Before you read this. Kushina is not the Second host of the Kyuubi its Naruto. This makes more sense in my opinion.

italics means the person is thinking...

Bold is a bijuu, demon or god talking...


My Name is Uzumaki Naruto!

After the Destruction of the Uzumaki clan

A red haired old man can be seen on the floor having a whirlpool insignia on his chest. Beside him lay thousand of bodies as you can see numbers of Rock and cloud ninja's and countless of bodies all carrying the same insignia as the old man dead. It can be seen as an overpowering force where one clan faced the wrath of two of the greatest nations and yet they stood strong.

As a crows fly down to feast on the dead men's flesh the old man can be seen looking at the sky, surprisingly he is smiled a bright smile like he just saw heaven.

"As I close my eyes today, I know from the way we fought we will rise again" spoke the man so confidently.

"This Kuni may sink but this is whirlpool, we Uzumaki will cause whirlpools in the heart of others. Our clan will rise again and cause havoc like a maelstrom yes a maelstrom...yes Naruto." Said the Man as his eyes closed. That man was the head of the Uzumaki clan. He and his clan died alone with no one around to help them even their allies Konoha never stood by their side. Yet you know Karma is a bitch and it has a child. The Destined child.

11 years after the Kyuubi attack

In the heavy rain within the rain village, right in the mountain range you can see 2 figures standing against one another. One is a man as he is clearly taller than the one opposite him whereas the other is a child. That man can be identified as Hanzo the salamander as you can identify him with the breathing mask he is always wearing. The one that is standing in front of him is a blond child wearing an anbu set of clothes the boy's face however has three whisker marks in both of his cheeks that boy is "Naruto Uzumaki".

"It would seem you passed the exam boy. I was right about you living up to my expectations" sighs Hanzo as he carries on "Alas I will start teaching you boy just like I promised". Said Hanzo looking at the boy with an intense stare as his golden eyes glow with vigour expecting him to respond and respond he did.

"People can trust in me and I will help them but I don't expect for them to help me" said Naruto maturely as his cold blue eyes look at Hanzo unflinching.

"Ohhhh and why is that boy" Said Hanzo impressed

"Because I promised myself that I won't rely on others but my own strength as it got me through more than anyone could" Said Naruto to Hanzo who without warning laughed outright.

"Where did you come from? All I saw was a little boy in a room of strong men applying for the exam to be my student. You and I boy are alike more than you know" Said Hanzo as he held his head high.

"Tomorrow at noon we will commence your training. Beware because I will attempt to kill you boy!" Said Hanzo.

"My name isn't boy its Uzumaki Naruto believe it" said Naruto with eyes so bright to Hanzo who smiled

"I will remember your name when you kill me" Said Hanzo. Who walked then shunshined off to his tower as Naruto is left alone in the clearing? He then looks down at his hands from the normal eye there is nothing on his hand but from his point of view he can see that his hands is full of blood even though the rain is heavy it does clean the blood off.

"No matter what I do or where I go, my name will be remembered than anyone of you. Just you wait I won't feel helpless and alone anymore. Just like how I was in Konoha. If I am a monster than I will be as strong as one." Said Naruto who ran off, towards his next destination.

5 years later (normal timeline of the story commencing now)

A sixteen year old by boy who is wearing a straw hat can be seen sleeping in an arena full of chairs the boy is wearing a blue jacket which looks opened up showing a white T-shirt and he also has blue anbu pants and black boots. As he sleeps he can hear a voice of the man who taught him nothing but brought the best in him. "Boy I won't teach you any skills like any pathetic teachers do. I however will bring in you something that cannot be taught something you always had and will hone it."

"What is it" Said Naruto as Hanzo responded with a crazy smile

"That boy is survival and Killer instinct. Bringing in, the ninja skills will be up to you boy".

"OI WAKE UP" Naruto's eyes open wide as he gets up straight away and then turns around. He sees a black haired woman with red eyes having bandage like clothing, this raises eyebrows from Naruto's head. The woman notices and assumes he is thinking something perverted as she was about to act in order to punish him Naruto responds "you wear bandage clothing? Is it the latest fashion or something" Naruto says dully as he stretches out from his slumber. The woman sweat drops as she is too shocked to respond then a man with a cigar packet in his hand enters the scene and looks at Kurenai and Naruto.

He notices something the man is sitting in his seat "Brat you are sitting in my seat" said Asuma as he notices that Naruto is ignoring him. Not to be upstaged by is crush he decides to try a more physical approach he grabs Naruto's shoulders.

"Do I have to say it again boy" Said Asuma who looks at Naruto who surprisingly is long asleep as Asuma and Kurenai sweat drop at that scene. "Wasn't he awake a just now" thinks Kurenai who is dumbfounded.

The crowd then start cheering loudly as this wakes Naruto right up by which he looks at Asuma holding his shoulders "ummmm I don't think your my type" said Naruto innocently as this make Kurenai laugh loudly which Asuma fumes at.

"Let it go Asuma, go with the genins and Gai he was here before you" said Kurenai who looks at Asuma sternly yet you can see she is trying not to laugh again.

"But...tch" Said Asuma who stopped at what he was trying to say knowing he will look like a child. So he pulls out a cigar, glares at Naruto and then walks away.

Kurenai sighs as she looks at Naruto "sorry he is always so energetic when he is around me" said Kurenai to Naruto who looks at the scene where Asuma was at then at Kurenai as he seizes her up and down and responds "yes I can see that very well" in a sultry voice by which Kurenai blushes at and surprisingly does not hit him for being a pervert.

"It seems the exam is about to begin" said Naruto in a calm voice changing the subject as Kurenai notices the change in the atmosphere and she too joins in.

""How come there are 4 Kages" said Naruto to Kurenai as he looks at the seats of the kages in the pedestal eyes narrowing at the red and wihite clothed Kage in the middle.

"Well the world changed, as Mist finished the bloodline war and recovered earlier to what people expected. Whereas Kumo is now showing their strength due to years of isolation and Suna and Konoha are establishing their partnership agreement further."

"I see" said Naruto as he closing his eyes approvingly.

In the Kage stands

A woman can be seen with ankle length auburn hair tied into at the back, and a top knot tied with a dark blue band. She had four bangs accentuating her facial structure, two of them long enough to cross themselves over her chest, while the shorter ones covered her right eye, while her single left eye had a light green hue. She wore a long sleeve dark blue dress that fell just below her knees, with standard kunoichi shorts underneath. She also wore high-heeled sandals. Her breasts were large and shapely, and her form was slender and sexy as she is wearing the white and light greenish colour hat symbolising that she is the Mizukage she is Mei Terumi the Godaime.

Next to her is a light blue haired boy with thick rimmed glasses, and carried a fish-shaped bandaged object on his back. He wore a long sleeved blue striped shirt and camouflage pants, and sewn into the front of his clothing was a headband for Kirigakure he is chojuro.

On the left of Mei is a middle aged man with an eye-patch over his right eye, and a talisman with the kanji for 'to hear' in each ear. He wore a striped shirt with the same patterned pants underneath a green robe, his hair was bluish in colour he is Aoi.

On the other seat there is a huge muscled man with fists that can crush a man's skull his name is Yotsuki A, the Yondaime Raikage of Kumogakure as he wears the yellow and white clothes and hat to show for it. Next to him are his two Jinchuuriki's (human sacrifice) Killer Bee and Yugito Nii.

Next to the man is the Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Next to him are Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze and Minato Namikaze (Surprise right don't worry will explain).

Next to the old man is the covered up Kazekage.

"Shall we commence with the Chuunin exam" Said Hiruzen but was interrupted by the Mizukage

"but before we begin I have something to say" said as Mei pondered for a second and then pointed at Kushina "you! with the red hair are you an Uzumaki" said Mei at Kushina surprising the whole group except Konoha

"Yes what's it to you" Said Kushina quietly in tone Mei didn't like as she narrows her eyes at this A interrupts with his usual headfirst questions he is known for.

"Are you one of the Uzumaki's that came from the ashes thanks to Uzumaki Naruto" said A as Sarutobi narrows his eye's at A in suspicion as Minato and Kushina look sad.

Uzumaki Naruto why did his name come up in the conversation? That is because Naruto's name made a huge impact in the world. As he was the catalyst in the mist rebellion and a hero, was the man who defeated Hanzo and also was a man loved in all of Nami no Kuni due him taking over Gato Shipping and giving prosperity back to wave. Thanks to him being an Uzumaki other Uzumaki 's started to rise up looking up to him as a figure of hope and sought out for him to lead the new Uzumaki clan as suddenly Naruto's just disappeared

"No I was in Konoha before that" said Kushina as Mei eye's narrowed dangerously slowly speaking in a venom like voice "why aren't you with your clan seeking him out surely he is the prophesied heir the Uzumaki's claim they were waiting for" Said Mei dangerously trying to control her anger. Kushina looks down sadly but was about to respond

"We are also looking for him as we are using our resources as we speak" said Minato truthfully as he looked and still looking for Naruto (through Jiraiya) but came with no result.

"Ah you all are looking for Naruto-Kun. Indeed he is a famous figure as a prodigal Uzumaki that none has ever seen since the past clan leader. But even though any of you find him what makes you think he will join Konoha." Said Kazekage as both Minato and Kushina glare at him A agrees with him though.

"Yes truthfully the only village he will join when he is found is the Mist village" Said A as Mei smirks triumphantly by which Kushina glares at her for it.

"Yo bro Uzumaki is a bird that flies high in the sky he is...Killer Bee was about to carry on but was stopped by Yugito who hit is head "shut up your annoying".

Not liking what he sees Aoi says "in my days we used to respect our elders as the elders were the ones to sort out the engagements in our lives" said Aoi before he feels killer intent next to him

Mei looks at Aoi smiling in anger as she says "Aoi shut up...or I will kill you" Aoi looks at her flabbergasted as he doesn't know what he done wrong. Chojuro looks at the two and laughs lightly trying to sooth the tense atmosphere.

"Anyway we will speak after the exam is over as we can't let the people waiting" Said Hiruzen who wanted to change the topic much to Mei's ire.

"I agree" said Minato as Sarutobi rises from his seat and starts with his speech to being the chuunin exams.

Down at the arena

"Would Rock Lee and Hyuuga Neji come foward please" said Genma the new instructor of the exam,

The entire arena became silent as the two contestants stared each other down, almost as if they could feel the tension that was beginning to rise. The two contestants glared at each other waiting who is going to strike first.

"You should give up," Neji advised as he confidently knew he was going to win but was acting to be lenient to give his bowled haircut genin teammate a way out and save himself from the disgrace of losing. "You will not win here today, you never beat me ever before; it is your fate to lose here."

Lee had his head which looked like he was in turmoil "My fate?"

"Yes, that is right. Neji said, arrogantly, "People are only as talented as fate allows them. A person's abilities are determined the moment they are born." Lee had his head further down

Gai looked at him sympathetically "Lee? Come show him what you got show him your Nindou"

"Looks like the hyuuga's gonna kick his ass right samui" said Omoi looking at his big breasted teammate and soon to be opponent. Samui just looked on intently. Before an idiot spoke up deciding to say what he thinks.

"OI BRUCE LEE KICK THAT FAIRY'S ASS." Screamed Naruto much to Kurenai's shock and the crowds shock. Neji however didn't look amused as his eye was twitching while he then looked at Naruto in anger. then Naruto's sixth sense went on full alert "my prankster sense is tingling" thought Naruto in what can be seen as a cruel smile.

"10000 yen against the fairy for Bruce lee to win" Screamed Naruto to the crowd

"His name is not Bruce lee its Rock lee, anyway where did you get the name from" Said Kurenai clearly annoyed as she can be seen twitching in irritation.

"Ehehehehe what a funny man" giggled Mei as she looked at the straw-hat figure

"Hey Killer bee what do think that loudmouth is doing" said Yugito to her fellow Jinchuuriki's as she turned around to face him but he was nowhere to be found.

"What the, where he go" thought Yugito

"YO straw-hat show me what you got, I vote for the fairy" Said Bee in which again Neji fumed in anger.

"Alright the big guy's in who else? Come on people I don't have all day COME ON!" screamed Naruto who started clapping to show his frustration. Soon everyone joined in much to Kurenai's dismay as she thought why she didn't move somewhere else.

Minato and Kushina can be seen as they were clearly annoyed but yet amused at the same time, Kushina was about to go to them but Sarutobi stopped her

"Don't worry there is Anbu everywhere so if he causes a ruckus he will be escorted out" said Sarutobi as he had a twinkle in his eyes when he looked at the straw-hat youth.

"Let's just begin the exams and end this fiasco" said the Yondaime Kazekage much to A's and Mei's disappointment as Mei kindly asked chojuro to bet in her favour. Sarutobi gave the signal to Genma to begin in which he nodded in approval.

"BEGIN" shouted Genma

"Konaha Senpuu" (Leaf whirlwind) screamed Lee sending a whirling kick to his teammate. Neji blocked it with his right arm and went straight for the kill. "Juunken" as he send a palm at Lee chest as that was about to look like it landed a hit lee's image faded. As there was at least five lee's now.

"What clones thought he can't use jutsu's" thought Neji as everyone thought the same expect Gai and another person.

"Afterimage" Said Naruto silently thinking no one heard him but Bee did due to his super senses thanks to being a host of a bijuu. He took note on what Naruto said and decide to watch him this was agreed by his Biju.

"Watch him Bee" Said the Hachibi Bee agreed as he nodded "Chill Hachi I got this " responded Killer Bee. as the otherside of the arena there was a discussion on the same subject.

"What! I thought Lee can't use chakra" screeched Sakura much to everyone's dismay however Tenten nodded in agreement and looked at her sensei for support.

"Afterimage" Said Gai as everyone looked confused in what he said Gai sighs as he didn't want to teach these kids but he had to.

"Afterimage is a technique that relies on speed which creates an image of yourself after you use it. In the end making you look like there is two of you." Said Gai in which everyone nodded in understanding.

Back to the fight

Neji grits his teeth in frustration as he blocked one of lee's supposedly clones punches, only to be forced to jump back as another clone came in with another senpuu his left. Three of them charged in from the front in an arrow formation, while the other two came in from either side and all threw all the kunais they had in their disposal.

Neji was forced to bring is trump card as he could not dodge all of these at once. Neji began to pour chakra through his tenketsu points, forcing more and more chakra out of his body before he began to spin. "Hakkuesho: Kaiten!" he yelled out as a light blue in a spinning formation of chakra was formed around him, blocking all of the kunai and making them harmlessly bounce off the blue spherical shield.

Hanabi gasped as she looked up at her father, "Tou-sama that's…"

"Yes," Hiashi said with a slight nod. "The Kaiten, a technique of the main branch family."

"For Neji to have learned something like this on his own. Such talent is wasted in the branch family".

Lee smirked in triumph much to Neji's ire "You may think you've won due to me showing my secret weapon, but I assure you it was only luck," Neji said to lee with anger evident in his eyes. "Fate has already declared me the winner of this match, and no matter what you do, you cannot hope to defy it."

"LEE" screamed Gai as he gave the thumbs up to his disciple "DO IT"


"His name is GAI LEARN HIS NAME" screamed Kurenai as this made crowd look at her because it's rare that the ice queen loses her composure. This made Kurenai's friend Anko smile (Nai-chan is never like this around a guy a thorough check up is in order)

"YOSHHHH HAI GAI SENSEI" screamed lee suddenly getting his usual vibrant self back. Lee then went in to his gate opening pose and started opening all 5 gates as chakra started coming out of him as this stunned the kages.

"What is this surge of energy" said Mei astonished that a Genin who is considered a failure do such a thing

"This what Konoha can do" Said Hiruzen arrogantly as Minato nodded much to everyone's' irritation.

"Your arrogance will be your downfall Konoha. Funny really as you waste all your resource looking for Naruto. If you were as strong as you think you are you won't be searching for him." thought Mei as she suddenly blushed as she thought of Naruto back in the rebellion war. His Golden shiny hair and Beautiful sky blue eyes as none had the same features as he had has, the fourth hokage has dark yellow hair and normal blue eyes not as bright as Naruto though. Naruto-Kun

"Tch Sensei you will fall today" thought Orochimaru in the disguise of the Kazekage.

"What arrogance" thought the Kumo gang as Kushina started to frown.

"So thats the so called 8 gates" thought Naruto looking fascinated as Bee is looking at him in the corner of his eyes suspiciously.

When the gates was unleashed the fight was rather one-sided as Lee went all over the place and bested Neji in the end.

"Shousha Rock Lee" Said Genma Raising Lee's hand Lee then ran towards the unconscious form of Neji and help him be escorted to the hospital. The crowd started clapping as no one was clapping more so than one Uzumaki Naruto.

"Ahhhh pay up suckers eheheheh" said Naruto greedily as he pocketed so much money that he slyly used a storage seal to put them all in.

"Here you go Mr straw-hat yo won fair and square" said Killer bee as he paid Naruto. Naruto had a new job today that's being a loan shark.

"Oi harry Potter pay up" said Naruto to Chojuro who started blushing in embarrassment much to Naruto's ire as he doesn't like waiting especially when money is involved can you believe how much ramen he can get with that.

"Sorry umm...the Mizukage ummm" stuttered Chojuro as when he looked at Naruto he made a mistake, he looked at Naruto's eyes. Naruto had an eye of a predator looking to eat the poor boy up.

"ARGH" screamed Chojuro in fear as he wished to get away and prayed that this beast is to be slain. He was saved by his beautiful mistress as she shunshined right in the middle of the two.

"Excuse me cutie pie but I also betted against this so called fairy" said Mei as she eyed the man in front of her. Poor Neji his name is fairy now thought Kurenai as she looked at Naruto who started to walk right up to Mei.

"argh! is that so" said Naruto delinquently as he looked at Mei right in the eye as Mei couldn't see Naruto, she slowly used her hand to uncover the blinds a bit to look at the man in front of her properly. As no one can see him only her as they were so close to one another. When she took a peak she turned back and blushed.

"Chojuro we are going" said Mei hesitantly as Chojuro looked confused at this but followed obediently. This made Naruto smirk, Kurenai confused and Killer bee even more suspicious.

As they went back to the Kage stands with Mei back to her seat and Chojuro beside her, she looked staggered as she had a full blown blush. "It can't be him, oh my he is here what shall I do" thought Mei in a deep thought as time went on the blush went even redder as she cupped he hands on her cheek flustered and shook her head side to side.

"What's wrong with her" thought the others as they looked confused at the lovestuck Mizukage but ignored her as they started watching the next match. As the fight went on Shikimaru and Temari fought as Temari won with Shikimaru running out of chakra questions were raised to further delay sasuke's return but this was then dismissed as the other Kages didn't let it slide.

"I think you should teach your Shinobi about his late habit." Raikage looked at old Hokage.

"Indeed, I think your little Uchiha has a big ego to that of a king. Seems like your civilians and shinobi did a good job spoiling him." Mizukage said. As she looked at the old man with her beautiful face marred with annoyance.

While the old Hokage and Minato cursed Kakashi tardiness why the hell he let Sasuke come late.

Sasuke and Kakashi came right on time however before his fate was decided. As this allowed the fight between the Gaara and Sasuke to begin. as he then shunshined to the platform to the meet the rest.

"YOSH MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL LETS BEGIN OUR RIVALRY" screamed Gai as Kakashi struck an eyebrow at that and looked at him in annoyance yet questionably.

"He is just hyped up that Lee beat his rival Neji" Said Asuma to answer Kakashi as he nodded but then looked at Asuma wanting to know why he is here.

"Asuma why are you here should'nt you be with Kurenai" Kakashi pointed out the obvious my to Asuma's irritation.

"Kurenai-sensie is with this funny straw-hat dude. Man he outright dissed Neji called a fairy." laughed Kiba who was with Hinata as she poked her fingers "Kiba-Kun thats not funny" said Hinata who lost to Neji in the peliminaries as she wasn't hurt to badly due to a certain someone not being there to give her the courage.

"Is that so" said Kakashi who looked at the angery looking Asuma then at Kurenai who is trying to strangle but not succeeding a unrecognizable man who has his face covered with a straw-hat. Kakashi eyes narrow at that fact as then the fight started and decided to deal with it later.

(The fight was the same as the Cannon)

"ARGHHH MY BLOOD" Screamed Gaara as Orochimaru took this signal to commence the invasion.

Feathers began to rain down in the stands that caused the people in the arena fall into a blissful sleep. If that wasn't enough another explosion sounded out within the arena. When the ninja that got out of the genjutsu's affect, they looked up to see that the Kage stand was covered in smoke. Then from the smoke hopped out the Kazekage with Sarutobi who being held by his neck while they were inside the purple barrier with Minato and Kushina ready for battle. While the Raikage and Mizukage stood outside and looking at it with their shinobi as well.

Temari and Kankuro immediately jumped down to the area in order to help Gaara to get away. They intended to flee the place with the Uchiha downright pursuit.

Surprisingly Naruto fell asleep as well as Kurenai took this opportunity to go and protect the place.

Mei took note of Naruto's sleeping form and then signalled her shinobi to go protect the feudal lords. So did A as he had no allegiance with Konoha and tried to get clients.

In the dome

As the sound four are covering all the areas of the dome while holding it up at the same time. Orochimaru can be seen holding his sensei by the neck with a kunai.

"To think you would sink so low my student" Said Hiruzen as Minato and Kushina drawn their Kunai's

"Kukukukuku sensei today you die" said Orochimaru gleefully as Minato then spoke

"Unhand him Orochimaru you are outnumbered" said Minato looking Orochimaru while holding his signature kunai

"Orochimaru Konoha won't fall you know that" said Kushina as Orochimaru looked at them as he said something that laid questions into their heads

"Kukukuku why do you fight for the village Uzumaki." Said Orochimaru who then had a gleeful look on his face a look that the group didin't like "wait does everyone know about the connection between you two and Naruto-Kun" when this came from Orochimaru's mouth it perked everyone's interest. As Kushina blood ran cold and Minato's eyes narrowed looking at Orochimaru whising he be six feet under.

"Wait stop you don't know what you're saying Orochimaru" said Hiruzen as he narrowed his eyes.

"what does he know" thought both Mei and A

"OROCHIMARU STOP IT screamed Kushina as she gained her composure. Minato wanted to throw his kunai and flash but couldn't due to Sarutobi being a hostage.

"Everyone listen up the legendary Uzumaki Naruto parents are these two in front of me. These two people abandoned him in a village ready to kill him. Uzumaki Naruto suffered day in and day out not knowing why he was hated. But I do the reason why he was hated was because he was the host of the Kyuubi and the best part is it was these two that sealed it in him!

The whole arena went quite as Orochimaru took this opportunity carry on

"History entail that the Uzumaki clan were on good terms with the Kyuubi as Mito became the host of the Kyuubi in order for it to be hidden from the world. The Kyuubi attack may be mysterious but one thing is for certain all Uzumaki's value family from all else. Uzumaki Kushina the mother of the man who everyone is looking for Uzumaki Naruto also known as the "divine maelstrom" was abandoned by his mother to die...

"NOOOOOO" screamed Kushina as she then burst into tears as the one thing she feared most came true. Minato then started to comforted her as this is not working whatsoever. Voices could be heard as the people heard Konoha's secret.

"An Uzumaki abandoning another Uzumaki this is unheard of"

"She didn't just abandoned a child but the heir of the legendary clan"

"Forget that as a mother that's disgusting"

"Yeah can't believe the fourth was his father and he did that too"

As jeers could from the shinobi Mei can be seen with murderous intent as A struck the ground with such force due them being the nearest to Orochimaru and the Konoha nins he heard everything.

"I would never abandon my brother never!" A Screamed as this was followed by Mei who said "I can't believe that Uzumaki Naruto went through that maybe this is the reason why he disappeared from the new Uzumaki clan because of them." As she looked at Naruto who had his face down on the table knowing full well he is awake ."oh Naruto". As Naruto then can be seen with tears in his eyes.

Here is the first chapter... review review review so that I can improve and upload quicker. The second chapter will be the confrontation and also how Naruto became who he is will be shown through a series of flashbacks but the fight between Hanzo and Naruto will be shown in much detail.

The Pairings will be a Harem.

Ps. if someone helps me with Beta's then the chapter will come alot quicker.

I have a lot of plans for this story...

Peace Iamafan123