Once again, Dean was bored, and Sam was on guard in case his elder brother was trying something else.

But Dean had ideas for his brothers hair now, trying to think which was best-

Color or bleach.


Dean waited until his little brother went around to the store to get them some beer when he stuck the bleach and hair dye in the shampoo bottle, wondering what kind of reaction mixing bleach and red hair dye did to someones hair.

Oh well, Sam'd survive.

When Sam returned, he looked at Deans innocent smile in aprehension, knowing he was up to something, so he dodged and went to wash his hair before something happened.

Oh what a mistake...


Dean jolted now, looking up from the bed as Sam came out the bathroom, furious. "What the hell have you done!"

The older brother cocked his head now, staring at his brothers bright red hair, then let out a low whistle.

"Hell you look like Rhianna. Minus the hot part."

Sam snarled and slammed the bathroom door behind him as Dean started laughing, taking the phone from its stand on the wardrobe and grinned at the incriminating evidence that was great for blackmailing him.

Life was sweet sometimes.

Well, poor Sammy! I think my friend feels your pain! Glad you liked this little fun "story" x