It was a temperate day; by Earth standards some would say a perfect one. The sky was blue, with the occasional cushiony looking cloud that appeared like large chunks of wool. Men were hard at work in the farms tending to their crops, while the women and children carried bails of water and cooked. It seemed peaceful and tranquil watching this, but something was out of place.

Jaffa were scattered around this scene in small groups of two to three. Standing as an imposing figure with their 'magic' staffs at their side, they were a constant reminder that the humans very existence and fate belonged to Ba'al.

The Jaffa were cruel to the humans, one spat in the bail of water a young girl was carrying back to the settlement. The girl ignored this, accepting that it was a part of life and a daily occurrence she just kept walking as if nothing had happened.

An elderly man who was forced to work in the fields was spotted by a Jaffa. The elderly man's bad joints and old age catching up to him for just a moment, he stopped and rubbed his knee cap and took a drink out of his canteen.

This didn't sit well with the Jaffa, they immediately grabbed the man by the back of his tattered shirt, ignoring the man's plea's and dragged him out of the field and to a Jaffa near the settlement who looked like a authority figure. It wasn't what he Jaffa wore, but how he stood and how the others around him behaved in his presence that gave away his rank, he was in charge.

The elderly farmer was thrown to his knees in front of the Jaffa. "You insult the all powerful god Ba'al by defying his will?" the question was rhetorical, but the Jaffa paused for a moment as if waiting for a reply. "What was Ba'als' order to the men of this village?" asked the Jaffa. The man looked up, hardly able to look the Jaffa in the eye out of fear.

"T-to work in the field and harvest the crops to be sent to his mighty armies" the elderly man stuttered, clearly afraid. No one was watching, they knew all too well what would happen if they did; they would join the old man on the floor for not doing their duty to the gods, well, all accept one.

"What were you doing just before?" asked the Jaffa, trying to get the man to admit his own crimes. "I... I was resting" said the man finally.

The Jaffa in charge raised the butt of his staff and sent it straight into the man's face. Blood poured from the resulting broken nose, cuts on his face and missing teeth. The man was on the dirt, struggling to get back up to his knees. The Jaffa pointed the staff at the man, just inches away from his face. It opened and small orange discharge could be seen on the end. It fired, the man fell straight to the floor, what left of his head hanging and resting on his back.

With no words spoken two Jaffa grabbed the man by the arm, one on each side and dragged the mangled corpse back into the settlement, wanting to use his body as a example to all those who don't follow the Goa'uld's instructions to the letter.

A young female, about the age of 20 sat on a wooden crate, and had watched the whole thing. Sitting in silence and staring over at the Jaffa, she didn't have any fear in her facial expression, but one of just confusion and curiosity.

The group of Jaffa walked over to her to teach her a lesson about minding her own business. To the Jaffa it was a little unnerving that she didn't appear scared in the slightest. The female wore a blue long-sleeve t-shirt and a dark blue denim dress over the top of it. She looked out on the world with curiosity, as if she was a new born seeing for the first time.

Abilana sat on the crate watching the group of Jaffa walk over to her, she was curious to their intentions. The lead Jaffa made it to her and spoke in a commanding voice "Human female, why are you not working for your god?"

Abilana tilted her head slightly to the side, not understanding what he meant. The Jaffa raised the butt of his staff up to hit her in the face like he did previously with the elderly farmer, Abilana caught the staff butt in her hand before it collided with her face, stopping its momentum completely. The Jaffa tried pulling on his staff trying to release it from her iron grip, but it wouldn't budge, he put all his weight into his pulls until Abilana released it after studying it for a moment; the Jaffa landed on his back side.

Abilana stood up on her feet, while the clearly embarrassed Jaffa hurried back to his. He tried to make contact with Abilana again, instead using his fist to try and punch her in the stomach. Abilana caught it in her palm yet again with ease. Something happened though. Abilana let go of his fist and fell to her knees cradling her head in her arms, it appeared as if she was in pain.

The sky was completely black, the only illumination was the orange lightning bolts that tore through the black sky with a merciless intensity, there was the glow of the boiling lava that covered parts of the dark brown rock and lastly the cold burning eyes of him that haunted her dreams.

Abilana was lying on her back in a small impact crater on the ground that was untouched by the lava flow, was that her impact crater? She was struggling to get back up, her limbs felt like jelly from fatigue, her body just wanted to quit it was in so much pain.

But she couldn't quit, people depended on her. Friends, mentors, civilisations, races and entire galaxies depended on her. No she couldn't quit, she wouldn't quit. She got back up, slowly, onto her feet. The intense wind that was blowing her shoulder length hair around as if she was in a typhoon was trying to push her back down, she remembered back to her early lessons. 'By getting up when we fall, we retrace our steps; every mistake has a lesson if you open your mind to it' she remembered her master say to her.

Her opponent was more powerful than her; she didn't really know how she could win. But deep down she knew she will stop him at all costs.

Her opponent was standing about a mile away, watching her get back up; he was clearly toying with her. He had a few scratches that seeped purple blood along with tattered clothes; but compared to Abilana he looked good as new.

Abilana was still a bit wobbly on her feet, but once she got her balance she raised her for-arm up and wiped away the blood that was dripping from her mouth with it.

Not waiting any longer, the Malum ran towards her, he made the distance in under a second – but to Abilanas' keen senses it took him a few, enough to raise her defences. He went for a side kick, using his taller body to his advantage, Abilana blocked it with her arm, and before she could react another punch to her mid-section sent her flying backwards into a cliff that crumbled with her on impact.

Abilana sat on top the jutted rocks that used to be a small cliff zapped of energy. Incredibly she tried to get back up, it took her time, she found her feet; she was wobbly still on them but after a few seconds found her balance. She raised one arm up in a defensive form, her other, the one she used to block the kick just seconds before dangled useless at her side.

The only thing holding her body together was her fierce determination. I won't give up, I can't give up she told herself.

He came at her again at full speed, enjoying how he would knock her down and she would get back up, only to be knocked down again. Although he did get enjoyment out of this, it angered him that she would not just stay down and admit she was beaten.

Abilana couldn't react to this blow, it was just too fast for her in her fatigued state. She was sent back again into another cliff, this one was much larger and sturdier because it didn't crumble under her force, a impact crater the shape of her body was left behind with her lodged in it leaving her exposed, and pinned up right for a easy target that was glutting for punishment.

The Malum was standing in front of her. "And now... This ends" he said in his deep, cold voice.

He raised his right hand and balled it into a fist ready for the final blow. Abilana looked on helplessly not able to move at all.

I can't give up; I won't give up no matter what. I will not fail. He might be more powerful than me, but the reasons why I fight are more powerful than anything.

The striking blow is already in motion, this would be the one that will kill her, but she would not give up. That's when she felt it; a sudden wave of power and rejuvenation that seemed to sooth her aching body and fight off the fatigue.

With a new speed that she hadn't ever experienced she grabbed the fist in her palm stopping it completely. She looked into the cold, burning orange gems that were his eyes with a new found strength, which showed only anger.

The Malum backed away slowly, not understanding at all what was happening. No one understood it, not even Abilana. She felt a cold, sharp pain run through her veins and entire body, the new-found power coursing through her.

She screamed out in pain, an invisible force seemed to poor out of her in ripples that were leaving her body. The cliff around her hollowed out as it made contact with the energy coming from deep within her body.

What was happening to her? This wasn't supposed to happen. She had changed.

'Power comes in response to a need, not a want'

Abilana was still on her knees with her head cradled in her arms, clearly in pain. The wooden crate that she was next to burst, wood chips and dust exploding outward. The Jaffa looked on scared, what was this sorcerer? They backed away slowly until they reached a point, then turned and ran.

Was it the memory, or something the Jaffa had done that caused it, she didn't know; but she felt the same cold, sharp pain run through her veins and body again. She screamed out in pain, the power was threatening to take her over again. A small boy around seven years old was watching her intently the look of fear on his frozen expression was clear, she locked eyes with him for a moment and it soothed her pain, the power she felt climaxing inside of her slowly subsided.

She felt weak and tired, she had no idea what had just happened to her.



In case you didn't pick it up, the italics and centred texts where the repressed memory that she relived. It was triggered by the Jaffa trying to punch her and she had caught it.