Mo-chan: Hello to you my adorable readers! So I finally decided to upload this story after a series of mental battles going inside my head. I was initially planning to upload this once I'm finished with I'm on the Boys' Territory or Blades of Destiny and Love but I can't help it anymore since I accidentally read the chapter 6 of this cute fanfic and all hell broke free! Wahahahah! So yeah that only means I already have 3 stories up and running. That would be more work but I'll try my best to update in a regular basis. And thanks to all those who are reading AND reviewing my other stories. Every review I receive makes my day! Really! So yeah enough talking from me so that you could start with the prologue now.

Oh and by the way I already solved my problem regarding opening my account here. It just so happens that Mozilla was rejecting it so I was now using a different browser for fanfiction. Another hooray for that!

Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray-man, Katsura Hoshino does and she's doing a great job with it!

1: Princess from a Frog

Chapter 1: Prologue

Lenalee's POV


I turned off the alarm clock with a groan. I wanted to get back to sleep but perfectly knew that I shouldn't. Today is the first day of school and I am now in third year high school.

"Third year.. How could time fly so fast?" I murmured silently.

I then pushed myself out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom to do my morning routine. It didn't really took me long to finish. I got out and went through my closet and pulled out some article of clothing but finally decided on a pair of blue baggy jeans and lose brown tee with my white rubber shoes. I checked my reflection ob the mirror to put on some face powder and comb out my hair. I didn't bother to blow dry it. I never did. I pulled it back it back on messy low ponytail, and clipped my bangs to the side since I sometimes got irritated when it would fall around my purple eyes.

I used to just let my hair and bangs down when I was a kid but now I find it annoying. My best friend told me that I looked way better with my hair down but come on! He's a boy for goodness sake! What does he knew about this kind of stuff. And it's not like I wanted to grab some attention so why care about fashion?

I looked at my wrist watch. 7:45..

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to be late!" I grabbed my back pack and slung it over my shoulder before dashing out of the door and locking it. I ran down the stairs and almost tripped down when I heard a gleeful voice echo from somewhere in the house.

"Good morning Lenalee! Did you have a good sleep?" My brother mused from what I concluded as the kitchen, basing from the smell of food being cooked. I looked back with my hand already on the doorknob.

"Hai, I did. I actually overslept this time because I forgot to reset my alarm clock. I have to go now. Bye nii-san!" I said quickly, hoping to avoid breakf-..

"Lenalee! Don't leave without breakfast!" I sighed and walked back in. Of course he wouldn't forget it.

I grabbed a toasted bread and bid nii-san goodbye. I was about to go out when I remembered something. I hurriedly searched my bag and pulled out my glasses. My super HUGE round eyeglasses. It was a remembrance I have from my deceased mother. It was really big and old fashioned but I didn't really care what others think about me. It wasn't graded because nii-san removed the old lens, saying it would have a bad effect on my eyes.

"Lenalee! Hey, Lena are you still there? We're gonna be late!" Lavi called from outside. Lavi is my super best friend since childhood and we started to differ a lot while growing up. ALOT. Not on behavior but in physical looks, fashion senses and the likes. He is a basketball star and he was so popular. He won every games his team had which really amazed his teammates and recently gave him the position as the team's captain. Girls go after him and his girlfriend is the cheerleaders' captain named Sachiko. While me? I have a nerd aura and no boys were after me. I have many friends though which was all from childhood. All of them improved a lot and was now popular in their own ways while I'm just their shadow.

"Lenalee! If you're not there I'm going to leave now!" I snapped out of my trance and flung the door open. I ran to him and saw that he brought his bicycle.

"So, you brought your bike. Then I guess I should start walking now" I sighed and started walking away but he grabbed my wrist.

"What are you saying that you're gonna walk? You're going to be late if you would. Hop on." He motioned to the seat in front of him. I raised my eyebrow.

"Are you serious? I mean, we used to ride together in a bike when we were kids but now I'm heavier. You would go out of balance." He laughed which made me annoyed a little.

"Yeah you grew heavier but I grew too Lenalee. I am now a head taller than you and you think I won't be able to handle you weight? Geez. You worry too much." He was grinning from ear to ear from amusement of my recent statement. That grin only pumped me to reason out more with him.

"Well. I developed some extra weight you know? You wouldn't be able to-"He cut me off by moving closer to me. He carried me with one arm, like I was just a doll, while supporting the bike and himself with the other. He placed me down on the seat in front of him as I tried to settle down. Gosh. I guess I really shouldn't worry. He just carried me with one arm! He pulled the back pack from my small shoulders and placed it on the basket in front of the bike.

"You were sayin'?" He asked with a sly smile plastered on his perfectly carved face. How could someone look so perfect?

I blushed when he leaned his body on my back as he placed his hands on the handles. I crouched down al little so that he wouldn't have to stretch his arm so much but he stopped me. He quickly slid his arm around my belly and pulled me back against him so that he was again leaning on my back.

"Don't crouch. Your back might hurt later. Besides it was kinda cold. We won't freeze if we stayed this way."He grabbed the handle again and started pedaling. The bike swayed a little at first but quickly found its balance and went on smoothly. My cheeks were still burning as the cold wind touched my slender frame. Dang. Why the heck am I being like this just because of Lavi? Since when did my hyperactive best friend had such effect on me? Maybe I just missed him so much throughout our vacation. Yeah that's it! I shivered involuntarily as another cold gust of wind hugged me. Lavi quickly noticed since my body was against his.

"You're so fragile. Since when did you got that way tomboy?" he teased.

"Hey! I am SO not fragile!" I shot back angrily before sneezing. He laughed at me which made me want to smack him but another sneeze stopped me from doing that.

"Yeah, right. What a frightful comeback missy." He said with a taunting voice as he stopped the bike on the sidewalk. He freaking called me missy again! Darn him. I like tomboy better than that 'm' word. I opened my mouth to retort but that cursed freezing wind got on me again which caused me to shiver. He sighed and pulled off his black jacket and placed it on me. I looked up at him to decline but it was like he could read me.

"Don't even try to argue me on this one. Take that and be quiet. Just return it to me later." He said before the bike began to move again. Feeling so much colder that before, I snuggled on the jacket which still held his body warmth and scent. I unconsciously sighed in contentment and leaned closer against his chest. I thought I heard him chuckle at my innocent attempt to get more warmth but I shoved the thought away. We arrived at school after some moments and he parked the bike which irritated me because I was already so comfortable that I could stay like that forever. I got a strange feeling that someone was staring at me as I hesitantly got off the bike while getting my back pack from the basket. I looked up at him and saw him staring at me while grinning devilishly. I felt my face warm up. So, I was right. Someone was indeed staring at me! But hey! Just why the heck am I blushing under his gaze? What the freaking snow ball! I shook my head to even out the shades of color on my face as I looked back at him with an attempt of an intimidating gaze. Well, atleast I attempted. I got the strange feeling of someone staring holes into me after I thought of wanting to 'stay like that forever'. Could it be? Did he really know me that well that he could read my thoughts? A shiver ran down my spine at the thought.

"What are you staring at?" I asked in an annoyed tone. Wow, I sounded convincing enough! Yay!

"Nothing. Just want you to know that I wanted to stay like that a little more longer too… Just not forever!" He started laughing as I felt myself pale. I almost want to lose consciousness. He was really reading me! God, he's creepy!

Hs stopped laughing for a moment and had an offended look on his face. "And I am not that creepy.. Cause I am not reading you Lenalee!" He went back on laughing again. This time I can't stay conscious anymore. I felt myself fall back but someone caught me. I looked up to see who it was. It was Allen!

"Are you okay Lenalee? You look somewhat pale." He asked with eyes full of concern. I nodded and stood up straight.

"Yeah. I guess I am. Thanks Allen." I smiled sheepishly. I heard Lavi stopped laughing. Finally.

Allen was also called beansprout by Kanda because he was short. But as years passed by he grew tall and was now half a head taller than me. He was now the baseball team's star player and like Lavi he was popular like my other friends. Me, Lavi, and Allen were childhood sweethearts and we were teased up until first year high school. When Lavi got a girlfriend they stopped teasing him but still teased me and Allen. Some people even told me that he really developed feelings for me which I refused to believe. But sometimes his actions were forcing me to believe them.

"Glad that you're fine. Was Lavi tricking you again?" He asked as he glared at the redhead. Lavi walked to my side and glared at Allen too while placing his arm around my waist. Allen seemed to harden his gaze when Lavi did that, but I didn't even bulged since the two of them liked to do that. You know? Glaring at each other while the three of us were talking? I have no idea why they do that but I guess they, uhh..just find it entertaining to do? Whatever, boys are just too complicated to even try to figure out.

"What's it to you if I was?" The redhead said while continuing to glare daggers at Allen. The two glared intensely into each other's eyes with me in the middle. Yeah. Just continue what you two are doing. Don't mind me being in the middle AGAIN. My sweat dropped as I sighed.

"Hey look! Our old sweethearts are having some quarrel again." I heard Fo giggle. I looked at Fo with a 'help me' look but she just shrugged. Fo used to like Allen when we were little and would often drag him to Kanda to ask him to give them blessings and make them married. Allen would always cry while Kanda would just do what he was asked for just 'to get it over with' and play the role of the priest. When we grew up she started to deny her feelings for him and would often bully poor Allen to hide her true emotions. She won't be able to trick me though. She was known as the school's bully but she was still the campus sweetheart. She would beat up guys who would try to do anything bad to her but they won't just give up. She was the best baseball player on the girl's team. So yeah, she and Allen were rivals during baseball practices.

"Yeah. And they still look cute together!" Miranda squealed. Miranda was the shy type before but now she was sociable too. She became talkative and likes fashion so much. She excels when it comes to gymnastics and had joined many competitions which won her prizes. Yeah, guys go after her too but she would politely decline them.

"Hey guys. Have you seen Kanda?" Krory arrived and asked. He as the ace player of the track and field and had brought pride to the school in competitions. Some calls him vampire but he doesn't get affected by them anymore since he met his girlfriend Eliade. Eliade was in another country which makes their relationship a long-distance one. He was kind and an old time gentleman too.

"Kanda? We haven't. Why were you asking?" Allen asked back.

"Now that you asked, what was taking Yu-chan so lo-?" He stopped midsentence because Mugen just found its way in front of his throat.

"What did you call me rabbit?" Kanda asked in a cold voice from behind Lavi. Kanda hadn't changed that much. He still hates Allen and Lavi, squealing girls, and being called by his first name. He was the captain of the Fencing Club and also won gold medals and trophies on different competitions. He and my other friends have fan clubs. Though only Lavi found them entertaining.

"Kanda! Stop trying to kill Lavi!" Sachiko said from behind Kanda. Kanda grunted but immediately let go of Lavi. He won't admit it, but he was like… scared of Sachiko and me. Sachiko was a tough girl. We all knew that she have a big crush on Lavi since childhood and she was so happy when they started dating. She was the cheerleader and led her team to several victories on cheerleading competitions against other schools. Like everyone else in the group, she have her own fan club.

While me? Well, I am the captain of the ice skating club. We had won many contests and even on international. I love dancing and thought of joining the cheering group but I was afraid that Sachiko's members will just tease me around. Our group were often called as The Untouchables. Yeah, sounds corny doesn't it? It's not like we named our group in the first place. It's just that are schoolmates were..erm..overly dramatic.

"Yo, Chomesuke. What's up?" Lavi greeted casually. Seriously, can't he greet his girlfriend in a more affectionate manner? It seemed like he was just greeting a friend!

"Have you guys seen you sections? I was in 3-C with Kanda." She declared sadly. Probably because she wasn't in the same class as Lavi.

"Oh yeah. I haven't checked mine yet. Let's go Lenalee." He was about to grab my hand but Allen stood in between us with an all too happy smile.

"You're in class 3-A with me Lenalee! And also Lavi." I smiled brightly.

"Really? That's great!" I chirped. Lavi huffed behind Allen.

"Me, Fo and Krory were in 3-B." Miranda said, looking a little disappointed that the group wasn't in the same class now unlike the previous years.

"Looks like they split our group in different classes. Probably because were noisy. Hmmph. I told Allen to keep his mouth shut. " Fo crossed her arms.

"Hey! Just how did this thing became my fault? I wasn't the only one who's talkative! All of us were! Allen retorted.

"Maybe they divided us so that it wouldn't be unfair for the other classes during competitions. The class were in always wins." Krory concluded thoughtfully. Everyone thought about his idea and we nodded.

"I guess Krory's right. We'll just meet during our free times." I declared just in time before the bell started ringing, signaling us to go to our different classrooms.

Mo-chan: So that's it for the prologue! How d'you like it? Tell me! Let me know what'ya all think! Just type in some words in a form of a review and you'll get sweet treats from me! Yay! And I'm actually basing the sequence of updating based on the number of reviews I receive per chappy. Why? Because I like to update stories who actually make people happy! So until next time!