Okay, this is just a bit of background info that you will NEED to know about this story.

1. Hermione is a pureblood. AWESOME? I think so :) The Grangers are a very important pureblooded family and are good friends with the Zabini's and Malfoys. They are also just as influential and feature in the Daily Prophet a lot. (You know what I mean, "Jane Granger, Narcissa Malfoy, and Marie (Don't know Blaise's mums name :L) Zabini were spotted at the new opening of Blahddy Blah Blah…" That sorta thing, as well as political stuff for the Dads at the Ministry).

2. Voldemort was killed long ago when he first tried to kill Harry. So Harry is still famous and the Golden Trio still exists, they just don't fight evil. The Slytherins are still mean, but not Death Eaters.

3. Hermione is still in Gryffindor and Harry, Ron and Ginny are still her best friends.

4. Everything else should be explained in the story... MAYBE! :O :O :O


*Fabulous news coming up*

*Fabulous news coming up*


Fabulous news: I OWN HARRY POTTER! HA!

*Bitch-slapped by random person*

BLOODY HELL! FIIINNNEE! I DON'TOWN HARRY POTTER! Now go away… So I can have a nice cry about it. D'X


Chapter 1:

"Hermione, dear, are you ready?" Jane Granger asked me - her soon-to-be 17 daughter. I turned at my mother's voice, pocketed my new iPod and picked up my red and gold backpack from my bed.

"Yup. Are you ready? I know you're not a big fan of long-distance apparition." I said, following my mum down the stairs. She laughed and waved her hand dismissively. "Of course, I'll be fine. Your dad will be doing the apparating anyway, and I trust him completely. Is that really all your going to need for the whole summer?" she eyed my trusty old bag doubtfully.

"Of course mum. You forget that I basically LIVE at Blaise's house. I have a whole walk-in 'robe there, identical to the one here!" I laughed. Mum rolled her eyes and opened the double doors to the Floo point. Father was already there, waiting for us.

"Finally Hermione! It's beyond me how it takes you so long to pack!" he said, grinning. I simply laughed and pecked him on the cheek. I hugged my mum and dad fiercely before taking some of the Floo Powder dad was holding out to me.

"Have fun in Italy! Don't forget to owl me!" I called before throwing to powder down and yelling "ZABINI MANOR."

When I stepped out of the fireplace at the Zabini's house, I had just enough time to drop my backpack on the ground before Cari Zabini, Blaise's 4 year old sister, jumped into my arms.

"'MIONE!" she squealed, wrapping her arms and legs around my neck and waist. I stumbled a bit before I hugged her back.

"Hey Cari. Someone's excited!" I laughed, pulling back from the hug and placing the small girl on the floor in front of me.

"'Course 'Mione! Very excited!" she said, smiling widely. I chuckled and looked past her, at Nathaniel, Blaise's 9 year old brother.

"Nator-Gator! How's it going?" I asked pulling him into a quick hug. He grimaced at our little nickname for him but smiled and returned the hug.

"Hey Mia. I'm good." He said, picking my bag off the floor and summoning a house elf to take it to my room. All of a sudden I was picked up from behind.

"Think you could get away without saying hey to me did you?" I heard Blaise whisper.

"Put me down Zabini!" I screeched, and he placed me on the ground, turning me around and pulling me into a bear hug in one quick movement. I laughed and hugged him back tightly. It felt like hours that we were hugging before we pulled apart, though it must've only been a minute or so.

"Hey! You guys can catch up AFTER Christopher and I say hello!" I heard Marie Zabini yell from behind me. I turned around quickly and kissed Marie and Chris on the cheek.

"Sorry Aunt Marie, Uncle Chris." I apologized. Chris laughed and waved his hand.

"It's fine Hermione. We, of all people, know how you two can act!" he said and Marie joined in with his laughter. I blushed but smiled and Blaise took my hand.

"Well a week without seeing each other is pretty long, don't you think?" he asked his parents, who were still chuckling. "Come on bookworm, I want to show you my new room!"

Blaise pulled me out of the room and up the usual 2 staircases it was to get to his room. Our rooms were right across the hall from each other, though when we were little we would just camp out in each other's room. Blaise threw the door open and stepped aside, letting me marvel at his new room.

"WOW! Blaise you completely re-did it! Looks good." I said, admiring Blaise's giant bookcase.

"Yeah, I like it better than the other one." He shuddered remembering how I had charmed his room to be all Gryffindor colors for a whole month. I grinned and walked out of his room and into my own.

My room tended to change colours according to the time of day, weather, or my mood. Right now, at 10:00 am on a Monday morning, it was a bright blue, with swirls of yellow mixed in. The carpet was a pretty green. My oak desk and large bookcase were both a rich brown. My bedspread stood out amongst all the brighter colours. It was a deep red, almost the colour of blood, and looked like a rose in a grassy meadow. Light flooded in through the two full length mirrors on either side of my bed. I sighed with content and walked over to one set of large, white double doors and pushed them open. Inside were racks upon racks, rows upon rows, drawers upon drawers, of clothes. Three whole walls were taken up by tops, shorts, jeans, pajamas, dresses, bags, jewelry and shoes. Half of the fourth wall was a full-length mirror, while the other half had two silver couches and two gold armchairs, with a glass coffee table in the middle. They seemed necessary judging by how much time my friends and I could spend in somewhere like this.

I walked out of my enormous wardrobe and saw Blaise sitting on my bed with a movie in his hands. I recognized it as one of my own from home, and saw my open bag next to him on the bed. He looked up when he heard me enter and had quite a confused look on his face.

"What's this thing? It looks like plastic book, but when I opened it all it had inside was a small silver disc thing." He said, repeatedly opening and closing the case. I walked up to the bed and sat down across from him.

"Remember how I went to muggle America last Christmas? Well I found some muggle-borns there and they taught me all this stuff about muggles!" I said and took the movie from his hands. "This is called a movie. You watch them at movie theaters. They are like... Books, but you are watching people on a screen act them out instead of reading them." I explained and understanding and excitement washed over Blaise's face.

"Moo-vie? That sounds awesome. Can we watch one?" He asked. He was basically jumping up and down in excitement. He would never act like this around the Slytherins.

"Yeah, mum and dad bought a television when we got home from our trip, so maybe we can Floo there one day." I said and shoved it back into the backpack. I pulled out my iPod and showed it to him.

"This is my iPod. I got it in America as well. It's a touch version, so whenever you want to do something, you use your fingers instead of pressing buttons." I said, holding it out for him to grab.

"What can it do? Can you teach me how to use it?" he asked, and I spent the next hour explaining an iPods many functions and how to use it. By the time I was finished, he could use it easily.

"So all the songs on here are by muggles?" he asked incredulously after I let him listen to a few of the songs.

"Yeah. I was shocked to. They seem too good to be made by muggles, but, whatever, I love all these songs way too much to care anyway." I said with a shrug. Blaise took the earphones out of his ears and placed the iPod on my bedspread.

"Hey, want to go swimming? It's a nice day." He said and I nodded enthusiastically.

"Out! I need to get changed!" I screamed, jumping off my bed, pulling him with me. I pushed him out the door and closed it on him chuckling. As soon as the door was shut I ran to my walk-in wardrobe to choose which, of many, swimsuits I would wear.

Ten minutes later I opened the door at the same time Blaise opened his. We laughed and started to walk down to where the swimming pool was. I had decided to wear my blue halter-neck bikini and put my hair up in a messy bun with sunglasses on my head. When we got there, I chucked my towel and sunglasses on a chair and walked over to the massive pool. It was the size of half a football field, and we knew from experience, that it could fit up to 50 people at once.

Blaise was already on one of the diving boards; the one that was 20ft high. He grinned at me as I looked up at him, started to run towards the edge of the board and, with one giant leap, was somersaulting his way into the deep pool. He had angled his body so that when he hit the water, it wouldn't hurt him while creating a splash that completely soaked me.

I covered my face with my arms when the water came flying me way. When I got used to the cold water I lowered my arms to glare Blaise, who was on the opposite side of the pool, grinning like a madman. Water was flowing from his very dark, almost black, hair and over his chocolate covered skin. It travelled down his defined shoulders, six-pack, arms and leg, making the emerald green shorts he was wearing cling to him slightly. Most girls would melt at the sight, but I had spent my whole life with him, and had become totally immune to his looks and his charm.

When I spoke, my voice was so high that I probably sounded like a screeching bird, "Zabini! You are a dead man!"

I started to run around perimeter of the pool, but Blaise was just running the other way. I stopped abruptly. He stopped abruptly. He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked, challenging me to chase him. I smirked back, something I wouldn't ever do at Hogwarts, for fear of seriously creeping people out with my Slytherin-ness.

Before he knew what I was doing, I had dived into the pool and was swimming as fast as I could. Blaise was surprised for only a second though. He quickly recovered and started to run the other way. I mirrored his movements. He went left, I went left. He went backwards, I went forwards. He didn't know where to go without seeming like he was running away, so he did the most foolish thing he could've done, and jumped in right in front of me.

We were in an area where he could stand quite well, so I grabbed his arm and swung myself onto his back. Once my legs were firmly wrapped around his waist, I grabbed his hair and started pulling it slightly. He laughed as he tried to get me off him, but I was stubborn. Finally he held both hands in the air.

"Okay, okay. Truce, Mia." He said, though a small smile played at his lips. I unhooked my legs and let go of his hair before I slid down his back and into the water.

We swum around for quite a while, and when we finally got out we had missed lunch. Blaise called Peppy, his personal house-elf and had asked for two ham and cheese sandwiches and two goblets of pumpkin juice. We ate by the pool and spent the rest of the day sitting with our legs dangling in the water, talking about anything and nothing all at the same time. It was easy for me to lose track of time talking to Blaise.

When we finally got up and walked back to our rooms, it was dark and we had apparently skipped dinner. I was pretty tired from all the day's activities and told Blaise that I was going to take a bath.

Safely in my private ensuite, I turned the taps to the pool-size bath on and started to undress. My bathroom at the Zabini Manor was gorgeous, and an ideal place for me to relax. It was, much like my room, very dependent on the time of day. During the day, it was bright and sunny, like the sun was shining directly into the room. At night it turned darker, and looked like what you saw when you looked underwater at night – all navy blue and grey swirls and waves, with the occasional dark patch just to give it that mysterious vibe.

The wall tiles were, in the evening, a husky grey-blue, some shining so brightly that they almost looked like lights, and others dull and scratchy, like rock. It always made me feel like I was in the inside of a cave.

The bath here was slightly bigger than the one in the prefect's bathroom. It was made of a light blue marble that contrasted with the darker colours, though seemed to disguise itself amongst them at the same time. It had many taps on one side that could change the colours of the bubbles or water. I had chosen midnight-blue – whose reflection shimmied along the room like dancing shadows – and golden-yellow bubbles that juxtaposed against the shadowy waters they drifted on. As I relaxed into the bath, I felt like I was lying in the sky at night, floating in the air like I weighed nothing.

It seemed like hours had passed by the time I climbed out of the water, but it must've only been half an hour or so based on my faintly pruny skin. After drying off I pulled on my pink robe and skipped over my wardrobe to choose what pajamas to wear. I rummaged through drawers of lovely satin shorts and tops before finding my old violet woolen shorts that went down to my mid-thigh and a baggy hoodie – that used to belong to Blaise before I 'borrowed' it – with the Hogwarts crest fading on the front.

I closed the double doors just as Blaise walked into my room, not even bothering to knock. We had known each other since we were born, and as toddlers, forced into baths and other things by our lovely parents, together. The whole 'having baths together' thing was abandoned by the time we could talk, but Blaise had barged in on me in nothing but my underwear and bra plenty of times before, just as I had intruded on him in boxers just as many times. We didn't worry anymore about knocking on doors because we really didn't care that we were standing half naked in front of each other. That's one of the beauties of being best friends I suppose.

He jumped on my bed, a plate of cookies in one hand and a tray with two glasses of milk in the other, both charmed to not spill. "Hey Hermi-on-inny," he used the nickname that he knew I hated, "Peppy just brought me these so I figured we could share." He placed both on my bed. Leaning back against the headboard, he picked up a cookie and eyed the hoodie I was wearing. "So that's where that went..." I heard him mutter and I grinned, seating myself across from him taking a sip on the warm milk.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind me kidnapping your hoodie."

"It hardly qualifies as kidnapping. It should be… shirtnapping, or something along those lines." He said, going all "Hermione" on me. I rolled my eyes as I munched on a choc-chip cookie. Peppy made the best cookies.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Blaizikinns." I said using the nickname for him I had thought up when I was young, and was now only ever used to piss him off. He stuck his tongue out, showing all his chewed up cookie while I pretended to gag.

After some comfortable silence where we both scoffed down the delicious cookies and drank all the milk, we found ourselves lying next to each other on my now dark purple bedspread, rubbing our stomachs in our classic "I ate so much, I could puke" manner.

"Mia? I need to tell you something." Blaise said hesitantly, which automatically worried me, as Blaise was never hesitant in anything.

"Uh, go ahead."

He took a deep breath and propped himself up on his elbow so he could look right at me. "You're not going to like this, Mia, but… Draco-is-coming-to-stay-here-tomorrow-for-the-rest-of-the-holidays." He said the last thing so fast that I could hardly understand him. All I got was 'tomorrow' and 'holidays'.

"Uh... What?" I asked, getting him to repeat whatever it is I wasn't going to like.

"Draco is coming to stay here for the rest of the holidays."


More silence.

Then finally….

"Oh." It was barely audible, but he heard it.

"I'm sorry 'Mione, but his parents are going away, like your parents, for the whole holidays and I thought that maybe, because we aren't at Hogwarts, you both might tolerate each other…" He looked like a small child, pleading for his mother's approval. I sighed and sat up, pulling him with me.

"No worries, Blaise. He's your best friend too. Plus, I can just go to Pansy's or Ginny's whenever he starts getting on my nerves. I've had to be around him my whole life, I'll manage." I said, pulling Blaise in for a tight hug.

"Hermione Granger, you are the best friend ever." Was all he said, but it made me feel good knowing that I was better than the amazing bouncing ferret. Not that I needed to be reminded of that fact. I smiled and let go of him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I said, earning a grin from him. "Now get out, I'm going to need my sleep if I'm going to be seeing the Malfoy, the man I absolutely love to be around, all holidays."

Blaise laughed and stood up, making his way to the door. We murmured our good nights and soon, I was lying under the warm covers, thinking about tomorrow.

Oh joy… A whole summer with Draco Malfoy.