AN: I am going to be making another long story. Maybe the longest one I've made! Hopefully I can make it longer than BiB, possibly Fight for Life!

Not all voices are found…

The sky light up as the pod crashed down upon the ground. A man walked out. He had hair sticking in almost every direction and a blood red bandanna on his forehead. His armor was green on one part, and black on other parts. The man had long black pants on his legs. He also wore red wrist bands and it looked very similar on his boots. There were green tips on his boots, with red cloth starting from his ankle, going up 3 inches and stopping. He wore a serious expression upon his face, searching the area.

The man walked forward. He was looking for something, but it seems he could not find it. But then he spotted a small pod and started to run towards it. When he opened the pod there was a baby boy. His hair was completely similar to the man, as the baby was wearing no clothing, unlike his father. The man picked him up delicately. He looked at the face of the boy, studying it with great interest. Their faces were the same, no doubt that they were father and son.

Twelve years had passed. The boy and the man had grown quite close. The little boy wore blue spandex with yellow and white armor. The man wore the same thing he had twelve years ago, the same green and black armor with black pants and green tipped boots with red cuffs and blood red bandanna. They were next to a small cave with a little fire flickering in the night sky. The little boy was sitting on the man's lap, smiling up at him.

"Hey dad can we go fishing tomorrow?" As the boy said it he stifled a yawn.

"Maybe Kakarot, but for now you need to get to bed"

"Fine, but are you going to sleep with me now daddy? Please?"

"Ok, now let's go in."

Kakarot and his dad walked into the cave and lay down onto the cave floor. Kakarot cuddled up against his father and fell into a deep sleep. His father looked down at the snoring figure against him and gave a small chuckle of delight. Kakarot was adorable as he slept, sticking his tongue in his mouth and wrapping his tail against his tiny body. Kakarot snuggled in closer to him, glad for his warmth at the upcoming deep sleep. The father laid his head against the floor wondering what tomorrow's day would be like and went to sleep.

"Bardock, you must listen. A dark fate is coming and you must be ready to face it. They have no desire but to rule the universe. Never have they felt fear in their life. They will show no mercy, no regret, all they will do is wipe out this planet along with you. You cannot run, Bardock, no you cannot, for they will just go from planet to planet seeking there one desire. It is you," the man who had spoken was not seen anywhere, but then a girls voice spoke.

"He is right, Bardock, you have to be ready to face this foe, no matter the cost. You will have to give up some very important people, and they will die. Don't try to prevent it; it will only result to more death. And it would be yours Bardock. Some people you don't know yet, but you will in due time Bardock. Soon, just be prepared. I know all this death shall sadden you but you will have to cope, or else your own son will die. He is needed; protect him with your life. But don't die doing it. Your son is the key, the key to your answers, the key to your fight."

Everything went dark. Bardock could see nothing but darkness. Then words appeared in front of him. An ominous warning, written in black, bold letters…

Here is now coming the dark fate

Dark forces will collaborate

Evil foes joined as one

Fighting, death, blood, shall come

All the fates will arise to one

Then comes a great divide

Choices made, truth and lies

Kakarot woke up to the sunlight shining into his eyes. He yawned, blinking as he tried to get the sunlight out of his eyes. Bardock was not awake yet, so Kakarot started to quietly tip-toe to the entrance of the cave. He then ran outside the cave and into the forest. Kakarot jumped onto a log and tried to break it. But when he smashed it to pieces he fell down. Down, down, down he went, screaming as he fell. Nothing to grab onto, only to fall into the deep darkness of possible creatures to capture him and beat him to the death that he did not want to come this soon, and things like this would not please his father, especially since his father cared for him and loved him more than he thought.

"Daddy, help me! Daddy, somebody, SAVE ME!"

He plopped to the ground. Kakarot looked around the dark room he had fallen in. Surprisingly, it was not a hard landing, at least, not as hard as he thought. The ground was muddy and soft. A feint mist hung around the cavern. It swirled around as if a figure was forming. The mist wrapped around Kakarot, tugging him deeper into the cavern. Then he looked around the strange cavern. Images of people started to form. They were all of mist and fog, figures of people, or as so he thought. It scared him whatever was going on. All I can say, he panicked.

"Have you got the scouters, orange dude whose name I can't remember?"

"Yes my lord, I have them right here."

"Zarbon, are you ready for takeoff? I don't care if you're not; just get on the ship, now!"

"Coming, my lord. I'll get Dodoria right now."

"Ugh, hurry up!"

"My lord," an orange dude walked up to Frieza. "There is someone who wants to see you. He is quite…satanic."

Ghostly figures started to appear in front of Kakarot. All wore an expression of softness. Many people surrounded him. Kakarot had no idea what was going on, all's he wanted was his dad. He just wanted to get outta there as fast as he could. Somebody just tell me what's going on, Kakarot thought. He looked at the figures, then looking at the area surrounding him. Back and forth, his eyes darted from the figures to He wondered what they would say, what they would do.

"Somebody tell me what's going on! Where is my dad? Who the hell are you people?"

A woman with long black hair that went down to her waist came up to him. She wore a long, teal dress that passed her feet and fell on the floor. "Hush, don't make a sound or you won't know what things will be found. Run, run, and run far as you can don't beware her frying pan. Now go my child, go very far. Just remember, look at what is near the stars

Then the ghost suddenly disappeared. Kakarot looked around him. His vision was blurry. Everything started to go fuzzy. He looked around in panic, not knowing what was going on. The last thing he saw was a figure cowering over him before passing out.

His vision was blurred by the bright sunlight flooding into his eyes as he woke. Bardock sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he was standing up. He looked around the cave walls. Where had Kakarot ran off to, he wondered. Bardock walked outside the cave. He looked around. No Kakarot. He looked under a bush. No Kakarot. In a tree? No Kakarot. Was he in a hole that went really far down? Guess what, there's Kakarot!

The first thing that popped up in Bardock's mind was, "What the hell is he doing in a hole passed out?" Amazing at what people, even Saiyans, could find at certain planets and certain places.

Bardock picked up the limp body of Kakarot and looked around the cavern. It looked as if it went more far then he would think. There was no sign of light or brightness anywhere. The mud squished under his boots as he walked onward. He came to a narrow spot inside the cavern. But as he squeezed in between the circumscribed area it opened up to a comprehensive space. There were pulchritudinous crystals that waved from side to side, shining in the moonlight of the small hole from the top, glittering wherever they were. Touching them, he studied the crystals, breaking of a bit, discovering black gritty dust in the middle, some of it dropping onto the ground. Inspecting them, he rubbed the glittery dust in his hand, wiping it on his pants. Setting Kakarot down, he walked around, evaluating the area. Bardock did not hear anything around him, and no visions had yet come to him

"Who the fuck wants to see me now? Can't this thing wait another day?"

"Um, actually, Lord Frieza, there is more than one person who wishes to see you."

"Why the hell are you telling me this? I would like to go off and be prodigal now, so I wish for you to shoe them away. Unless one of them is important, like somebody giving me information on if we have tracked down this "Bardock" person. Substantially, we need to track him down as soon as possible. Nevertheless, we need to go now, and that is that, care on with your duties and I can go laze around in my floating chair and leave this planet!"

"I'm sorry my lord, but that won't happen. It is your s…si…si…sister."


"Dad, am I alive?"

"Kakarot you're awake!" Bardock couldn't help but be so apprehensive; his only son (besides Raditz) had fallen down a hole, probably close to death from hunger if he had stayed down here long.

Bardock ran over and scooped him up in his arms. Kakarot hugged back, it was nice to have some comfort. Setting Kakarot on top of his head, he balanced him there until he fell, both dropping to the ground of laughter. Chuckling hard, Kakarot clutched his side, rolling on the floor, laughing his ass of. Bardock stood up and laughed a bit more as he watched his son be so happy. They didn't usually get time like this, mostly because of the food they had to get by there own and just plain sleep.

Kakarot suddenly stopped laughing, remembering the strange things he had seen earlier. He had to tell his dad.

A/N: I haven't been seeing to good Bardock stories (besides Changing History by Destiny Light), so I wanted to make one. I hope you all liked it!