The Angels

Disclaimer: I am forced to admit that Criminal Minds doesn't belong to me, damn it. It's CBS.

Summary: Emily, JJ and Garcia are private investigators who work for Jason Gideon's firm The Angels. What happens when they are forced to face off with an angry ex-Angel?

Timeline: No set timeline but after "100" and there was no Doyle drama, Seaver's doesn't exist.

A/N: This came to me after re-watching Charlies' Angels 2.

Marshall B. Rosenberg said "At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled."

"Good morning Angels." Gideon voiced said from the phone.

"Good morning, Gideon." Emily, JJ and Garcia said.

"Angels the newest case we have on our docket is this." Gideon said as Reid and Kevin turned the tv screen on "Erin Strauss, she has been hiring contract killers to wipe out her rivals for a flash drive."

"What's on the flash drive?" Emily asked looking at the document in her hand.

"Names and various bank accounts to several high ranking government officials that have been blackmailed." Gideon said.

"Any idea on the assassins for hire?" JJ asked looking at the photo of Strauss.

"We know one, George Foyet." Reid contributed "He is wanted in London, Prague and Australia for murder."

"Why hasn't he been caught?" Garcia asked.

"He always seems to get away before the authorities can catch him." Kevin said.

"Foyet likes to stay in very expensive hotels and purchase high end escorts." Gideon said.

Emily, JJ and Garcia each looked at each other than the photo of Foyet and shuddered.

"Most specifically brunettes." Gideon said. "So you know what that means..."

Reid, JJ, Garcia and Kevin's eyes all land on Emily.

"Oh this is going to suck." Emily said "So who wants to tell Hotch?"

They all got silent at that.

"Oh come on." Emily said "If I have to flirt with that, than one of you is going to tell Hotch."

Emily looked at the group and said "Cowards."

"Back to the business at hand." Gideon voice said "Angels, go to Foyet's hotel. I'm sure that one of Strauss contract assassins will try and get him."

JJ and Garcia nodded and said "Thanks Gideon."

"Yea, thanks alot." Emily added sarcastically staring at Foyet's picture.

The door to the agency opened and in walked the agencies other investigators Hotch, Dave and Morgan.

Kevin went over to sit by his girlfriend Garcia, while Hotch and Dave headed for Emily and JJ.

"So which case did you guys get?" Dave asked kissing JJ's cheek.

"Strauss." Emily said "Finding one of her hired assassins, George Foyet."

"Really?" Hotch asked wrapping his arm around Emily.

"Foyet has a thing for brunette escorts. Emily's going to be the one to get close to him." Reid said earning a glare from Emily, JJ and Garcia.

"What?" Hotch asked looking horrified.

"Don't give me that look." Emily said "We both do this job."

"But..." Hotch said.

"I've been taking care of myself for a long time and I can do this job." Emily said.

"Alright." Hotch finally agreed "But be careful."

Garcia and JJ sat in the hotel bar and got from the bartender Foyet's room number while Emily walked towards the elevators.

Emily spotted Foyet leaving with a thin brunette, and rubbed her lips with her hand whispering in the mic, "Foyet leaving with a brunette, at 12 o'clock."

JJ and Garcia's head popped up and eyes went wide.

"Make sure to get to the woman before Foyet can pull anything." JJ said.

"You hear that Emily?" Garcia said and saw Emily nod her head.

"You want us to call Hotch, Morgan and Dave for back up?" Reid said over the mic watching the drama from live feed that Kevin hacked in.

All three girls shook their heads and Emily glared at the camera while following Foyet down the hall.

JJ and Garcia get up and follow their friend ignoring the roaming eyes of men.

Emily waited until she spotted Foyet and the woman entering the elevator and saw it went up to the second floor.

Emily ran up the two flights of stairs not getting out breath and hid behind the stairwell next to Foyet's room.

Seeing the elevator door open, Emily heard the woman giggle at something Foyet said.

"Oh you are too cute." the brunette said.

"Well, I aim to please." Foyet replied.

'Ugh, poor girl.' Emily thought 'Don't got a clue your about to kiss the big bad wolf.'

Emily heard Foyet whisper in the woman's ear and heard their door close.

"Ok," Emily whispered "I'm going to break in and..."

JJ and Garcia heard shouting and the sound of a gun firing.

"Emily?" Reid said "JJ, Garcia what happened?"

JJ and Garcia ran out of the elevator and walked over to Foyet's door.

"Oh my god." Garcia said.

"Spence." JJ said "Call the guys and the police."

"What happened?" Kevin said trying to hack the hallway cameras only to getting a blocked signal.

"Is Emily alright?" Reid asked send a mass text to Hotch, Dave and Morgan.

"Foyet's dead." Emily said and saw that the window was opened with climbing equipment hanging from the balcony.

To Be Continued...