Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! For the impossible has become possible! Thank you for being so patient with me for so long. :D My break has been impossibly long but finally it is here!

And for extras: this chapter is the longest I have ever written in this story: a full 2654 words long!

I would also like to thank igeisha, Anaiese Von Claire and Zana Charleston fo their encouraging reviews. Thanks you guys, you really lifted my spirits. ^^

Saa, Let the show begin!

Disclaimer: Look at my hand: it's empty. Now I'm going to magic the rights to Detective Conan and Magic Kaito in my hand. *Poof* Ooh lookie here, it's still empty. I guess that means I don't own them. Yet. :)

A sprinkle of Magic

A flash of white cloth. A shadow appeared in the smoke. "Ladies and gentlemen!"

"Kaitou Kid?!" Hattori yells. "What!?" in unison by the girls. Shinichi is just sitting on his bed with an are-you-kidding-me-look.

"I have a few entertaining tricks for you today!" The voice continues.

Then the door briskly slides open. "Oh no you don't!" A girl yells. There's a loud thump and an "Aw! That hurt Ahoko!" "Well you better clear up this smoke or there's gonna be lots of more pain, Bakaito! This is a hospital!" "It's perfectly harmless!" "But I'm not." "Is that supposed to be a threat?" *Whack* "Ow!" "You tell me, buster."

Everybody just follows the conversation utterly confused.

There's a flash of light and when they open their eyes again, the smoke is gone and there are two teens in a high school uniform of another school. The girl is holding a mop and the boy…

"Heya!" He grinned. "Kudo!?" "Shinichi!" Ran looked at the Shinichi in the bed who shook his head. "Does he really look like Shinichi-niisan?" He asks slipping into semi-Conan-mode: acting like a kid but with normal speech patterns.

"Excuse us please. I'm Nakamori Aoko and this baka here is Kuroba Kaito. He wanted to visit the little kid and I'm accompanying him to keep him in control."

"But just now" Kazuha manages to utter. "Kaitou Kid was here. I saw him!"

"Nope." Kaito grins and pulls out a white handkerchief. "What you saw was this and my awesome voice imitating." *Thump* "Ow!" "Quit it. I said no magic for at least two weeks."

Kaito's eyes become as wide as saucers. "You meant that? I thought you were joking." "No way I didn't mean that." Kaito recoils from her in horror. "After all you did, it's the least I can -" "You have no right to deny me my magic! It's my flesh and blood! I can't live without it!" "Well you're gonna have to do it, Mister!"

"Ehm, Kudo, who're these guys?" Hattori asked, temporarily ignoring the bickering teens behind him.

"I met them at a Kaitou Kid heist. She's the daughter of the inspector responsible for the Taskforce. I'm sure you've met Nakamori-keibu at least once. Kuroba is her childhood friend, very adept at magic tricks. I met them as Conan. Hear me Hattori? Conan!" Shinichi says stressing 'Conan'. "Yeah yeah I got it, easy."

"You have no idea how many times he almost blew my cover by calling me Kudo." He says to Ran.

"Say do these two remind you of somebody?" Ran asks him. "Yeah they bicker just as much as these two." "I'd say they look as you two, Ran-chan." "Yeah that Kuroba kid looks just like yeh. Except tha hair."

"I look like who?" Kaito pops in. "Like Kudo Shinichi, a friend of ours." Kazuha says quickly. "Oh Tantei-kun? Haven't seen him in a while." "Don't you go ignoring me, Kaito!" "Get off my back Aoko!"

"What's this yelling inside? Keep it down you brats!" The door slid open and in came Kogorou. "What's happening in… here…" he trails away when he sees the Shinichi and Ran duplicates.

"Yo!" Kaito cheerily greets.

"What in the name of-" "Dad, these are friends of Conan. Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko."

This seems to ease the Mouri. "Nakamori? Ginzo's daughter?" "Hai, oji-san." "And you're Kuroba? Like the magician?" "He was my father." Mouri grunted in response.

"Anyway, I came here to pick up my daughter." "What? Why?" "There's a special assembly at your school. That's what your friend Suzuki said. You can't afford to miss it apparently. Besides the kid needs rest. We'll visit him again in the evening."

Ran glanced at Shinichi to see what he thought about it and he waved her away. "Go on, I'll be fine here. No need to worry." She offered him a small smile. "I'll be back in the evening." He gave her a smile of his own. "Say hello to Sonoko from me."

Her eyes widened. "You mean…" "Yeah, why not. I know you'd want to tell her, so go ahead. Sure is going to be funny when she gets here." She flashed him a smile and nodded.

"Thanks. Let's go, otou-san." "Hrm. I'm watching you kid." Mouri said as he exited the room.

"Hey, hey." Shinichi replied boredly.

Hattori stood up from his chair. "Well, Mouri-han's right. Ya need your rest. Let's go, Kazuha. We'll come back in tha evening with tha Mouris." "What? But we just got here." "And we still have to go shopping for souvenirs. Our 'rents barely let us go, so we better get them some."

Kazuha was about to protest again but met with a pointed look from Hattori. "I guess ya're right." She said reluctantly and pinned him with a look of her own which said: 'Ya better tell me everything once we're outside, buster.' Hattori gave her a barely noticeable nod, but that was enough for her.

"We'll be back in the evening, Conan-kun. Anything ya want us to bring ya?" "Some snacks would be nice. Hospital food is icky." 'Conan' replied. Feeling a bit unnerved now that she knew the truth, Kazuha just nodded.

"See ya squirt." Shinichi rolled his eyes at Hattori's antiques and waited for a bit until his steps had faded from the hall. He then leaned back on his pillow with his hands folded behind his head.

Kaito broke the silence. "So they don't know yet." "Nah, they know. What they don't know is that you know. And I'm going to keep it that way." "Why-ever so, tantei-chan? Weren't you tired of keeping secrets?" Shinichi frowned. "Don't call me chan." "Well you are an awfully small detective now so I'll call you so."

"Hold on, what is going on?" The two teen boys turned to the third occupant of the room. "Aoko! You were so quiet I almost forgot you were still here. That is rare." Kaito grinned.

"Spare me your wise-cracking and explain me what is going on. Because I now know for certain that that kid is not ordinary."

"Hey, I 'm perfectly ordinary." "No, you're not." Kaito snorted. "No, I guess not. You didn't tell her?" "She just barely let me go. I wasn't about to tell her who you were." "Pot calling kettle black." Shinichi muttered in his breath. "Oi."

"OI!" Aoko yelled. "I want an explanation and I want it now!"

"Jeez, Aoko, we're in a hospital. Stop yelling." Kaito proclaimed dramatically with his hands over his ears.

A second, that was all it took, and Kaito was pushed against the wall with Aoko holding him there by his collar and pointing her mop at him.

"Would you like me to whisper, Kuroba-kun?" Aoko's voice was now a deadly whisper barely heard by Shinichi but he could feel the venom dripping from every word she said. He shuddered.

"Woah take it easy, Aoko. I'll tell you everything." Kaito squeaked.

She glared, daring him to put another toe out of line and then let go, almost dropping Kaito on the floor but with his gymnastic grace he managed to stay on his feet.

"Now Tantei-chan, as you can see my friend Nakamori-san has a short fuse" Aoko glared at him again, causing him to stumble over his words. "s-so I would ap-preciate if you would keep your explanation short. Please?"

Shinichi sighed and addressed Aoko. "Firstly you should understand that what I'm about to say is meant to be a secret. Especially considering who Kuroba is." "I understand about the secret part but I don't get what you're talking about about Kaito." She looked tense and her grip on the mop tightened. Little kid or not, if he wanted to sell out Kaito, she wouldn't spare him.

"I'm not an enemy, Nakamori-san. And I stumbled on the identity of our elusive kaitou by accident." "Meaning I knocked him out and borrowed his identity." "Big mistake because that was the last puzzle piece I needed." "Not one of my brightest moments but it was that or get arrested by the police." "So you were nearly arrested!" "Yeah but I got out, Ahoko. Obviously." "Don't sass me mister! You haven't earned that privilege yet!" "Are you going to manage the rest of my life like this?!" "If it will keep you out of danger, I will!"

The two glared at each other and then turned away with a huff. Shinichi rolled with his eyes and coughed for attention. "So as I was saying, Nakamori-san" he continued when he got her attention. "I'm an ally of Kuroba-san and by extension of Kaitou Kid. I figured it out by myself and he has helped me with the syndicate." "So you're a victim of the syndicate too?" Aoko asked, relaxing because Kaito wasn't in danger. "Yes. You may not believe me, but I'm Kudo Shinichi, high school detective. I was poisoned by the syndicate when I caught one of their illegal transactions and reduced to this state."

Aoko stared at him wide-eyed and stepped a bit closer. "So you were shrunk by the poison? And they left you like that?" Now it was Shinichi's turn to be startled. "You don't seem all that surprised, Nakamori-san."

Aoko huffed at him. "Please, if you had to endure Bakaito as long as I have, you learn to expect the unexpected and accept it." "I share your pain." Shinichi solemnly nodded.

"But still it's kinda hard to think that you are as old as me. I know, you don't talk like a little kid and it's obviously you're not one, but it is kinda hard."

"Well maybe this can help." Shinichi heard himself saying, except he didn't say anything. Aoko whirled around in surprise and behind her stood Kudo Shinichi. Or better yet, Kaito who had flattened his hair and put on a Teitan Highschool uniform.

"Where'd you get that?" asked the chibi-Shinichi on the bed (aka the real one). "Oh, just a standard uniform in a trickster's arsenal." Kaito confided with a smile, before that smile was wiped off his face as Aoko hit him on the head with her broom;

"What did I say about doing magic?" she roared at him. "Maa, maa, Nakamori-san. Technically he wasn't even doing any magic." "Yeah, Aoko." Kaito added, safely (more or less) on the other side of the bed. "I just put on a Teitan uniform and fixed my hair to look like his. No magic or anything. We just look a bit like each other."

He made sure to stand behind Shinichi, who was still sitting on the bed, and that gave Aoko the opportunity to see the two close to each other. She stared at them for a long time, making the both of them very uncomfortable. Suddenly she reached over to Shinichi's hair and began fussing it up. Naturally Shinichi protested.

"Whoa! What? Ho hey! What are you doing, Nakamori-san?" "Just sit still, Kudo-kun." When she was done, she was looking at a mini-Kaito, hair sticking up in every direction. She resumed her staring, before she finally spoke again.

"You really do look like each other. But not completely: your eyes are different. Kaito's are blue, very blue. They're a bit dark but have a spark in them. Your eyes are blue too, Kudo-kun, and have a spark too, but they are a bit more violet and the spark is different." "That's fortunate I guess." Shinichi remarked while trying to return his hair to its usual state. "And your personalities are completely opposites." She added.

"Yes, Shin-chan is much too serious for his own good." Kaito said, back in his usual uniform and his regular hair. "He's way too serious during a case. One of the first signs that told me you were not and ordinary kid." "A murder is not something to have fun with, Kuroba." "Hey hey, I know that. But you could lighten up a bit when I'm having a heist at least." "Oh, I'm sorry. I was too busy uncovering one of your tricks again." "And what's the fun in that?"

"Enough!" Aoko yelled. "Honestly, you're like two kids." "Well, one of us is." "Oi!"

"Excuse me." A young nurse called from the door. "Edogawa-kun needs to rest. Can I ask you to end your visit soon?" "Of course, miss. We'll do as you say." In a flash of a second, Kaito was beside the nurse with a rose in his hand. "And might I say you look as lovely as this rose." "Oh my." The nurse giggled. "Kaito." Aoko's voice held a hint of danger. "Right. We'll be done soon." Kiato squeaked. The nurse left the room with a nod, still mesmerized.

"Right." Aoko announced. "We'll be leaving then for now. It was nice meeting you, Kudo-kun. Thank you for your help." "It was nice meeting you as well, Nakamori-san. And I guess it was nice meeting you in a more friendly environment, Kaitou Kid." Shinichi said eyeing Kaito who gave him a grin in return. "I wasn't half bad yesterday, ne?" "No, I guess not. Your help was appreciated. It's a pity Kid is going to disappear like that. He was interesting."

Kaito's grin became even larger. "Maybe, maybe not. *Whack* "You're not stealing anything anymore!" "Who said anything about stealing, Ahoko?! I was thinking about flying over rooftops, making trouble for the police-" "You are not to trouble the police! Do you know how many grey hairs my dad has because of you? I'm tired of him returning home late and-" She didn't notice in her rant how Kaito had steered her to the door into the hallway.

Before leaving himself he gave Shinichi a cheery wave and was about to close the door when Shinichi called him back sternly. "Wait Kuroba." "Yes, chibi-tantei?" "Give it back." "Give what back?" Kaito replied quizzically. "My voice-changer. Why do you even need it?" Kiato scowled. "Aww, can't I keep it? Please? Aoko doesn't allow me to do it myself. Says that it's magic too." "Kuroba Kaito, you will return that immediately!"

Pouting Kaito threw the voice-changer to Shinichi who caught it in the air.

"And now we have to go to your house to clean. When was the last time you tidied behind that portrait?" "It's not that messy in there. And why do you have the sudden desire to clean my house." "I called your mother and she said she would be here as quick as she could. Jii-san will pick her up." "You called my mom! What for?! You have gone too far, Aoko. I only fell some meters with my hang glider. No big deal." "While being shot at!" "It was no reason to worry my mum!" The door closed and Shinichi couldn't hear them as clearly anymore.

Shinichi sighed, put his voice-changer on the nightstand and flopped down on his bed. "He'll never understand the thrill when you solve a case that seems impossible." Then he turned over and tried to fall asleep. He would need his energy for later when Ran would come with Sonoko and the rest.

Now then I hope you're still with me and for all those who have joined this story: Welcome!

It has been tough but the story is finally able to move on! :D

Now for some small tidbit: Aoko's actions were largely influenced by the second chapter of another fanfic, namely 'Hypothetical Question' from katiesparks. Ever since I read that fanfic I was like: yes, that's how Aoko would react, that's totally what she would do. So go on check it out, it's a very funny one.

Be sure to check my profile for other stories!