Kyubbi is there anything you can do to help me stop whatever is happening to the baby? Naru asked the demon as a fresh wave of pain the likes of which she had never felt before in her life. Honestly not even having multiple broken bones compared to this. It felt like something was trying to force her insides out of her body! Making it difficult to breathe as she curled in on herself in an effort to make the pain lessen as she reached out with her hand and hit Shika's door again as hard as she could.
Trying her damndest to get someone's attention before she lost so much blood that she lost consciousness as she heard Kyubbi's panicked reply, I'm working on it kit but I know very little about human young- I may wind up doing more harm than good!
Do what you can Kyubbi, Naru urged the demon before telling it. If you can save the baby's life then Kakashi and I will always be indebted to you. Kyubbi fell silent for several heartbeats before saying wearily,
Oh kit... You would never be indebted to me if you- Nevermind. Continue to try and get your friends attention while I work on stabilizing your condition. If all else fails, use you're chakra to send up a distress call to your wolf. By now he's already figured out something is wrong and is trying to find you.Kyubbi fell silent after that and shifted it's focus to the little human sharing it's space inside of Naru's body. The little one may not have been totally formed just yet, but it was aware that something was wrong and Kyubbi could feel it's fear.
It was so strong that the demon could almost taste it on it's tongue. Like ashes after a horrifying fire. Stripping away flesh and bone and leaving nothingness in it's wake. This wasn't good, the demon thought as it coaxed the infant closer to it's cage. The infant hesitated for a moment before another wave of pain washed through it's little space, the muscles contracting around it scaring it even more than before, causing it to reach out to the demon blindly in hopes that it would protect and shelter it from the horrible pain.
Kyubbi gathered the infant close and carefully cradled it in it's front paws and looked down at it. The human kit was a girl, she'd have silvery blond hair and her mother's eyes. But she'd be clever like her father. A small force of nature to be reckoned with.
She was adorable really.
The muscles in Naru's stomach began to contract again and Kyubbi growled low in it's throat and closed it's paws a bit over the child and held it as close to it's heart as it dared as the infant started to cry.
Hush little one. You're safe here. The seal will protect you while I have you. The infant stopped crying for a moment and looked up at Kyubbi with her big innocent eyes and Kyubbi gave her what it hoped wasn't an I'm-going-to-eat-you smile.
Naru wasn't exactly alarmed when Kyubbi stopped talking to her since as far as she knew the demon was concentrating on saving her baby. Which was good because she was starting to lose more blood and frankly was trying to think up a good story for when she was found as to why she was on Shika's front porch...bleeding so heavily. So far all she could come up with was; her monthly finally came back with a vengeance and it brought the cramps from hell with it.
Now if only she could get stupid ass Shika outside to help her. She must have hit his front door a dozen times already, and her palm was starting to hurt. "Dammnit! Shikamaru Nara if you don't want me to remove your balls- Then open your fucking front door! Now!" She screamed at the top of her lungs knowing that if he didn't hear her screaming for him to open the door then she would have to try getting to the hospital by herself.
Luckily for her as she was clumsily starting to get to her feet a shadow fell over her and she looked up to see Shikaku Nara and his two friends. Inoichi, and Choza. The three men stared at her for a second before Shikaku asked in a curious tone, "Naru, what are you carrying on about? Did Shikamaru lock you out or something?"
Baring her teeth she growled at the three men and was about to reply when another wave of pain hit her, forcing her to double over holding her stomach when Inoichi looked down and saw that blood was pooling on the ground under her and swore and shoved Shikaku aside and scooped Naru up in his arms and growled, "Idiot. She's having a miscarriage! Go find Kakashi! Choza, head to the Hokage's tower and get Lady Tsunade. Tell her that it's Naru and she needs to get to the hospital a.s.a.p.!"
Kakashi stood panting in the doorway to his old bedroom in Naru's home, staring in horror at the contents of her shinobi tools scattered across the floor. Oh dear god no! He thought, feeling sick to his stomach. Why had she been in the room? How had she found her old shinobi tools? Had she figured out what had happened to her? That I was the one who hurt her? Kakashi wondered as his whole body started to tremble.
Oh god, oh god, oh god- he was going to be sick! He thought as bile burned the back of his throat. There's no time to fall apart now pup.His inner demon said before telling him, You're mate and pup are in trouble. You need to find them. Now!
Kakashi took a moment to pull himself together, reminding himself over and over to breathe as he pushed aside his fear and once again tore through the home that he shared with Naru to go search for her.