I bring to you all a new crossover fic. Do not fret for Mokusei: WoF, Kitsune: SoC, or Ame's Jinchuriki, for I will update those within the week. As for some of my other stories, such as Genocide and Hold My Hand, I will need your patience and time as I work on them. I'm working hard, believe me. I have multiple chapters up right now, and I also have some school to work on. Gotta love being in school, note my sarcasm. Anyway, I believe this was long enough to explain my plans to you all.

Gargoyle of the Leaf

In the scroll safe behind the image of one of the five Hokage in the Hokage's office, one scroll rolled forward, as though it was being pushed by an unseen force, and landed against the door. It unrolled slightly so that the first three paragraphs.

Long before the age of the Rikodu Sennin, there was a time of brutality with man to the West of the Shinobi Nations. Before the threat of the biju there were beings that guarded those who they deemed worthy. They acted without sacrifice and spoke as though they themselves were men. They were cursed, however, they were never granted the light of sun on their skin, only to bask in that of the moon. By day they were stones, by night they were warriors. These are the beings known as...GARGOYLES.
Some may ask how I know this. Well, as most can say, I look different from those born naturally in the shinobi lands. Blonde unruly hair, blue eyes, unnatural hunger, immense energy. It is in these notes that I tell you part of my story, Sarutobi, so that you may know what I am. I am a Gargoyle offspring. I die after a near half of a millennia of wandering and recasting a youth spell my parents taught me. Upon the attack of the Kyuubi, who now comes towards us to wreak carnage on our village, I have decided to end my own journey. Uzumaki Kushina was the only one to see me as myself and not run at first sight of my...birthright. Now that she has passed, I cannot live on, such is another curse of a Gargoyle. Even for a half-breed, we become fully attached to those we...mate with. Do not worry for Naruto. I have left a seal on him that will hide my genetic side, costing him a good portion of his growth. This seal needs to be replaced in sixteen years with EXTREME CARE or he will revert to his Gargoyle state at nightfall. Should he revert to this state, relinquish the scroll into his care.
Do not reveal this letter to Jiraiya-sensei until the seal is to be reinforced or until after it isn't reinforced and the change has occurred. Knowing you though, you probably will reinforce it. I entrust this decision to you and you alone, Sarutobi. Arashi (My True Name), the Yondaime Hokage.

A letter hastily written by the Yondaime Hokage that sits in the Sandaime's, Hiruzen Sarutobi, special notes starts this scroll. It was the day of the sixteenth year celebration of the birth of the Yondaime's son. It would only be a few moments until the dark haired apprentice to the Godaime Hokage would find this scroll while taking an inventory of the previous Hokage's scrolls, read its contents out of curiosity because it didn't belong there, and then rush off to find the Godaime herself in order to alert her to this new discovery.

"All hail Uzumaki Naruto! Hero of Konohagakure!" a villager cried as the sixteen year old Naruto walked into his favorite ramen bar. The blonde still wore his orange and black jumpsuit that Jiraiya had given him and his hair had grown slightly. He also wore the same cloak similar to his father's, the main difference being his was red with black trimmings, and the Toad Summoning Scroll was still hanging over his body with a strap.

Naruto sheepishly scratched the back of his head. It was almost a month ago that Pein had attacked Konoha. The village was still being rebuilt and Tsunade had managed to wake from her coma only a few days after the attack was over. Though thousands were still lost as to how they were returned to life, Naruto explained what happened with the help of Konan, a former follower of Pein. It was after that battle with a fellow student of Jiraiya of the Sanin that Naruto started to gain the attention he wanted from the people of Konoha. Now that he had it though, he seriously was rethinking that whole desire for attention. Acknowledging his existence was one thing, kissing his ass and the steps he took was another thing entirely.

Makes me wonder why Sasuke left in the first place, Naruto thought sarcastically. He sat down in his usual spot of the Ichiraku's ramen bar. He smiled at the brown haired girl that stood before him, waiting to take his lunch order.

"What can I do for you, Naruto-kun?" Ayame asked as she leaned on the counter across from him. Naruto grinned his signature foxy grin at her.

"A bowl of pork ramen to start, Ayame-chan!" the blonde replied. Ayame smiled as her father called "I've got it, it'll be ready in a jiff!" before she returned her attention to the blonde.

Ayame interlocked her hands and rested her head on them as she looked at the boy, "So what are you doing today, Naruto?"

Naruto arched a brow confused, "Why do today, what can be done tomorrow?"

Ayame giggled and shoved him lightly as he quoted one of the Toads he had been studying under. The ramen waitress shook her head and sighed in a feigned exasperated manner, "Forgetting your own birthday. Shame on you, Uzumaki Naruto."

The young Toad Sage blinked before raising his fingers and counting them himself. When realization hit him that she was right, the blonde slammed his head into the stand's wooden table. A mutter of, "I'm such an idiot" came from the blonde. He looked back up with a sheepish grin at the ramen waitress, "I completely forgot about it. I don't know what I'm going to do for my birthday."

"Well that's kind of sad now isn't it, Dickless?" a voice said from behind the blonde. Naruto scowled and swiveled around in his chair to look at a completely pale boy with black hair, closed eyes and a obviously fake smile.

"No one asked you, Sai," Naruto muttered. Unseen to most, but noticed by Sai, the blonde's eyes flashed an eerie white before returning to the normal blue that they were. The Root agent took a semi-centimeter step back in alarm at the action. Sure he had seen the red flash before, he'd been on the blonde's team for a while now, but to see such a completely different color was slightly frightening.

Recomposing himself, Sai stood straight once again before speaking with a nod, "Noted Dickless."

Sighing in defeat, Naruto swiveled back around to rest his head in his crossed arms as he waited for his food. Sai watched with amusement, without showing any visibly of course, before taking a seat next to the blonde. Pausing a moment, Sai patted his friend's shoulder, making the jinchuriki look up with an arched brow.

"It's not so bad," Sai said, "At least you know when yours is."

Naruto frowned before grinning once again, "Hey, yeah. Thanks Sai."

"Anytime...Dickless," Sai replied in a sincere manner. Ayame turned away, slightly disturbed by the Root's words while her father snickered at the twitch in his favorite customer's eye. Teuchi placed the bowl in front of the blonde, hoping to ease the bruised ego of the teenaged boy.

Naruto fought the urge to strangle him and looked eagerly towards the bowl of ramen that was placed before him. With a watering mouth, Naruto began devouring the bowl before him. Sai watched on with interest as Teuchi sighed and went back to his pot in order to make more, grumbling, "Can't even savor the flavor!"

After his meal, which consisted of fourteen bowls of miso ramen and ten of pork ramen, Naruto went along with Sai went to the Hokage's office in order to see if they could get a lead on where the missing member of Team 7 was. Sai was sketching in his sketchpad as they walked, Naruto occasionally looking over to see what the boy was doing. It turned out to be a picture of Yamanaka Ino's face, making Naruto smirk slightly. He might not be the sharpest kunai in the set, but he could see when someone liked someone else. Unless that person was him, as Hinata can atone to.

"Sai, that's the fourth time I've caught you drawing her face," the blonde commented. Sai paused in mid stroke of his pencil and sighed in a lost tone.

"I know," the artist said before he continued, "But, whenever I am not in battle, I cannot sketch anything else but her. Am I sick?"

Naruto chuckled, "Nah, I don't think you're sick. I do think you have a small crush though."

Sai blinked before turning to the blonde and said, "But I do not stalk her."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked with an arched brow. Sai paused in his step and looked over his shoulder to see a pale eyed girl hiding behind a telephone pole. Naruto followed his friend's gaze, making eye contact with the girl in question. Hyuuga Hinata, a Main Branch member of the Hyuuga clan, stood behind a telephone pole, peeking around the object she hid behind and releasing a small squeak when she reached Naruto's eyes. The blonde sighed and looked at the ground as he scratched his head while Sai looked back at him expressionlessly.

"Ok, but that's a bad example," Naruto muttered as his hand moved to the back of his neck and he glanced back at the pale eyed girl, only for her to squeak again and duck behind her pole. The blonde looked back at Sai and said, "What I mean is, like Hinata, you might like Ino more than just the feeling of 'friendship'."

"Ah, so I consider her a sister, then?" Sai asked, "I've only felt like this before with my..."

"No, no, no," Naruto said shaking his hand and paling, "No, don't think like that! That's like me saying I have the hots for Ayame-chan back there. What I mean is I think you have romantic feelings for Ino."

Sai blinked a few times before realization hit him, "Oh...what should I do?"

"Totally asking the wrong guy for that," Naruto muttered, sneaking one last glance at the 'hidden' Hinata, before he turned and resumed his walk. Sai remained quiet as he jogged back up to his friend's side.

"I take it you are still lost over Hinata-san's declaration of love for you?" the artist said as he resumed sketching his now understandable image. The blonde sighed again, something he'd been doing a lot since the battle with Pein.

"That is an understatement," Naruto said under his breath. Sai heard it all the same, deciding to remain quiet as the blonde spoke again, "But, I don't know, what would you do...don't answer that. I need to talk to Kakashi-sensei later. This whole thing makes my head spin."

"Indeed," Sai muttered as he paused and brought his pen up to his mouth in thought. After a moment of walking in silence, Sai spoke again, "...Should I try and draw Ino-san in a bathing suit?"

Naruto's instant face plant to the dirt road was his only reply.

"This...This can't be possible!" Tsunade said with wide eyes as she read the note in her hand. Shizune nodded as her sensei read and reread the first paragraphs of the scroll.

"It is," the black haired apprentice said solemnly, "And with Jiraiya-sama gone..."

"There is no one to reinforce the scroll," Tsunade muttered. She dropped the scroll to the side and put her head in her hands. What am I to do? Do I inform Naruto his whole world is going to be flipped upside down or do I pray this is a joke? The latter would definitely be the worse decision, but if I do let this change happen, the council might try and take action against Naruto. Unless...

"Shizune, get me a blank law document!" Tsunade barked, sitting up in her chair as the new idea ran freely through her mind. Confused, Shizune did as her sensei instructed. As she handed said blank document to the suddenly energized Hokage, a stray thought of wonder ran through her mind.

What could Tsunade-sempai be so energized over? Does she have an idea? Shizune wondered as Tsunade scribbled furiously across the document. Tsunade finished writing and reread her work aloud, "'I, Senju Tsunade, Godaime Hokage, hereby state that all clan heads are immune to the law of Konohagakure, unless they attempt to use their status to seize more power than within their boundaries. Clan Heads are not immune to the charge of treason or anything that could prove to be harmful to the village's people.' Not so bad if I say so myself. Now, give me a clan starting document! And have someone fetch that baka of a gaki!"

Again, Shizune got her sensei a document that she asked for. After hearing what Tsunade had written, the understanding came to the Medic-nin's mind. She watched with silent awe as Tsunade willingly started writing out Naruto's new Clan Head Status.

"T-T-Tsunade-sempai," Shizune said after a moment of silence while she watched her sensei work, "W-Why make Naruto-kun...why make him a clan head?"

"He is sixteen years of age today, Shizune," Tsunade said as she wrote out some normal clan laws, "And being that age, he can represent himself on the council. This being said, Naruto also succumbs to the clan reinstatement/restoration laws...much to my dismay. Now go get him!"

Shizune nodded and went for the door. Before she could grab the handle, the doors flew open revealing the blonde and his artistic friend. Naruto gave Shizune his trademark grin and Sai gave her a respective nod of his head while he flipped his sketchbook shut and resealed it into his arm.

"Good morning, Shizune-neechan!" Naruto said with a grin before he dodged an incoming paperweight that came flying at him. With a playful frown, the blonde looked back at the medic and said, "Geez, you couldn't let her have her sake? She seems awfully more irritable that normal."

"Oh wow, Gaki, I didn't know you even knew that word," Tsunade said with a smirk as she put her pen down and rested her chin on her hands. Naruto smirked back at the Hokage with a glint of evil in his eye.

"I'm only looking out for your best interests, Tsunade-baachan," the blonde said before he dodged the incoming stapler. He stood and grinned, "Ha! Ya missed me-oof!"

He was then hit with a large and heavy scroll, sending him bowling backwards. Naruto groaned as he looked down at the scroll. It was blotched except for its first few paragraphs and he looked back at the Godaime in confusion.

"Hey, baachan, what's this?" he asked. Tsunade's and Shizune's eyes widened as Naruto looked back down at the scroll and began reading the first paragraph. Before they could stop him, he had already made it to the end of the passage. His breathing stopped and his eyes teared up as his heartbeat slowly came to a stop. He had met his father, or the Yondaime at least, and was immensely proud. To read his father's opening words and to know he was cursed with something other than the Kyuubi within him, it... it scared him.

"He's going into shock!" Shizune said before Naruto's world went dark and he felt an immense amount of peace.


Naruto blinked as he awoke in his sewer of a mind. He stood and ignored the snoozing beast that was behind the cage held together by a small paper seal. Kyuubi seemed to be shrinking, but it could have been a deception of Naruto's eyes. The blonde turned away and walked from the cage, towards another smaller cage that rest on the opposite side. Kneeling down to where the small slip of paper was on the bottom of the cage, Naruto examined it. It was similar to that of the Kyuubi's seal, less complex however. A sudden cough came to the blonde's attention and he looked up.

"Who are you?" a shadowed figure asked in a growl. It stood almost a foot and a half taller than Naruto and had glowing white eyes. Naruto stood and looked into the cage.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, son of Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hokage," he replied. The blonde tilted his head slightly and tried to peer into the cage. The figure's eyes narrowed and a hand shot out, closing around the blonde's neck.

"Puny Human. That's all you are..." the figure said. Naruto made no attempt to struggle. He looked down at the arm to see it was a light scarlet color. There were four fingers around his throat, each being clawed at the end, and the skin felt hard, like that of stone. The Figure moved closer to the cage bars, revealing a face Naruto was all but familiar with.

His own. Aside from some odd protrusions from the forehead, the enlarged fangs, and the more detailed whisker marks, it was an exact replica.

"But you are useful to me, Naruto," the figure said after a moment to study Naruto. Releasing his hand, the figure smirked, revealing sharp fangs, before continuing, "You are the representative of the human blood within us."

"And you are the Gargoyle," Human Naruto said in understanding, "What was it like to slumber for sixteen years?"

"Why not ask ole snarl and growl over there?" the Gargoyle Naruto asked as he leaned against the cage and nodded towards the sleeping Kyuubi, "He sure likes to ignore you at the proper moments."

"Do you know anything about Arashi?" Human Naruto asked, changing the subject. Gargoyle Naruto blinked before snorting in amusement.

"Our father," the Gargoyle said as he closed his eyes to think, "It was his...birth name I believe. Or so the dreams have told me."

"Dreams?" Human Naruto asked. Gargoyle Naruto nodded.

"Dreams...or maybe, dream," he said in a mystic manner, "I slowly learned all that our father knew about Shinobi and Gargoyle abilities. His mix of the two were only in the testing stages before we were consummated. You realize tonight is the last night of my imprisonment?"

"I do," Human Naruto said with a nod, "I also welcome it, despite having another secret hidden from me come around at the oddest time. What happens to us tonight, brother?"

"What do you mean?" Gargoyle Naruto asked, "We merge, what else? Finally, our potential will come fully available to us!"

Human Naruto paused before smiling, "I can't wait brother. Tell me, were you stone while you slept?"

Gargoyle Naruto grinned once again, "Curious about the missing life, eh, brother? I was indeed. I doubt it will happen once we unite, as it never happened for Father. Tell me though, did the old monkey tell you?"

"Old monkey?" Human Naruto repeated before it dawned on him and a frown appeared, "Sarutobi-jiji...no, he did not. He was killed by Orochimaru."

Gargoyle Naruto scowled and spat at the side, "Father never once trusted him. Said he smelt too much of a snake. A shame about the Old Monkey...He seemed decent from Father's memories."

"Why do you use the loose term?" Human asked, "Why not call him Tousan?"

Gargoyle Naruto chuckled and reached out to pat his other half on the cheek, "I have been thinking in the Westerner's ways, so I speak like them. Surely you remember from your travels?"

Human Naruto nodded, "I do. I always thought it odd, but then again, I did come into this realm often to speak to the ole Fox-teme over there. Odd that I noticed your cage and yet never approached it."

"Might have been a failsafe Father included," Gargoyle said, "He was rather gifted in sealing. It was a lot like magic. Spells are going to be difficult to use though, so I hope your Ninjutsu is above par."

"I guess we shall see," Human Naruto said, gesturing to the fallen seal that laid at his feet, it then dissolved in a nonexistent wind. With a step back and small effort on both of the Narutos' parts, the cage withholding the Gargoyle blood of Uzumaki Naruto creaked open. The other occupant of the mindscape winced and awoke from the creak of the rusted cage opening.

"Boy, what are you...What in the name of Kami is that?" Kyuubi asked with wide eyes as the Gargoyle Naruto stepped forward. With a grin on both Narutos faces, they looked at the Kyuubi.

"You're gonna love this," they said simultaneously. The two then faced each other and raised their hands before pressing them against each other. A bright light emerged from the connecting of their palms, causing the biju to widen its eyes in shock.

"By Kami...what sort of creature are you, Boy?" Kyuubi said in astonishment.

~Reality, five hours later~

"His heart rate has finally returned," a medic said to the worried shinobi gathered in the waiting room of the hospital, "Tsunade-sama and Shizune-san have deemed visitations ok. Please be quiet though."

The last sentence was directed at Rock Lee and Maito Gai, both of whom were immensely silent. Sakura was trying to sooth Hinata's worries. Ever since the girl gathered the courage to admit her feelings, on the battlefield no less, Ino and Sakura took it upon themselves to help her gain Naruto's love. Kakashi leaned against the wall, reading his Icha Icha, while occasionally glancing over at his nervous students. Sakura was hiding her worry well, but Sai was obviously troubled. Sai seemed to be trying to sketch something but always managed to tear the page out, crumple it up, and start again. It worried Kakashi, but only slightly, and he looked over at the other four in the waiting room.

Yamato was out on a mission with Neji, TenTen, Ino and the other two members of Team Eight. Shikamaru and Choji were to the right Team Eight's three month pregnant sensei, Yuuhi Kurenai, who had been impregnated by their late sensei, Sarutobi Asuma. Shikamaru was in his thinking state and fighting the urge not to smoke, as he had picked the habit up after witnessing the death of his sensei. Choji was also deep in thought with his arms crossed, another new development ever since Asuma had passed. Kurenai was a mess, not because she personally was scared for Naruto, she knew he would be fine, but her hormones had increased her fear and she was sobbing when she heard of the comatose state her surrogate daughter's crush was in. Mitarashi Anko was at her side, trying to sooth her as well as she could without getting snapped at.

"I'll go in first," Kakashi said before glancing out the window, "And then Sakura and Hinata can go in. The sun is going down so I think it'd be best that we leave as soon as possible so he can rest."

The others nodded and as Kakashi put his book away while he pushed himself off the wall, an alarm started wailing from the outside of Naruto's room. Shizune's voice came from the intercom of the waiting room.

"I need Maito Gai, Hatake Kakashi, and Rock Lee in here NOW!" she said as crackling came from the background. A yelp came from the medic and the three, along with a few more than necessary, followed the medic as he ran back to Naruto's room. Upon opening the door, the shinobi were granted with one of the most amazing sights they had ever seen.

In the bed, lied Naruto...turning to stone. His eyes were shut and stone slowly encased him, starting from his feet up. He was strapped to the bed, and Tsunade and Shizune were doing the best they could to stop the stone where it was.

"Work harder, Shizune! Something must be wrong!" Tsunade barked as her hands glowed an even brighter green. Shizune was sweating from the forehead and instantly Kakashi knew what he, Gai, and Choji were called for.

"Break him out!" Kakashi shouted. Gai and Lee leapt into action, as best they could from the crammed doorway. The two rose their legs to deliver shattering axe kicks when a chakra pulse sent them along with Shizune and Tsunade skidding back. The windows of the room shattered and everyone covered their heads with their arms. When the pulse ended, everyone looked to see a horrible things they would ever witness.

Naruto had been completely encased in stone.

Tsunade stared in disbelief before slowly approaching the stone Naruto. She collapsed to her knees and reached to touch his face, hoping to feel skin and break the genjutsu, only to come into contact with stone. She released a cry of agony and Shizune, Gai and Lee all had to restrain her before she ran off and did something stupid. Tears trailed down almost everyone's eyes as the sun set. With the last rays of the sun dimming, the heavy air that was in the room started to drop. Kakashi looked down with a sad eye at his knuckleheaded pupil and looked out the now open window to see the sun vanish from sight.

It was then that a crackling sound came from the bed. Kakashi looked on in awe as cracks started to form on the body of his petrified student.

"Everyone!" Kakashi said, gaining their attention, "Look..."

Light started to appear on the cracks and the statue's eyes opened. They were glowing a bright white before the cracks increased and Kakashi took a step back, pulling a kunai out in defense. A growl started to emerge from the stone before it shattered, sending fragments of stone everywhere and causing everyone to cover their eyes once again. A roar echoed throughout the hospital and most of the village, causing those close by to cover their ears and huddle together in fear.

Kakashi and the others looked to see a shocking sight. Naruto had...changed. No longer was he dressed in the clothes he was in before, and his hair had grown slightly. His muscle was visible and seemed to be, as bad a pun as it is, rock hard underneath the scarlet skin. That was the most visible change to the blonde.

Kakashi stared in wonder at his student, or he prayed it was still his student, as he looked the boy over as Naruto sat up. His skin had lost all baby fat and he was now only clad in torn orange pants. As stated before, the blonde's skin was now scarlet and easily revealed his muscle tone as it gave off a stone-like complexion. The most shocking changes were on his head, hands, and feet.

He now had four horns protruding from his forehead and pushing his longer blonde hair back. The hair on his eyebrows had vanished and were replaced with a ridge. His whisker marks had become more defined and as he yawned and stretched, his newly lengthened fangs were visible to all. His hands had become talon-like, losing their human features such as his fingernails. His feet were the most changed, becoming high and arched, losing two toes and becoming three large talons on the front with a fourth protrusion at the heel of his foot.

The next shocking sight came all too fast for the witnesses and caused Hinata and Sakura to faint. As he stretched his arms, Naruto spread two large hooked bat wings. They were easily fifteen feet in length from wingtip to wingtip. Naruto blinked a few times before his eyes became focused and looked down at his hands. He stood and winced, shocking everyone as he stood a full 7 and a half feet tall on the balls of his feet, before he reached behind his back and tore his pants, making room for something to slide through the new tear. A long scarlet tail with a three pronged tip to slide out. The blonde looked around at everyone.

"Is there some stone on my face?" he asked, turning to look at a cracked glass door that held spare items for patients. Everyone conscious sweat dropped.

AN: Thank you, thank you. A first for a very small area in Naruto crossovers I'm sure. Then again, I like to do a lot of firsts, now don't I? I have picked Naruto's three wives out and I will not trade them out! So don't even bother about that! I don't care if you don't understand why Tsunade woke up so fast or why Danzo isn't in charge yet, just trust me on this, I have a plan and it's all going accordingly. Thank you! R&R. PEACE.