"This is your new place," Alex screamed as he looked around, "man I wish Cooper were here!"

"Damn, you spoiled little brat. I guess you won't miss the back of the van or motel rooms huh," Chip joked.

"Yeah well it's not all glamorous. My brother's girlfriend Katherine is trying to turn me into her own living Barbie," I sneered. Chase chuckled beside me.

"I wish I could see that," he smiled. I rolled my eyes and got out four sodas. They followed me to my room and continued to gasp in amazement.

"Oh! This bed is so friggin soft," Alex shouted to the ceiling. Chip toppled on him and jokingly made moaning noises.

"Eiw! I sleep there you know," I half laughed and threw a pillow at the two goofballs.

"Do I get to sleep there too," Chase asked with a smirk.

"Anyone home," I heard Katherine call. Shit, the devil's mistress returns.

"That would be Katherine," I groaned. "In here!"

We all listened as her tiny little heels clicked against the floor. In the door she appeared with her long blond hair in waves. Her eyes were wide open and she had a Bluetooth stuck in her ear.

"Oh, Summer. Who are your friends," she asked uneasily.

"This is most of my band, Chase, Chip, and Alex right now. Copper is out sick," I said in monotone.

"Okay, well I don't want to be rude but your brother is going to be here in 10 minutes and we have a surprise for you. So I'm going to have to ask your guests to leave."

"Yeah, okay. Bye," I shooed her out.

"Summer, Katherine is smoking," Chip whispered in my ear.

"Ugh, no she's got you under her spell. Now you'll become another Kat drone," I fake cried. I gave the guys my cell number and sadly showed them to the door.

"I'll come back tomorrow and we can hang out…alone," Chase whispered.

"Okay, see you tomorrow my addicting pill," I giggled.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and dragged myself back to my room. I could hear Katherine mumbling to someone in the living room. Probably using the Bluetooth. I chuckled and flopped down on my bed. It was way too quiet now. I'm not supposed to be entertained by a ceiling. In fact I'm not supposed to be doing a lot of things. Like running away from home, dropping out of school, and moping. This is not how anyone should spend their spare time.

"So it looks like you've missed me," a voice said from the foot of my bed. I turned my head to see a man standing with his arms crossed and a cigarette in his mouth. He had a good head of hair, a dirty leather jacket, torn jeans, and boots. It was Mikey. He came back!

"Mikey? You came back," I said to him.

"Of course not. You're just imagining me to help yourself cope," he lamented. I walked towards him and stuck out my hand. When I tried to caress his cheek he disappeared. I sighed. Of course I was imagining it. It'd be too good to be true if I wasn't.

"You can't just get rid of me that easily," Mikey said from behind.

"But you're not real. I'm just going crazy again."

"But you need me, because you just can't let go can you?"

I couldn't let go. That part was true. But I'm not going through this again. A whole month had gone by and I've been fine. I nearly forgot. "No! Get the hell out of my head!" I closed my eyes tight and opened them again. Gone.

"Summer, are you okay," Katherine asked with fake concern.

No I wasn't okay. "Yeah. I'm just practicing for a part."

"Okay, well why don't you come on out. You're brother is here," she smiled. I smiled back politely, right on through. I peeked out over the corner first and saw Mitchell with a gigantic grin on his face.

"What's going on," I asked very slowly with wide eyes.

"Well Summer, since school is just about to end we decided that you should take online courses until you're all caught up," Mitchell stated while his arm candy nodded in agreement. I groaned.

"But," Katherine continued, "I convinced your brother that I should take you out shopping. We're going today and we'll all meet at a restaurant I picked out. This is going to be so exciting!"

"Gee, sounds fun," I agreed sarcastically. Katherine grabbed her purse and pulled me out the door. My brother gave me a sympathetic look. As Katherine pulled me into the limo I could hear a few snapshots being taken from behind us.

"Do you ever get irritated by all the pictures," I asked her.

"Everyday sweetheart. I've just gotten used to ignoring it," she sighed. It was odd seeing this side of Katherine, the human side. "I can tell you're into the whole tomboy look and everything, but I don't think a haircut and a few new outfits will hurt."

"Alright, I'm cool with that I guess."

"Oh and Summer, I know being in Hollywood is a big change for you. Just don't do anything you'll regret later."

I tried to take her words to heart. It was hard though, since she was kind of the enemy right now.

After 10 minutes of peaceful silence the limo stopped in front of a busy hair salon. I followed Katherine inside where I was greeted by Molotov cocktails of hair spray, loud gossip, laughter, and pop music. I tried to breathe through my mouth, but unfortunately I could taste the chemicals. I held my breath and tried to breathe as little as possible.

"Katherine! How nice to see you today," a chirpy blonde with big hair shouted.

"Hello Maria, today my boyfriend's little sister needs a haircut," Kat greeted just as cheerfully.

"So, you must be Summer," she walked over and started to fondle my head, "you certainly have a lot of hair. Oh my, well let's wash you up a little and I'll take care of those split ends!"

Great. This is worst than I thought it'd be.

1 hour later.

She butchered my hair. Maria just cut it all off. The long black hair that hung by my waist now flows down to my mid back. Sure, it looks better, but where was my warning?

"Gee, thanks Maria," I murmured.

"You are so adorable. Now that we took care of those wretched split ends, you are a little hottie," Maria proudly shouted. Damn Jersey, calm down a bit.

"Alright, thanks Maria. I'll leave the check right here," Katherine said while guiding me to the door.

"Oh, anytime Katy! Come back soon!"

Thank god that was over. But it wasn't. Before I knew it Kat ditched me in some store with outrageous prices for a pair of ripped jeans, or 'distress' as they call it. Come on! I got my jeans to look like that for a fraction of that price! That's when I heard that familiar deep chuckle.

"Summer gal, what have you turned into," Mikey said while leaning against a wall.

"Why are you suddenly back Mikey? Why can't I get rid of you," I asked him in a hushed tone.

"You don't want to get rid of me. You're too scared, too alone in this world."

I wanted to hug him. Right here. I needed to. I needed to feel his warm breath on my skin again. I wanted to hold his hand, kiss his lips, and tousle his hair. But I can't, he's just a ghost that won't stop haunting me.

"Come on Summer, it's time to go," Katherine chirped from behind. Mikey vanished, and I caught my breath as I plastered on a smile. "Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"I'm fine, really."

A/N: I am a dirty little procrastinator. I'm sorry this chapter is a little boring and eerie. i had to establish some things about Summer and her relationships. So stay tuned for the next chapter! I'm working on it right now!