Summary: (Two-Shot) Mai gets lost in the library and she thinks of a way to find her missing companion. (1st chapter is in the POV of an outsider)

This chapter is no one's POV.

Pairings: Naru X Mai; hints of Bou-san X Ayako and John X Masako

A/N: Here's the second part of the story. The fluff is here!

Disclaimer: Ghost Hunt is not mine.

Chapter 2

"Naru! Slow down!" Mai complained. It was rather difficult to keep up with his big strides; especially when he was practically dragging her by the arm to the place they were investigating.

"We wasted enough time there, Mai, we have no time to slow down or stand around and chat. I don't pay you for that." Naru replied coldly.

Mai frowned and defended herself. "I wasn't standing around and chatting, as you eloquently put it. I was asking for help to find you."

"I see... and holding his hands was part of finding me?" He asked; his tone unchanging.

Mai's scowl, instead of becoming worse, turned into a pout. "I was so excited about my idea for finding you that I did it without thinking. I was only asking for a favour."

"That favour being?"

"To talk to me." She replied. Naru abruptly stopped and directed his piercing glance at her. She met his stare without flinching (whilst others would normally recoil under his gaze). Mai knew that he was silently demanding for an explanation.

"I thought that if he talked to me I'll eventually find you!" She explained.

"How did you come up with such a ridiculous idea?" He asked. His tone was less aloof than before.

"Simple. Whenever I talk to some guy you always seem to appear out of nowhere." Mai said in a matter of fact tone. "Sometimes I think you're stalking me."

Naru glared at her. "You're an idiot if you think that I would stoop to an indecent activity such as stalking."

"I was just saying. Geez, Naru, stop being so uptight." Then she added. "And you didn't have to drag me away from Komagata-san. Have some manners! You could've just told me that we were leaving. He was really nice."

"You wouldn't think he's nice if he suddenly decided to do unseemly things to you." Naru's tone went back to being icy.

"Komagata-san wouldn't do that." She replied defiantly.

"How are you sure, Mai? You just met him."

"My gut instinct says so."

"Did your 'gut instinct' take into account the fact that Komagata-san is a male teenager whose hormones are probably at its peak?"

Mai groaned in defeat. "Mou, Naru, you're exaggerating. I'm here and safe, aren't I? Let's just stop arguing, okay?" she pleaded. Naru stared at her for a while before turning around to resume walking. Mai sighed and jogged up to catch up to him. They walked in peace for a few minutes before Mai broke the silence.

"Ne, Naru..." she started while looking up at him with an innocent expression.

"What is it, Mai?" He asked without even sparing her a glance.

"Wouldn't you be considered as 'a male teenager whose hormones are probably at its peak'?" Mai questioned.

For a second Naru's steps faltered slightly, though only those who knew him very well – like Mai – would be able to notice the barely discernible action. Mai patiently awaited his response with a small smile on her face. Naru didn't disappoint her when he replied a few moments later.

"Unlike other male teenagers, Mai, I am not easily affected by insignificant matters such as hormones. Furthermore, I have perfect control over my emotions." Without even looking, Mai could already imagine the expression on his face. Then, Naru added. "Besides, I am evidently more intelligent and attractive than most of them." She can practically hear his smirk in that statement.

"Narcissist." Mai commented.

"Ah, but you agree." He again stopped unexpectedly and leaned down so that his face was only inches from Mai's. "Don't you, Mai?"

Mai's features turned into a deep shade of red that would put tomatoes to shame. "I-I-..." She immediately pushed him away and pointed an accusing finger at his direction. "J-Jerk! You took me by surprise so that I'd agree!" Mai crossed her arms over her chest and looked away in a haughty manner. "Hmph, next time I get lost, I'm gonna look for a guy who's nicer and wouldn't use such tricks to get me to bend to their will! I'll also make sure they're really good-looking so that you wouldn't be able to say any of those smart-assed egoistic statements of yours."

"I see." He said coldly. Mai's face fell as guilt washed over her. She didn't mean to get him upset. As she was about to turn to him to apologize, she felt her wrists being seized by rough hands. She was then pulled into something hard. Her eyes widened in surprise.

What Naru whispered into her ear made Mai's face – if it was possible – turn an even darker shade of red.

She didn't get to say anything since her boss already resumed walking while leading her by the hand. She followed him in a daze, still contemplating on his words. Before she knew it, they were already standing in front of a nice-looking two-storey house. As they entered the gate, Bou-san greeted the two.

"Hey, what took you guys?" Then, seeing their intertwined hands, the monk grinned. "Oh! Tsk,tsk,tsk you two. I expected better of you; especially you, Naru. You're the boss; you shouldn't go off dilly-dallying with your girlfriend while on a case. We're in the middle of a job!"

Before Mai could even retort, Naru already had a reply. "Speaking of jobs, shouldn't you be assisting your fiancé, Takigawa-san? Instead of fooling around like a buffoon?"

"Nah, she can take care of herself. Besides, what would that old lady do if I relax a bit?" Bou-san replied, not aware of the dark aura behind him.


Bou-san crouched on the ground while holding his throbbing head. "Geez, woman! What do you have in that purse? Bricks?"

"You're supposed to be helping me stick these talismans around the house! Now get up you stupid monk and help me!" Ayako snapped whilst pulling a whining Bou-san by the ear. As they left, Masako walked up to the newly-arrived couple.

"Masako! When did you arrive?" Mai grinned. Masako, though covering the bottom half of her face with her sleeve, was evidently smiling back.

"Only a few minutes ago." The medium replied.

"Hara-san, will Brown-san be joining us?" Naru asked. Straight to the point, as usual.

Masako shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid not. He was called back to Australia again."

Mai placed her hand on Masako's shoulder. "It's taking quite a long time."

The medium shook her head. "It's alright; I expected that the process of leaving priesthood would take this long." Then she smiled wistfully. "But I don't mind waiting."

Mai was about to say something to Masako when Naru interrupted her. "Save this talk for later. I don't pay you to dawdle." Mai glared at him but he continued as if he wasn't being given the evil eye. "Hara-san, I want you to observe the different places in the house for paranormal activity. Mai, accompany her." Naru gave Mai a meaningful look that the latter understood instantly.

"Okay, Naru!" Mai exclaimed; cheerful at the fact that Naru just gave her an opportunity to lift the medium's mood. She and Masako were about to enter the house when Naru called Mai back.

"Mai, you dropped this." Naru said while taking her hand and inserting a ring into her ring finger.

The brunette stared at Naru with a puzzled expression. "But Naru, I don't own-"

"Don't lose it again."

"But this isn't-" She didn't get to finish her sentence because her stoic boss-slash-boyfriend left her in mid-sentence.

"Is something the matter, Mai?" Masako asked, seeing the confused expression on her friend's face.

"Yeah. Naru said I dropped this ring but that's impossible since I don't even own one." Mai explained as she pulled the simple silver band out of her finger. "I wonder where he-" she started but stopped immediately when she caught a glimpse of what was on the inside of the ring.

There, engraved on the inner part of the ring, were Naru's name – his real name – and hers.

Oliver Davis – Mai Taniyama

And between those names was a kanji. The kanji for 'promise'.

Mai blushed. Masako glanced at what the other was looking at and gasped. "Would that be... a promise ring?" she asked, noting the character between the names.

Mai could only nod in reply. What Naru whispered to her earlier replayed itself in her mind. She finally understood the double meaning to those words.

"In that case, I'll make sure not to lose you again."

A/N: PLEASE allow me to advertise the FANART I made for this! (Sorry, I'm proud of both so I wanna know what people think). Link is on my profile.

Anyway, that concludes the randomness I have thought of. I just love this couple.

Thank you for reading! *Gives virtual hug*