* Well…it's finally time to conclude this wonderful tale of Ash and Soap! The cutest COD couple ever! I wish she was real ; .; On with the finale! *

After a long and peaceful night, the sun finally began to peak up through the mountain valleys. The cool evening breeze was immediately washed away and replaced with a scorching hot, windless day. The Task Force was up early, stretching to ease out their stiff muscles and preparing for another day of relentless, rigorous training. The groggy men were immediately snapped out of their dazed state by the sound of Ashlotte's joyous chirping.

"Sooooooooappppyyyy!" Ash singsonged as she trotted up alongside, Soap linking arms with him. Everyone's eyes were glued onto the two, bemused at their all-of-a-sudden fondness of one another. Soap gave her a gentle smile and patted her silky, jet-black hair.

"You're awfully cheerful today." He teased as she stuck his tongue out at him. She playfully punched his shoulder.

"Yes because I know I'm going to kick your arse in today's obstacle course!" She said confidently. Soap cocked an eyebrow at her and eyed her healing ankle. She shot daggers at him, her eyes sharp and fierce. "Eyes up her, thank you!"

"You're going to beat me, eh?" He asked with a smirk. He dashed off, leaving Ash behind as he got a head start. She looked up in surprise, clenching her first. "Not if I get there before you Princess." He called challengingly. Ash snarled ferociously.

"Damn you!" She barked, taking chase to him immediately. Price stared at the two intently, pondering to himself as he stroked his mustache.

"They seem awfully friendly. What happened to those two, Ghost?" He asked, turning his attention towards Ghost. Ghost chuckled mischievously; his mask's skeleton grin seemed wider and sneakier today. The sun glinted off his sunglasses and his pale blue eyes glowed.

"Why sir, I have no idea." He snickered as the new day began to unfold before him.

* Well, that draws the curtain on Heat Wave. It's been a wonderful journey and this is not Ash's last story. I'm working on new stories and if you would like to see her again, please let me know. –Smiles sheepishly- Please tell me what you think of her. Thank you for all your support! This is Vivi, signing out for now. *