Dean yawned now, running a hand through his already messed up hair, eyes barely open. He sighed, tapping away at the laptop, too tired even to do some "research" of his own.

He prodded a key now, then jumped a little as Sam snored. Dean raised an eyebrow at his younger brother now, then smirked a little as he closed the laptop, then walked as fast and silently as he could to the bathroom, grabbing the shaving cream.

Dean went back to his brother now, who was asleep on his back, a hand on top of the covers. He grinned evilly as he pressed the button and a great dollop appeared in his brothers hand.

Now he grabbed a pencil and prodded his cheek, trying not to laugh.

Sam groaned in his sleep, but didn't move. Dean sighed quietly, then prodded harder, then cheered as Sam went to slap whatever it was bothering him away... and ended up with a face-full of shaving cream.


So-! April Fools day was very productive! This being one of the tricks I played on my friends and familiy... and they weren't too happyXD yeah, I'm still hiding under the stairs in fear of revenge! Anyway, enjoy! x