The Other

You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance

Lost, injured, hurt by chance

I screamed to the heavens

Loudly screamed

Trying to change our nightmares into dreams

The sun has come

The mists have gone

We see in the distance our long home

I was always yours to have

You were always mine

We loved each other in and out,

in and out, in and out of time

Excerpt from In and Out of Time by Maya Angelou

Chapter 1

"I'm telling you, Peter, what I say is true. Since coming out of that cave after his madness, Vincent simply isn't the same. It's almost as if he left part of himself behind."

"But, I don't understand, Jacob. I thought you said Vincent was more at peace now."

Peter Alcott responded.

"He is, on the surface. But it's more complicated than that. He's quite apathetic, almost... unfeeling. He's become almost... docile." Father replied.

"Isn't that what you wanted, Jacob?" Peter posed.

Father hesitated before he responded. "Not like this. I wanted him to find some measure of peace, not become a shadow of his former self."

Father sat in his chamber discussing recent events with his old friend Peter Alcott. He was one of the few people who could help Father understand the changes in his son. Of course, Peter asked the obvious question.

"Have you discussed any of this with Catherine?"

Father sighed heavily. "No. I'm not sure I dare. Have you seen her lately, Peter?"

"No. I've been out of town for a couple of weeks visiting my daughter. Why, is something wrong?" Peter inquired, suddenly anxious.

"As a matter of fact; yes." Father replied. "Catherine doesn't look well. Between the strain of Vincent's illness and the explosion involving her friend Joe Maxwell, she looks exhausted. I've been afraid to bring up Vincent's recent behavior for fear of adding to her burden; but I know she's aware of it. You have only to look at her to see it.

She's not the only one either. Others have remarked on Vincent's odd demeanor as well. He's become almost indifferent to everyone and everything around him. It's almost as if he's detached in some way. There's no anger, but there's no joy either. In fact, he seems incapable of mustering any strong emotion of any kind. It's as if some inner spark were simply no longer there; he's only a reflection of his former self. Even the children have noticed."

At that moment, the subject of their discussion stepped into Father's chamber.

Looking up, Peter deliberately stood up and offered his hand to Vincent.

"Vincent! Long time no see! How are you?" he greeted enthusiatically.

Vincent ignored the effuse welcome, merely inclining his head and responding "Peter"

before turning to address Father.

"Father, Catherine has asked me to join her; there's a concert in the park tonight. I'll return later." Vincent intoned quietly to his parent.

Giving Peter a knowing look, Father spoke up. "Vincent, Peter and I were going to play chess and have some tea. Are you sure you won't join us instead?"

Peter Alcott was flabbergasted as Vincent cocked his head to the side and actually appeared to be considering the idea.

"Well, if you really want me to, I could send Catherine my regrets." Vincent responded slowly.

Father waived him off, his point made. "No, on second thought, you go ahead. I'm sure Catherine has missed you." Vincent merely shrugged carelessly and left the chamber without another word.

Peter sat back down, his shock written all over his face. "Did I hallucinate what just happened?" He stammered in total disbelief. "Did Vincent actually offer to cancel spending time with Catherine?"

"Yes, he did." Father confirmed. "He's been this way since his recovery. He never tries to initiate things and see her; merely waits until she comes Below to see him. He will see her, but that's all. God only knows how he's treating poor Catherine. He's so cool to everyone else."

Vincent arrived at the music chamber and entered as Catherine jumped to her feet, her pleasure at his arrival evident on her face.

"Vincent, it's so good to see you!" she greeted exuberantly. She moved to hug him, but Vincent merely took a seat, effectively cutting her off.

"Good evening, Catherine." he greeted politely. "I hope you are well."

"I'm fine." she responded, considerably subdued now. Quietly, she sat down as well.

Soon the music began. Catherine shivered a little from the chill and subtly moved closer to Vincent. In days gone by, he would have placed his arm around her, sharing his cloak and his warmth to shield her from the cold. Tonight, he did neither.

Vincent remained quiet and still through the whole concert. Vainly, Catherine searched the face she loved so well for any sign that the music affected him in any way. She found none; his face remained a blank mask.

When the music ended, Vincent rose, but made no effort to help Catherine up. Instead, he merely waited until she stood before he spoke. "That was quite pleasant. Thank you for inviting me, Catherine. It's late. So, I'll say goodnight." he offered blandly as he turned to leave. Behind him, Catherine flinched at his indifferent attitude as if he had struck her. Briefly, he paused in the doorway and her hope flared anew.

"You can find your own way back through the tunnels, can't you, Catherine?" he stated more than asked.

She plastered on a fake smile. "Of course. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Good night." she replied with false brightness." Vincent inclined his head in assent, turned his back and left; leaving Catherine alone with her pain and inner turmoil.

Vincent made his way back to his chambers and prepared for bed. Soon, he fell into a deep dreamless sleep, completely oblivious to the great consternation he was causing the people who loved him.