee is not mine. I do not own any of the characters, as much as i would LOVE to be apart of that. Unfortunately, i'm not. All of the chacrters are from the show and belong to Ryan Murphy and the Glee cast.

Chapter 1: For The First Time.

Kurt had just about had enough of all the boys in Glee. He knew they where his friends, and he knew deep down inside that they did care about him, but the gay jokes and comments where getting to him and he'd just about had it. All he was trying to do was help them win when competing against the girls in this opposite's challenge, but they didn't like his choice of song or outfits. He was just trying to help! Then Artie's comment about it being normal for him to dress up in dresses and feather boa's and then Puck's comment about going to spy on the 'gay' Warblers pushed him over the edge.

So he picked up it his chart and left. Leaving the boys with shocked, confused faces. Kurt was furious.

Being the only openly gay teenager at a school like Mckinley in small town Ohio was hard, and Kurt had always known that. He knew his life wasn't going to be easy. And normally he just brushed it off, being the bigger person and all. But when the comments where coming from people he considered to be his friends, it did make him feel worse about himself and the words harder to hear. He'd always had issues with Karofsky and the rest of the football team, they had been bullying him because he was different for as long as he can remember. Thinking back he can't really remember a time when he wasn't picked on for being different and overly feminine.
Kurt had always known that he was different to all the other boys, knowing this didn't bring him down or make him feel ashamed. It made Kurt feel stronger. He realised that being different was who he was and at the end of the day, it would be the reason he would get out of this ridiculous town called Ohio.

After walking out of the classroom Kurt had had enough of these halls, just this school in general. So, he decided to take Puck's advice and take a drive down to Dalton and check out the competition . Kurt got into his car and thought about the few lessons he would be missing, he hated skipping school but right now he really wasn't in the right frame of mind to sit through lessons that bored him and taught him nothing. The drive down to Westerville would take about two, maybe two and half hours depending on traffic. Glancing down at the clock that said it was half 10 he should be there by 1, so a quick sneak at the competition and he should get back in time for Glee class at the end of the day.

The ride down put Kurt in a better frame of mind, he'd spent the whole journey with the stereo blaring and his fingers tapping on the steering wheel, while singing along to his favorite songs on a mixed CD he made himself. The CD had songs such as Defying Gravity, and a mixture of Disney songs and a few from his favorite musicals such as Rent and The Sound of Music.

There was no traffic so he made it to Dalton by 1 easy.

When Kurt pulled up outside the posh all boys school he couldn't quite believe his eyes. From the outside it just looked like some posh hotel. There where no signs, that he could see, saying that it was a school, no logo or school crest anywhere. He didn't even see a single student. He stayed sat in his car for a while trying to come up with a few reasons and excuses for being there, after about twenty minutes he decided he would just use the 'new student' excuse and see where that got him. Another five minutes later and Kurt turned of the stereo, stepped out of the Navigator grabbed his bag and walked up the giant wooden doors that was the entrance to this unseen world of the Dalton Warblers.

Inside the halls of Dalton and Kurt couldn't believe his eyes. The place was so posh and so stylish with its marble floors, high ceilings. Expensive paintings and portraits hanging on every wall with glistening, glass chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings. He tried to compare this place to Mckinley. He couldn't. There was nothing to compare. He was instantly jealous of everyone that went here, he'd kill to go to a school as sophisticated as this.

He was currently alone walking the halls, just looking around and then suddenly the halls filled with boys all dressed in navy blazers with red piping, ties and smart black trousers. He looked down at his own clothes and couldn't help but feel like he stood out. He then started to panic. What if they notice? Would a transfer have their uniform yet? All these thoughts about being caught spying where flying around in his head while he just kept on walking, he'd thought about stopping one of the boys passing bye to find out what was going on but he didn't want to draw any more attention to himself. Finally after a few minutes he decided he wouldn't get anywhere if he just wondered around aimlessly. He was here for a reason.

As Kurt was near the bottom of the stairs a rather short boy with black curly hair passed him and before Kurt could could think twice he said "Excuse me, can i ask you a question? I'm new here." and to Kurt's surprise the boy turned around and just stared at him. The moment was slightly awkward as they both just stood there looking at each other, but Kurt just couldn't get over how beautiful this boy looked with his hair gelled just so and those beautiful eyes searching his face to find out what he was after, and that gorgeous almost smile that was playing at the boys lips as he stood there looking ever so slightly confused. Kurt could help but laugh internally at the look on the beautiful boys face.

Kurt didn't know if this boy was straight or gay, how old he was or even his name, but there was something about this boy that made Kurt's heart skip a beat and his brain turn into nothing but incoherent sentences. Kurt just stood there staring at this beautiful boy realising that this boy was going to either make or break him and Kurt couldn't help but smile as he realised he really didn't care. He didn't care what happened, whether it was nothing or something, as long as he got to spend time with this gorgeous angel.

A second later and the boy just looked him straight in the eye, stuck out his hand and said "My name's Blaine." Kurt reached out to take the boys, Blaine's hand and couldn't get over how gorgeous this boy was and how soft his skin was to touch. A thousand thoughts where going through Kurt's head but the one that screamed the loudest? 'Please say he's gay.' Blaine was looking at him as if he was in deep thought himself. He had a slight smile on his face, it kind of seemed to Kurt that maybe he knew? Maybe he knew that he wasn't new here, but Kurt really didn't care. A second past and Kurt finally brought himself back to reality and managed to tell Blaine his name. "Kurt." he breathed with a smile, they'd just lowered there hands when he asked "So what exactly is going on here?" Kurt couldn't take his eyes of off his beautiful face and his lips as Blaine responded. "The Warblers. Every so often they throw an impromptu performance in the Senior Commons, it tends to shut the school down." Kurt was momentarily distracted by this, he thought he'd actually said that glee club was, was cool? "So wait. Glee club here is kinda cool?" Kurt couldn't believe it! Why hadn't he heard about this place sooner, Glee club is seen as cool and it's home to one of the most gorgeous boys he'd ever seen! He wished he had the option to attend this school that was turning out to be amazing.

Interrupting Kurt's thought's Blaine said. "The Warblers are kinda like rock stars!" Kurt noticed a smile playing on his lips and a, there really was no other way to describe it other then a sparkle in the other boys eyes as he finished his sentence and grabbed his hand "Come on. I know a short cut." Kurt really couldn't believe it when Blaine reached out, grabbed his hand and pulled him down a magnificent empty hallway. Well, he assumed the hallway was magnificent, it seemed fitting with the rest of the school. Kurt was still trying to get his mind to form sentences that made sense and to calm his breathing before Blaine noticed and thought of him as a freak. Kurt just wasn't expecting him to grab his hand considering they'd only just met and didn't know each other at all. He loved the touch of Blaine skin in his and the feeling of his Dalton blazer as it brushed back and forth across his wrist as they ran.
For those few minutes Kurt felt like he was flying..