My friends and I were talking today about all of the 'what if's' in Yu-Gi-Oh!5ds and so I just had to write this about episode 151, because we spent most of our time talking about that episode.

'What if Yusei had died?'

Yusei had done it. He had beaten Z-one and in the process saving all of Neo Domino City, all but Bruno. Bruno. His words drifted in to Yusei's head reminding him of what he had left to do.

"I want you to save the world and also save Z-one."

Yusei stopped his d-wheel down on top of the building roof where Z-one lay, defeated. Yusei quickly got off of his d-wheel and ran towards Z-one calling his name.

"Z-one, Z-one. Are you okay Z-one?" Yusei asked as he kneeled down besides the defeated enemy.

"Yusei." Z-one muttered.

"Hang on." Yusei replied desperately. He couldn't let Bruno down surely he could save Z-one.

"It's no use the device that prolongs my life, will soon going shut down."

"Z-one" Yusei said worriedly.

"It's okay. My life was already at it's limit. The truth is that I wanted to watch the future that you were going to change. But, I no longer had the time to do that." He said as blood began to drip down his chin.

"Don't talk anymore." Yusei said trying to stop Z-one from talking to him that much.

"Yusei.. I was always lonely, but by remembering the bonds that I had with my comrades I tried to fight all alone. But, I'm tired now. Yusei the things that I have done were they wrong "

"All you were trying to do was open up a door to your own future. The warnings you gave out have been inscribed into peoples hearts. As long as we don't forget the future will surely change." Yusei could be so convincing that Z-one just had to believe him.

"Yusei. In my final moment of life I was able to watch you open up a new future. If it's you, you can lead the people." Z-one was happy that he at least seen that before his time was up.

"But I still have something to do." Yusei said, however Z-one quickly interrupted him.

"You are not planning to die are you?" Z-one asked.

"In order to made the Arc Cradle rise back up, in the momentum turning in negative rotation, I must attach a momentum rotating in a positive rotation. That is my last role." Yusei told Z-one, making it clear that he wasn't going to let any one stop him.

Z-one just shut his mouth and closed his cobalt eye, falling in to a world of eternal sleep and peace, knowing that some how he would see Yusei again, as Yusei flew off in to the sky on his d-wheel towards the Arc Cradle.

Driving through the tunnel of the Arc Cradle was full of silence, pure silence. When the momentum came in to view he closed his eyes this was truly the end.

He could remember every thing, every single detail of his life, good or bad. Then another thought came in to his mind. His mother and father, surely soon he could join them and get to know them as if he was just a young child again and then maybe he be there, maybe Bruno would be there with them waiting for him.

Aporia and maybe even Z-one would be there waiting as well. Maybe his death wouldn't be so bad, maybe there was a positive to dying here. Maybe his time of dying had finally come.

After all he'd avoided it, avoided death before, he couldn't escape it forever, he just couldn't.

The light of the momentum consumed his body as he shut his eyes allowing the rainbow coloured light to take him and carry him off to somewhere else. Somewhere where his father and everyone else he knew were waiting for him with open arms.

As he excepted his death he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him and he knew instantly who it was.

"Father." He muttered as he buried his face in to his fathers chest. A few tears falling freely from his azure blue eyes.

His father just held Yusei closer, his body trembled in his hold as he cried more tears falling now leaving light marks on Yusei's cheeks and falling on to their cloths.

Hakase started to lightly run a hand through Yusei's spiky, black and yellow hair and thought about just how alike they actually were. Strange he'd always hoped to see Yusei again, but not in death although if Yusei's was happy being with his father it may turn out not to be so bad.

Maybe Yusei already knew that his mother, Bruno, Z-one, Roman, Rex and lots of other people Yusei knew where waiting for him there. In that world.

Yusei's crying continued as many people that they had both known started to gather around the pair. Bruno, Rex and Roman looked at Hakase then to Yusei, now he was there, that was where he would have to stay.

Jack, Crow, Aki, Luna, Leo and Sherry stood and watched as the Arc Cradle disappeared in to thin air with Yusei still inside.

Luna was already crying and as soon as the Arc Cradle vanished Leo found it too hard to bare and try to be strong for Luna and broke down as well.

Aki and Sherry were staring at each other until it was too much for them as well. Aki remembered all the time's Yusei had helped her and how now when he needed them to save him, she could do nothing, but stand and watch.

Sherry felt partially responsible. She should have stopped Yusei coming to the Arc Cradle, in case it was true and he died. It was true though and she hadn't stopped him.

Crow could hardly believe that it was true Yusei was gone. But it wasn't Yusei hadn't been gone before, but those times were different, because then Yusei had always come back. However there was the time when he fought Roman, but that couldn't possibly happen again.

Jack was a wreck now. It was almost like he needed Yusei. Tears began to fall from Jacks Amethyst eyes, although he didn't show to any one else that he was crying, he knew he was and he could never truly call him self a King, besides that was Yusei's title. A title that Jack wasn't worthy of holding.

It was simple, but none of them could embrace the fact that Yusei was gone.


So do you want another chapter to this or not?

Please review.