Author's Note: I'm sooo sorry this took so long to get up. I love you and thank you for the wonderful feedback! I promise I'll be updating more often now.

"You know, Finn," Kurt started, putting his coffee cup down onto the table. "You really didn't have to stay. You know a bus ticket back is going to cost you way more than it's worth."

Finn licked his lips and shook his head, his eyes on Kurt's. "I didn't feel right leaving you there alone with Blaine." He brought his own coffee cup to his lips and took a drink. "Besides, ever since I moved back home all I do when I'm not working is sit around and mope."

Kurt frowned and tilted his head to the side. He reached out and put a hand on his brother's, giving it a quick squeeze. "Like I said before, I can handle Blaine," Kurt assured him. He squeezed one more time before letting go. "And Finn, we all knew the day would come when Rachel would leave everyone behind. It's what she was born to do."

"I just never thought she'd leave me behind."

"Well, you didn't tell her about your dream school, did you?" Kurt asked. Finn shook his head. "Then you'll probably never run into her again!"

"Yeah, about this whole thing." Finn took another drink and eyed Kurt. "Don't you think it's a little sketchy that Blaine would just happen to decide to go to the same school?"

"Oh," Kurt waved his hand at Finn and shook his head. "No, that one is Carole's fault."

"What do you mean?"

"See, I told Blaine about this place, but that was way in the beginning of our relationship. Apparently, he and Carole stayed buddy-buddy for like a year after we broke up. She's the one who encouraged him to apply."

"Are you serious?" Finn asked, his face somewhere between angry and confused. "Why would she do that?"

"Oh, you know her. Hopeless romantic, I'm sure she's still pulling for Klaine." Kurt chuckled and sipped his coffee, which happened to be his old order. He figured since Blaine wasn't here it would be safe.

Kurt watched Finn fiddle with his coffee and cup and smiled. In the past, things between them had been rocky at best. But after Burt and Carole got married Finn had turned into his greatest friend. And after Rachel left, Finn had really thrown himself into brother mode. Now he was constantly curious of Kurt's relationships and friends and wanted to know what he was doing all of the time.

"I don't like it," Finn finally said, looking up from his cup to his brother's face. "I think Blaine has plans and I don't like how he's doing things. It's sneaky and I don't trust him."

"I'm not exactly happy about it either, Finn." Kurt shook his head again. "I spent most of the first night debating asking for a room change."

"Why the hell didn't you?"

"Because," He paused for dramatic effect. "I can't keep running from things that make me uncomfortable. I ran once, I'm not doing it again."

Finn looked around for a second, and then leaned forward over the table. "You're not going to get back together with him, are you?" His voice was worried, and his eyes even more so.

Kurt couldn't keep himself from laughing. He had kind of expected Finn to misinterpret what he'd said. He shook his head quickly. "Of course not, Finn. Don't be silly. I just can't run from this problem, I have to suck it up and take it like a man."

Finn almost spit his coffee all over Kurt. He sputtered and choked for a second, holding his hand over his mouth. When he could speak, he said "Kurt, please don't use those phrases. Please. You're killing me."

A huge laugh escaped Kurt, and he put his head down on the table, his hands over his mouth. His whole body was shaking with laughter, and he was certain some people were staring. But he didn't care. This was the first time since coming to the school that he'd really laughed, and we was going to enjoy it.

After a moment of Kurt just letting lose, he could hear Finn across the table beginning to chuckle. Kurt lifted his head a little to peek at him. Finn was grinning widely, and upon seeing Kurt's face he began to really laugh.

So the two of them just sat there for a few moments, their laughter, loud and obnoxious, filling the small shop. People were definitely staring at this point.

When they finally calmed down, Kurt smiled at his brother. "Thank you, Finn."

Finn returned the smile. "No, thank you. I haven't had anyone to laugh with since you left. I miss you."

Kurt put a hand over his heart. "I miss you, too. Hey, maybe you should apply here!"

Finn chuckled and shook his head before finishing off his coffee. "This isn't for me, Kurt. Music is your dream. I have fun singing and trying to dance, and playing the drums and everything…But I'm better off working at Burt's shop and finding a girl to have a family with."

Kurt knew Finn was right, but he couldn't help feeling sad. His brother had a lot of talent, and he really wanted something bigger for him than just working on cars. But he knew Finn would be content taking over his dad's shop. He just wished he could convince him that he could do more. Maybe he could find him a nice girl who would convince him!

As Kurt was going through his list of girl friends in his head, Finn got up and threw his cup into the trash. When he sat back down, he rested his chin on his hand and looked out the window.

"I should probably head out soon,"

"What! I thought you were staying the night! I had this big, fun day planned for us tomorrow!"

The boys turned their head quickly to see Blaine standing in line near them.

Finn scowled at him and shook his head. "As much as I'd love to hang out with you, Blaine, I have to get home."

"Really?" Blaine smiled lightly at Finn. "I honestly thought you didn't like me, Finn."

"Dude," Finn blurted, turning sharply to fully face Blaine. His face was dripping with anger, and he had his hands curled into fists. "I don't like you!" Finn stood up and took a step towards Blaine.

Blaine took a small step back and put his hands in the air.

"Finn," Kurt tried to interrupt, standing up as well.

"No, Kurt, stay out of this!" Finn stepped closer to Blaine again and narrowed his eyes. "I don't appreciate you coming back into my brother's life and being so damn…"

"Friendly?" Blaine offered.

Finn was fuming at his point. He took hold of Blaine's jacket with both hands and pulled his face closer. "Get a room transfer, and stop making his life so miserable."

"Finn!" Kurt yelled, but he was ignored.

"Or what, Finn?" Blaine finally spat back, his face curled into the angriest expression Kurt had ever seen on him.

Finn let out an aggravated groan and shoved Blaine against the wall, knocking the air out of him. As Blaine was collecting his breath, he sneered up at Finn.

"I hope this doesn't make you feel like you've accomplished something," Blaine commented as Finn let go of his jacket. He looked over at the barista, who was just standing there slack-jawed, just like the rest of the customers. "All you've done is a) stick your nose in other people's business, and b) assault someone quite a bit smaller than you. So good job."

That did it. Finn cocked back his arm and swung. As his fist made contact with Blaine's jaw, Kurt felt like he was watching the scene in slow motion. A few people, including him, gasped as the unexpected punch caused Blaine to crumble to the floor.

"I'll call you when I get home, Kurt," Finn muttered as he left the shop.

For a moment, Kurt just stood there with the other people, staring at Blaine. His roommate was sitting on the floor, his head in his hands. He looked almost limp.

As people started to speak again, mostly about whether they should call the police or not, Kurt slowly made his way to Blaine.

He kneeled down in front of him. "You okay?"

When Blaine looked up, his eyes were wet. "I'm sorry, Kurt."

"You have nothing to apologize for."

Kurt held out his hand to help Blaine up, but he waved it off as he leaned his head against the wall.

"I'm a little dizzy. Can I sit here for a second?"

"Of course. I'll go talk to the barista."

Kurt stood up and, hesitantly, walked to the counter. The woman behind it was staring at Blaine as she spoke.

"Is he okay?"

"He will be. I'm so sorry about all of this. My brother, I don't even know, snapped I guess?"

"Is anything broken?"

Kurt glanced back at Blaine. "I don't think so."

"I meant in the store." She was looking at Kurt now.

"Oh." They both looked around. "No, he managed to avoid everything."

"Then don't worry about it. Just, I'm supposed to tell you not to come back. So…don't."

Kurt nodded, and then turned around and walked back to Blaine. He kneeled down again and put a hand on his roommate's shoulder.

"Come on, let's go home."

Blaine took Kurt's hand and allowed him to help him up. Kurt didn't protest when he didn't let go as they walked out of the shop. It wasn't that this incident had made him want to be with Blaine again or anything, though. He simply knew that Blaine was feeling pretty low, and didn't mind being there to comfort him. Even if it meant walking hand in hand.

It was silent for a good half of their walk home, until Blaine let go of Kurt's hand. Kurt looked down at his empty hand and felt the warmth Blaine's had brought fading from it. He looked up at Blaine as he spoke.

"I'm sorry about Finn, Blaine."

Blaine put his hands in his pockets and shrugged, keeping his eyes on the ground. "It's okay."

"No, it's not," Kurt argued. "You know I don't condone hurting people as a method of getting one's point across."

"I did provoke him. I would have punched me, too."

"I don't care if you'd said 'Please, Finn, punch me', he shouldn't have taken it that far. If ever speak to him again, he'll be getting an ear full."

Blaine laughed and finally looked up. Kurt could see a bruise developing on his jaw line, and he frowned at the sight. Blaine's perfect face would be tainted by a big ugly bruise for a couple of weeks now, thanks to Finn. He shook his head in frustration. How could Finn do that? How could he go off like that? Sure, Kurt liked the whole protective brother thing he had going, but not if it meant punching people in coffee shops. That he would not tolerate!

"Maybe I should get a room transfer."

"No!" Kurt exclaimed, rushing to Blaine's side and grabbing his arm. "Although that would make my life infinitely easier, I don't want you to leave."

A tiny smirk grew on Blaine's face as he looked sideways at Kurt. "Oh really? Why's that?"

"Because, I'm through taking the easy way out of things. You and I will remain roommates."

"And friends?"

Kurt laughed. "And friends."

They reached the school shortly after, and headed to their room. Kurt walked behind Blaine through the door and watched him as he went into the bathroom to look in the mirror.

"How does it feel?" Kurt asked, going to the mini-fridge and pulling out an ice try.

"It hurts like hell. I haven't been punched since high school."

Kurt sighed and walked past him into the closet. He pulled open his scarf drawer and rifled through it for a moment before pulling out a plaid scarf. Blaine watched him carefully as he lay it out on the counter and held the tray upside-down over it.

"You're not gonna use that for the ice, are you?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I?"

"You love your scarves, Kurt."

"I…" Kurt hesitated as I love you more almost slipped out of his mouth. He cleared his throat and twisted the tray, dropping the ice onto the plaid material. "Water won't kill it."

He wrapped the ice up and held it out to Blaine, who just stood there staring at him. Kurt sighed and put a hand on the back of Blaine's neck for support, then pressed the ice to his jaw. Blaine smiled and put his hand over Kurt's.

"Hopefully we can keep it from swelling, and just cover the bruise with some makeup. Wouldn't want your handsome face ruined."