A/N: Hey guys so I pulled the original version of this chapter because I'll admit it wasn't coming off like it was supposed to and that's probably on account of me not spending that much time on the short little thing. But yeah here's a better version I think. Have at it.



"Hey." The door banged shut as he sauntered into the living room.

The man was relaxed and walked into the apartment much like a king. So much so, that even if his friend had not witnessed it himself, he knew he friend had gotten lucky.

"Whew. What a night." He wiped the sweat from his brow and planted himself on the sofa beside his roommate, kicking off his shoes. "Ok…now pay up."
"Shut the hell up Inuyasha! She didn't have sex! So I think you should pay up." Miroku laughed.

"Yeah but a blowjob is kinda sex." He smiled.

"And what a nice blowjob it was." The pervert rubbed his hands together. "But the bet was and I quote, Look at me! I'm Inuyasha!," he started with a mock Inuyasha voice, "I bet I can get Kagome to have sex int he library again even though she swore never to do it again because that's just how awsome I am! Blah blah blah!"

"I don't even sound like that." the half demon crossed his arms, scoffing. "She gave me head though. I changed her mind that much." He went back to grinning.

"Yes. Yes she did. Oh Kagome you little vixen!" Miroku laughed.

"Yep. That's my girl."

A/N: Ok guys here's a little sequel-ish thing for you to sink your teeth in for a while. I'm working on another chapter of Sexy and Demon so don't worry I haven't forgotten about it.