Naruto: Attack of the Clones

Naruto/Star Wars Crossover

Pairing: NarutoxFemale Kyuubi

Rating: M for violence, adult themes, language.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far,

far away...

The time of peace for the Galatic Republic is at it's end.

Dozens of star systems have suceeded from the Republic,

Joining the former Jedi Master, Count Dooku, and his

Droid Army. War is on the horizon...

On a planet, in the unknown regions, a being lives.

Finding soloace on a planet absent of the Force, he lies in wait.

Now, a of Force sensitive boy has been born.

His time of wait is over...

A vision of the Future drives him on, giving him conviction

A vision of a peaceful future, where there is balance in the Force.

A vision of a hellish future, where the galaxy will die. He must act.

For the very future of the galaxy rests with this gifted soul...

Chapter I Echo

/Planet Ibonihs/Unknown Regions/

/Northern Hemisphere/Fire Country Border/

/1320 Hours LST/September 23, 983 SE/

Naruto Uzumaki sighed as he hefted his pack up before he continued on his way to the Land of Waves. He bitterly played the last few days over in his head, starting with his return of the man he had once considered a brother...

/Three Days Prior/Valley of the End/

/1753 Hours LST/September 20, 983 SE/

Naruto winced as he forced his battered and broken body to stay standing, He looked up at the traitor. Saskue Uchiha sneered at him, his curse seal in full swing. He could see the insanity in the black eyes and knew that the former comrade would not listen to reason and he knew what he had to do.

"Saskue! You've had your chance to come back!" He yelled, preparing a full powered rasengan. "Instead, you have attempted to kill me, and have expressed you intentions of betraying to village to the enemy. By right of the Third Draft of the Konoha Shinobi Oath, you will be executed."

Saskue smirked even wider.

"You can't kill me, dobe. You haven't even hurt me."

Naruto grinned darkly.

"That's because I was fighting to try to reason with you. I haven't even used my full strength yet, Uchiha."

Saskue glared at him.

"You dare suggest I'm at your mercy? You are at mine!" He screamed as he prepared a chidori.

Nartuo eyed the attack breifly before he looked up to his former teammate with a clam look.

"You will not leave here alive Saskue. I only wish things could have turned out differently. Good bye Saskue."

The two leapt at each other, soaring over the gap between them, attacks pulled back. The pair slammed together with a terrible crash, energy cascading over the water and rack faces as the two continued through with their killing blow. Saskue smirked as his hand shot foreward to Naruto's heart, but felt surprise when the blonde grabbed him by the wrist, snapping the fraggle bones. Naruto took the moment of hesitation and slammed the rasengan into the other boy's chest. The look of pain and shock burned itself into Naruto's mind as he felt the bone and muscle shred beneath his attack. After a moment, the ball of energy burst through the Last Loyal Uchiha's back, severing the spine. Naruto's momentum took them both back to Saskue's launch site and the Uchiha slammed into the ground, unmoving, as Naruto landed in a roll, popping back to his feet. The blonde walked over to the traitor and looked down at him with sadness. The Uchiha tried to form words, but found his strength fading, blackness creeping up at the edge of his vision.

"I know what you're thinking." Naruto spoke. "You're wondering how you lost. Well, I'll tell you. I was trained by three retired shinobi who followed the old code. 'Deception is reality to your enemies. Make them believe they are superior, and strike when they think they have won. Unleash your full potential at that moment, and you will never fail.'" Naruto quoted.

Saskue glared at him, blood soaking the ground around him. Naruto pulled a scroll out of his pocket and kneeled down, unraveling it.

"That is the first rule of the old code. Deception, Stealth, Cunning. These are the tools of a shinobi. Not flashy jutsu, or a surname. You fell into the same trap as almost everyone in the village. I decived you all. And that, has led to your death here." Naruto paused and chuckled as he looked around, before returning his gaze back to Saskue, who's breaths were comming shallower and shallower.

"Seems fitting that we're here. My Great-Grandfather fought your's here all those years ago, and here we are, fighting again." He looked back at the scroll. "I'll give you the same short lesson I gave the others as they lay dying. I'm not only the Great-Grandson of the first Hokage through marriage, but also the grandson of Jiraiya Namikaze and Tsunade Senju Namikaze and the son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze. My full name, Saskue, is Naruto Senju Uzumaki Namikaze, and my linage is more noble than your's."

He spotted the disbeliving look and smiled lightly.

"Yes. You don't believe me either. But that doesn't matter as I know and that the ones who matter know. I'm sorry it came to this Saskue, but when you get to the afterlife, search out the ones who died at my hands. Ask them. Good bye Saskue Uchiha, my friend."

Naruto watched as the boy took his last breath before his eyes lost the light in them. Naruto quickly scanned him and confirmed he was dead. Flashing a quick handsign, Saskue's body vanished and his name appeared on the scroll that Naruto rolled up in one quick motion. The blonde stood up and looked over the valley with a sad smile on his face as he felt a familar chakra signiture drop down next to him. The man had silver hair and a mask over the lower half of his face with one eye covered by his head band. He placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"You okay?"

Naruto nodded.

"I'm fine Kakashi-sensei. But I know the council will demanded my immidiate exile from Fire Country. Maybe even my death."

Kakashi sighed and nodded. He knew they would be calling for blood for the loss of Saskue, but they had lost him long ago. Both he and Naruto had tried to change the boy, but it hadn't worked.

"They have the body. They'll still be able to breed Uchiha's to their heart's content." Kakashi remarked.

"Yeah, but Sakura and her mother won't settle for just that. We both know it."

Kakashi sighed again. Another failure on his part. He had hoped to break the pink haired girl out of her brainwashed state, but it too hadn't worked.

"I'm glad to see you trust me enough to fully drop that mask of your's, Naruto."

Naruto chuckled.

"Well, Ryukou-sensei always trusted you and that is good enough for me."

Kakashi nodded and the pair headed back to the village, going at an easy pace when Kakashi decided to ask something that had been on his mind for awhile now.

"So...if you didn't really like Sakura...?" His question trailed off, and Naruto knew what he was trying to ask.

"A diversion. I deviated everyone's attetion from the person who I really like so that way, she wouldn't come to harm. Besides, we've already talked and her clan seems to like messing with everyone else. They were estatic at a chance to fool everyone who mourned the loss of the Uchiha as if they were Kami walking the planet."

Kakashi paused and wondered if he was speaking of who he was thinking about. Naruto seemed to almost be able to read minds.

"Yes, sensei. I'm speaking of Hinata-chan. But now that this happened, we won't really be able to start anything." Naruto stated sadly.

Kakashi stayed silent, as did his young friend for the rest of the trip. At the gates stood none other than Sakura, who looked at them worriedly. Naruto sighed and put his mask back up, not looking foreward to playing the fool, but he had no choice. The pink haired girl rushed over to them, a look of nervousness on her face.

"Well?" She asked.

Naruto shook his head.

"Saskue is dead, Sakura. He wouldn't listen to reason or even give up. He was trying to betray us."

Sakura took a step back, tears threatening to fall as Kakashi stepped foreward.

"Saskue Uchiha was a traitor. Tell me Sakura, what is the penalty for treason?" The Jounin asked.

She shook her head, mouthing no, so Kakashi continued.

"By Article 25 of the Shinobi Code of Military Justice, Saskue Uchiha was executed upon confimed attempt of Treason. Among other charges of the SCMJ, the attempted murder of a fellow Konoha Shinobi also carried the death penalty. Naruto envoked the authority under the Shinobi oath."

"The curse seal." She muttered, still crying.

"Only works if you activated it. He knew what he was doing. He made a concious choice and has suffered the consequences of his actions." Kakashi explained.

"NO!" Sakura screamed, rounding on Naruto, who didn't even flich. "You were jealous of him! You've wanted him dead this whole time! You're a monster!"

She pulled her hand back, but found an iron vice grip on her wrist. Ino had been passing by and had heard the story. The look on her face was deadly as both her teammates had almost been killed trying to retrive the Uchiha.

"You're an idiot. You cry for a traitor, scream about the injustice when five of our friends are severly injured because of him."

Sakura yanked her hand free and gave Naruto an icy stare.

"I'll see you hang for this, Demon." She hissed before storming off.

Naruto sighed and shook his head.

"Well, that went better than I expected. Thanks Ino."

She waved him off.

"Don't mention it. She's an idiot. I've got to go see my father and see if he can do anything to help."

Naruto said his goodbye and spotted a certain person hiding in the shadows. Naruto handed the scroll to Kakashi, asking him to deliver it, saying he be their a few minutes behind him. Kakashi nodded and headed off while Naruto headed toward the alley. Once he was far enough in, a pair of small arms pulled him into a hug.

"You're alright." The person whispered.

Naruto returned the embrace and smiled sadly at Hinata Hyuuga who looked like she had been worried sick.

"But I don't know for how much longer. The council will demand action for killing Saskue."

Her face took on a scowl.

"Father won't allow that."

Naruto sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I wish he could, but unfortunatly, with the addtion to Danzou to the civilian side, they outnumber the shinobi side."

Hinata let out a sob before hugging him tightly. Naruto comforted her best he could before instructing her to return home and wait for news. Either execution or exile, he would be in a holding cell until the trial. With a sad goodbye, Naruto made his way to the Hokage tower. As predicted, he entered the Hokage's office moments after Kakashi had, but was unsettled by seeing Danzou at the desk, looking like he had won the lottery. On the table was the storage scroll, and beside Naruto, was a pissed off Kakashi, eyeing Danzou with disgust. Naruto breifly closed his eyes before looking at the smirking Danzou.

"So. You killed Saskue. A shame. You were such a promising shinobi. But now you're charged with the murder of a loyal leaf shinobi."

"Loyal? He was defecting to Orochimaru!" Kakashi spat.

Danzou waved him off.

"It was the seal. Uzumaki should have tried harder to return him alive. Instead, he killed him. But we will continue this in the council chambers."

Naruto didn't move.

"Where's Baa-chan?" He asked.

"An unfortunate accident befell her. Sadly, she did not survive." His tone didn't match the words coming out of his mount.

Naruto felt hot rage build inside him as Danzou led them to the council chambers where he spotted all of the clan headds, look outraged. Hiashi stepped forward, glaring at the bandaged man.

"What is the meaning of this, Danzou? What right do you have to wear the robes of the Hokage?"

Danzou smirked.

"The council agrees that I am the best choice."

"We sure as hell don't think that." Shikaku spoke frm besides his two best friends.

Danzou's grin widened.

"Yes, well, you aren't in the council. My first act was to establish an all civilian council. You no longer have a say in what policy affects this village. Now, I have a matter of extreme importance to deal with. The death of Uchiha-sama must be dealt with."

"Good ridiance." Inochi remarked. "He was justly served."

"No. He was under the effects of the curse seal. Uzumaki will be tried for the murder. Most likly it will result in execution."

All present cried out in outrage, but couldn't do anything as ANBU ROOT arrived and restrained them back as Naruto, Kakashi, and Danzou entered. Naruto glanced around the room as Danzou sat in his seat. Naruto took a deep breath and spoke before Danzou could even open his mouth.

"I know you all are going to baying for my blood for killing Saskue and I know that no matter how much backing I have through the articles that govern our great village will change your minds." He looked over them and spotted a few who at least stayed neutral along with a couple who actually liked him. The rest, however dispised him. "I wish I was never cursed with the burden placed on me. I wish I could be the shinobi you guys want. But I am who I am. Before you pass judgement on me for the actions in the Valley of the End, I want to release the records and documents of my heritage."

Kakashi's visible eye widened as did everyone else in the room. Danzou looked at him curiously. He knew the boy's heritage, and by a blood oath, would have to confirm it. But surely the boy must have a death wish. At this point, Danzou was grinning evily on the inside, but remained curious on the out.

"I know of your heritage, Uzumaki-san. Surely you do not wish to paint a target on yourself because of who your parents were?" he inquired.

Naruto nodded, feeling that it was the best course of action at the moment. Indeed, something inside him was telling him it was the right action.

"I do. You have the documents, Hokage-sama?"

Danzou nodded and pulled them out of the sealed cabinet behind him and placed them on the table, still curious, but working on another way to get control over the Kyuubi. Naruto looked them over and nodded his head in satisfation before passing the folder to the nearest council member, Hikira Haruno. The woman glared at him before looking the contents over. Her eyes widened in disbelif.


All eyes turned to him.

"It is all true. My full given name is Naruto Senju Uzumaki Namikaze. My Great-Grandmother was Mito Uzumaki, the first container of the Kyuubi, also known as the wife of the First Hokage. My paternal grandparents are Jiraiya Namikaze and Tsunade Senju Namikaze. Their only son, Minato Namikaze is my father. My mother was Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze." He explained.

"My family are the very founders of this village."

Silence met his statement as Hikira passed the folder off. Each council member looked over the documents and each had the same expression. One of shock. After ten minutes of silence, Danzou spoke.

"As Hokage, I am under a blood oath to inform you, that all of this is true. I came here to ask that Namikaze-san be placed on a ten year exile, for the death of Saskue Uchiha. For by the articles of this village, we can not execute the member of multiple clans when the member is confirmed to be the last male heir."

The council nodded, each shocked at what they had discovered. Danzou nodded and looked back to Naruto.

"Very well. Naruto Senju Uzumaki Namikaze, you are here by exiled for a term of no less than ten years. If you enter Fire Country prior to the end of the term, you will be met with deadly force. As Hokage, I pass this sentence. You have one hour to gather your possesions and leave the village with seventy-two hours to vacate Fire Country. Do you understand?" He asked.

Naruto nodded, already aware that the man was going to try something, but unsure of as to what. Danzou seemed content.

"Very well. Hatake-san will escort you to the gates. After that, you will have no contact with any Konoha shinobi nor will they be allowed to make any contact with you. You are all dismissed."

Naruto turned and left the room where the shinobi council were still present. Each looked at the enraged expression on Kakashi's face and knew what happened. The Ino-Shika-Cho trio vowed to find a way to help him, while the Aburame clan head seemed just as agitated as he told naruto he would begin looking for some way for the boy to stay in contact with his friends. Tsume Inuzuka seemed truly disgusted as she saw this as a betrayal of the pack and told Naruto he was welcome to speak with any of her clanmembers should he happen across them. Hiashi seemed extremely angry as he placed a hand on the young man's shoulders, asking if there was anything he could do.

"I mean it, Naruto. Anything you need you need from me, I'll do it."

Naruto looked up to the man and smiled. Hiashi had always been kind to him and had let him use an unoccupied room whenever Naruto need a place to hide out.

"Just...just pass a message to Hinata-chan. I'll miss her, but I would like for her to move on. He is up to something and I don't know if I'll actually be able to survive if he wants my tenant. I don't want her to hurt while I'm gone. Maybe...maybe if I come back...I'd like to see her happy. If it isn't with me, then, at least she'll be loved." Naruto choked out.

Hiashi felt emotions course through him as he hugged the boy he viewed of as his son. He had long ago promised Minato that he would watch over his son, and as Minato's best friend, he made sure Naruto at least knew someone cared about him. The two pulled away and Hiashi smiled sadly at Naruto.

"I always veiwed you as my son. I know your parents would be proud of the man you have become. I will see you in ten years."

Naruto didn't have the heart to tell him that Danzou would probably have him killed before he left the country, but nodded as he shook his hand. Naruto left with Kakashi, who was visable shaking at this point, and left the angered and disgusted Clan leaders as they all vowed to help the boy. After all, they each had been friends with Minato and Kushina since the academy. Naruto slowly walked through the streets with Kakashi and passed many smirking villagers, before he came across Ichiraku Ramen, where Tenchi was closing his shop up for good. He told Naruto he wouldn't stay in a village that refused to see past a traitor. Ayame was crying as she hugged Naruto tightly, cursing at those that would exile her little brother. After a few moments, Naruto told them that the Land of Waves appreciated him and that they were good people. Tenchi liked the idea of the place and told Naruto to pop by in a month or so, as any place where the people treated the young man properly was the right place to be. Naruto promised to stop by and said his farwell. It only took him a few minutes to gather his things before the pair headed to the front gate where a sneering Sakura stood, hand over her stomach. Naruto and Kakashi stopped as she approached, Kakashi glaring at his female student. Naruto merely glanced over to her and was curious as to what she wanted.

"You should have hung for killing Saskue-kun, but exile will have to do. I'm sure my child will like a chance to avenge the one who murdered his father in cold blood." She spotted the suprised look and her sneer deepened. "Oh yes. Invetro is a wonderful thing."

Her face darkened as she glared at him.

"Make no mistake, Naruto. I will see the ground run red with your blood." She stated as she walked past.

Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Gee, another Uchiha Avenger trying to kill me. Like I haven't had that happen before." He looked over her shoulder to her as she began to shake with anger. "Do the village a favor, Sakura, and go fuck yourself."

The pair continued foreward where every Jounin, most of the Chunin and Genin stood with the Konohamaru Corps, watching he apprach sadly. Each of them said their goodbyes and promised to look out for him if he was in the area. Naruto thanked each of them and hugged a distrate Iruka. Naruto walked out the gate and turned back, sending a sad smile and a final wave to them. They all watched him leave and wondered why they all even stayed.

/Planet Ibonihs/Unknown Regions/

/Northern Hemisphere/Fire Country Border/

/1326 Hours LST/September 23, 983 SE/

Naruto walked on down the path, thinking about where he would go. Wave was a good start, but he figured another trip to Spring Country to see Yuki seemed like a good idea. He was just passing by a clearing when he caught a voice.

"Well, a traveler. How are you on this fine day?"

Naruto stopped and looked in the direction of the speaker and spotted a dark haired man with green eyes and a kind smile. Naruto sensed no hostility from him or any hostile intentions and returned the man's smile with one of his own.

"Could be better, but hey? I'm alive."

The man chuckled, and nodded his head in understanding, his brown cloak catching a slight breeze.

"Yes. That is true. What is your name, youngling?"

Naruto was abit confused by the word youngling, but answered anyway.

"Naruto Namikaze, sir."

The man nodded.

"My name is-"

He was cut off by the apperance of several ANBU clad shinobi, each radiating with a hostile aura. Naruto lowered his stance and stepped into the toad style, prepareing to defend himself, when the strange man spoke up.

"Well, more newcomers. Though you don't seem too friendly." He remarked.

One of the ANBU glanced at him.

"Stay out of this outsider. We have orders to kill this demon."

The man breifly ran a hand through his short hair and rose to his feet, his cloak gently settling around him.

"That's a rude thing to say about a child. Not to mention a rude way to greet someone."

The ANBU turned to him and drew his sword, holding it at his side, blade pointed skyward.

"If you know what is good for you, you'll pretend you didn't see us and leave this area."

The man grinned darkly, making Naruto pause to look at the man. All the other ANBU stopped what they were doing and watched this outsider with curiousity. Most beings would flee from them at the sight of their weapons, but this man seemed to be interested. The man eyed the sword.

"Fine craftsmenship of your sword. Not just run through a blacksmith for a cheap constrution, but one cared for and machine pressed to a hardened, almost indestructable quality. The design along the blade is forged in, not chemically placed. The person who created it obviously cared about the quality of the weapon. Leather hilt, not wooden or of plastic. Very impressive weapon." He stated.

The ANBU seemed a little unnerved by this strange man and took his preferred kenjutsu stance and held the blade at the ready.

"This is your last chance. Leave before we kill you as well."

The man dropped his cloak and stood in tan robes with two metal cyclinders attached to his waist. He reached down and held them up, arms forming an x as he glared at the ANBU. Naruto watched as the six ANBU circled around the man. The man seemed to ignore them and focused on the sword weilder.

"I give you one warning now. Leave the boy alone and go back to where ever it is you came from. Otherwise, none of you will live to go back."

Naruto sensed he wasn't exaggerating as the ANBU snarled and moved forward. To Naruto's amazement, two glowing rods shot up as the man moved forword in a blur. The ANBU brought the blade down, attempting to slice the man's head in half. To both Naruto's and the ANBU's surprise, the glowing rod sliced through the sword. The ANBU was too stunned to move and suddenly found himself looking up at his waist in legs. Naruto felt his jaw drop at the sight of the man being cleanly cut in two, but his surprise mounted as the man spun and began to slice through the ANBI who couldn't even land a hit. One of them seemed to figure out that he needed to put some distance between him and the strange man and lept back ten feet and sent a fireball at the man. The stranger leapt into the air and landed behind the man and spun around, both rods held perpendicular to the ground as he crouched down. Both men were still until the remaing ANBU's head fell to the ground, followed by the body. As the blonde watched, the man recalled the rods into the metal cyclinders and retrieved his cloak and turned to Naruto, smiling.

"Well, as I said. My name is Revan, and I have been waiting for you for a very long time, Naruto Namikaze." The man stated with a grin,