3rd Person POV

Maka was in hospital having her stomach pumped and Soul was standing outside the window watching. He had rushed in to find out what she had meant, but his conclusion was correct. Before, when she used to cut herself, Soul would ask to see her arms. She wouldn't show him the cuts, but he would always grab her arm and sigh. He tried to get her to stop and she finally did until this afternoon. Was it his fault? He didn't think so. Maka just threw up her pills the second Spirit came around the corner.

"You missed it..." Soul said.

"Well at least she's alive now. Thanks to you," replied Maka's papa.


"She probably doesn't want me to see her now... Considering you told her and she attempted suicide."

"True, but could you sign her out of hospital? I need her home."

"Alright..." Spirit walked away, leaving Soul to watch Maka being washed up by many nurses. She looked depressed and pale. No surprise with that fact. He decided to walk into the room.

"Maka's fine; she only needs me to help her," Soul walked in and abruptly stated. This scared the nurses, so they bowed and took their stuff with them and left. Soul watched them leave and when he heard a grunt he turned. Maka was looking at her fiddling hands. "Go brush your teeth and put on your clothes." She took the toothbrush, toothpaste, and clothes from Soul and got ready in the bathroom. He waited for just five minutes and Spirit came up to him.

"You can take her home now... Where is she?" Spirit's question was answered as Maka stepped out of the bathroom.

"Hi Papa..."

"Hi Maka... You had me worried there!" Spirit rubbed the back of his head awkwardly as he spoke to Maka.

"Let's go, Soul..." Maka passed by Spirit and quickly whispered one word to him - 'sorry' was all she could say.

3rd Person POV

"You haven't eaten all day! At least eat some cereal," complained Soul.

"I ate lunch okay! You saw it in the hospital..." replied Maka.

"Well, then please eat again, but something light."

"Fine, fine!" Maka ran over, snatched an apple from the fruit basket, and headed to her room. Soul had removed all knives, pills, ropes, and anything else that could be used to kill someone from her room. He had done this before he left. "Happy?"

"In a way..." Soul grunted and sat on the couch. He really didn't want to talk to her.

"I'm going to bed..."

"Night, Maka."

"Hn." Soul then decided to go to bed as well - he brushed his teeth, got changed, and did everything he usually did before going to bed, but one thing he did differently. He washed his face with cold water. He knew that it would keep him awake, but maybe he needed that.

Soul's POV

Why did she try to do it again? I fucking love her. I asked myself lying in bed. I couldn't sleep and I could hear her crying. It hurt to hear her cry. It hurt so much that I was crying right now. I'm going over there... I left my room and crossed the hallway to hers. When I opened the door she glanced up and I could see her naked body. I stared for a few seconds until I caught my actions; turning away.

"Why are you naked?" I asked her.

"I can see my injuries... I deserve them." I hate it when she talks this way!

"No you don't...!" I walked over to her and sat on the edge of her bed. My eyes scared her. They were staring right into her eyes and past them. She lied down in her bed; covering herself with her blanket, but keeping her arms uncovered, so that I couldn't see her face.

"I'm nothing good for you, Soul... I will never be good for you! I can't change! I'm really weak! I don't deserve a man like you by my side!" That's not true!

"Do you love me..?" I was scared to hear her answer, and she was shocked at my question.

"Soul... I gave myself to you -"

"Put that aside and just answer the question!" I'm pretty sure I was scaring her now.

"Yes... I love you, Soul!" When I heard this, I grabbed her wrists, got on top of her, and pinned her down. Her eyes went wide when I positioned my face right into hers. Still in that position I spoke.

"Then please... Don't throw us away! I don't care what you've done in the past! Stay with me; you deserve me! Maka - I love you!" I bent down and kissed her in the most passionate way right before she was going to respond. "We can get through this!"

"Soul... Oh, Soul!" Maka screamed. She threw her arms around my neck and cried into my shoulder. I let her stay there for a couple of minutes, but she was the one that spoke. "The good thing is... I'm not pregnant. My period came early."

"Oh, thank God!" I had to say it. I didn't want her to have more 'reasons' to kill herself.

"Umm Soul... Can we talk about it?"

"I'd rather not..."

"But why -... Wait... Where's the camera..?"

"I... I have it..."

"Please may I watch it?"

"Do you really want to?"


"Okay..." I fished the camera out of my pocket and got it onto the part where Breight started to talk to her. I let it play from there.

Soul's POV

After and hour and seven minutes, it finally ended. I was crying the whole time and all Maka did was stare. She only cried when Breight had said those last few words before I ate him. This I also got on camera. She didn't want him to go, but she was glad that he was gone for good.



"What did his soul taste like...?" That was the least expected question I had heard from Maka this entire time.

"It. Tasted. Terrible."

"Glad to hear it - he was a terrible person..."

"Umm... Would you mind if I slept with you tonight?"


"I didn't mean it that way! I meant if I could sleep with you! Oh my Shinigami, that still doesn't sound right!" I face palmed myself.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" At least it got her laughing again.

"May I?"

"Yes you may go to bed with me... I love you, Soul."

"I love you too... Maka," I said as I was turning off her lamp and snuggling into her.

"Umm Soul?"


"What are we going to do about the hickeys on my neck?

"I believe it's called make up, Maka."

"MAKA-CHOP! Just kidding... Hehehe, but do I have to wear make up?"

"Well... If you want to tell everyone that you got them from me and not Breight then thats fine."

"Okay, I'll do that! Oh... Umm... Soul?


"I'm the only one naked..."

"Fiiinnneee!" I stripped bare, threw my clothes on the floor, and wrapped my body around hers. Making her melt into my arms and soon fall asleep. I grabbed her hand and whispered three words into her ear that she always wants to hear - I love you.