A/N: Hello guys! It's been a veeeery long time for this story, eh? Basically, I think I just really wanted to do a "5 times" story, so I rushed into this one and then lost a bunch of steam. But recently, with only a month left until Psych returns (I'M SO EXCITED IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!) I have been getting a lot more ideas.

I decided, therefore, to finish up some old stories before I started too many new ones, hence the update.

This is all...angsty. And it's Gus/Shawn friendship (next [and last] chapter is Shules, baby!) I also made a whole bunch of stuff up about Shawn's past that probably isn't true. But meh. I hope you guys kinda like it anyway. :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Psych

Rating: K+

Gus is standing and talking to some friends, celebrating their college graduation, when it happens.

He sees Shawn.

Normally, this would be an everyday occurrence- because, after all, the two boys barely spent a week apart when they were growing up.

However, that day marks four years of his best friend's absence. It has been fours years of only phone calls, of ambiguous post cards boasting of a new life, oftentimes of months of no interaction.

Gus remembers the day well, that spring afternoon when Shawn left.

He didn't tell anyone, not Gus, not his mother, not his father. It was high school graduation.

Shawn didn't attend the ceremony, didn't go to the party afterwards.

By the time anyone noticed he wasn't there, realized he wasn't coming, it was too late. While Gus was celebrating with his parents, Shawn was riding somewhere miles away on his motorcycle, leaving most of his possessions and three letters behind. One each for his dad, for his mom, and for Gus.

It wasn't a surprise, but Gus can't say it didn't upset him. Shawn, his best friend, had finally, effectively deserted him.

And somehow, when Gus sees Shawn that day, the intermittent years from then and now seem to disappear, as inconsequential as grains of sand.

It is a day that is very similar to the one four years before, and Gus later can acknowledge the irony of the situation- that the one time Shawn left, it was a graduation.

And the time he came back was a graduation, too.

Gus is standing in that bar, laughing with new friends, new people who don't know Shawn, strangers who Shawn doesn't know either. A drink is in his hand.

And then Gus sees him. Shawn, of course, walks into the bar, acting like he knows everyone, fitting right in.

And when he reaches Gus, who is now frozen by shock, and very quiet, Shawn smiles.

"Hey buddy," he says, acting as if it hasn't been four years since they've seen each other. "What's new?" And he signals the bartender, getting a drink of his own.

Gus is still standing there, silent, so Shawn merely pretends as if he doesn't notice, raises his glass and his voice to yell out a toast. The bar patrons respond enthusiastically.

Gus watches as Shawn drains his glass and gets another drink. Finally, he regains his voice. "You...you came." It is all he can get out.

Shawn looks at Gus, smiles, but it's wrong- it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Of course, buddy. I wouldn't miss this for the world."

And just like that, Gus has the peculiar sensation of catching up, as if the world were in slow motion before. And if that's true, time is now reeling too fast for him to stay aware.

So the rest of the night passes in a blur of laughter, of stories and reminiscing, of drinks. But Gus doesn't forget that his best friend has been gone for such a long time. He remembers, even through a drunken haze, the expression on Shawn's face before- the smile that didn't seem like it fit quite right on his face.

And so when the night finally is coming to a close, the bar emptying, Gus stops for a bit. He puts his glass down, and places his hand on Shawn's shoulder. Tells him he is welcome to stay with Gus that night, until he can find a place of his own.

And then Shawn smiles. A sad smile, regretful. And he speaks softly, drunk as well. "I'm not staying, Gus," Shawn says, eyes searching Gus's.

And Gus watches his best friend, the man who stayed with him for so long, then left.

He watches and lets Shawn stumble out the door, lets him leave once more.