A/N: Here it is! The final chapter. I hope you all enjoy it! Thank you all so much for reviewing. =D Will let you read now!

Before the Doctor could say anything else, the watch was dropped to the floor and Rose's arms wrapped tight around his neck as she kissed him fiercely. He was stunned for a few seconds before he wound his arms around her waist and kissed her back.

"Hi." She smiled as she pulled away.

"Yeah..." The Doctor nodded quietly. "Hi."

They smiled at each other for a few seconds and then Rose's hand came whooshing towards his head as she slapped him on the back of it.

"I've been waiting for so long for you to come back." She shouted.

The Doctor rubbed the back of his head and winced.

"How long has it been?" He asked.

"Eleven months, two weeks and five days." Rose told him, folding her arms across her chest. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeah, I kept count."

"Rose, I'm so sorry." He said sincerely.

"Yeah well..." She mumbled. She picked up the watch again and stared transfixed at it. "It's never done this before. What's happening?"

"That's what I want to explain." He said, taking it from her hands. "We should go inside and talk." Rose led him into the kitchen, her heart starting to pound again. It always made her nervous when the Doctor was so serious. They sat across from each other at the table, the watch between them. Rose couldn't take her eyes off it as the voice hissed at her to open it. "Rose, look at me. Ignore it for now. Just focus on me."

She tore her eyes away from it and looked directly into his eyes.

"It wants me to open it." She told him.

"Rose, just listen to me for now." He said firmly. He saw how hard it was for her to ignore the watch so he grabbed her hand in his and held it. She looked at their hands quickly and then back to his eyes, a slight pink tinge to her cheeks. He had her attention now. "You've had this watch since you were born right?" She nodded and waited for him to continue. "But it's only ever looked to you like an ordinary watch, nothing more." She nodded again. "However, this is no ordinary watch. Something is stored inside...a life...the life of a Time Lord. When a Time Lord is in danger, their life is stored inside a fob watch for a certain amount of time and they become human. They have no memories of this, only the watch. When the time comes, the watch will call out and the Time Lord shall open it. This watch, it's calling out right now...it's calling for it's owner...it's calling for you...Rose Tyler."

Her eyes widened as she looked back at the watch.

"But I'm not...I can't be...my mum..." She stammered.

"Something happened the day you were born, the day the real Rose Tyler was born." He told her.

"What?" She gasped.

"I'm so sorry, but Jackie Tyler isn't your mum. The life you've been living is a lie." He said.

He explained everything he'd found out from visiting Jackie to the moment he'd landed in her garden.

"No, you're lying." She said, wrenching her hand from his and standing up.

"Why would I lie about something like this? Rose, listen to me. The dreams you've been having, the voices you've been hearing, they're all because of the watch." He stood up and held her arms. "It's the truth, I swear to you. I'd never lie to you."

Tears ran down her cheeks as she looked into his eyes. She placed her hands over his hearts and gasped.

"In my dream...I felt this...two hearts...I'm..." She whispered. "But my mum...dad and Tony...Mickey. If I open that watch, what will happen to them?"

"They'll forget you. The real Rose Tyler will return to them and they'll live as if nothing happened." He answered.

"Will they still be here in the parallel world?" She asked.

The Doctor shook his head.

"The real Rose never met me. She was never at Canary Wharf so she was never lost in battle. Your mum and Mickey will return to their own universe." He explained.

"And...what happens to me?" She asked.

"You'll become a Time Lord. All your memories of Gallifrey will return. You were a baby at the time so there won't be too many. You'll come with me." He answered.

"Doctor, I'm scared." She sobbed. "I don't want to disappear, I don't want to be someone else."

"Don't be scared, I wont let you go. I won't let you forget who you are. You're not going anywhere. I'll look after you." He said determinedly. She clutched the front of his jacket and buried her face in his chest as she continued to sob. He held her tight and kissed the top of her head. "Everything's going to be ok."

He led her back to the table and sat her in one of the chairs. Pulling a chair up next to her, he placed his arm back around her and held her until she stopped crying.

She eventually looked up and smiled weakly at him.

"So...I'm a Time Lord." She sighed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "Never expected that. Still, at least I get to stay with you."

They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like a decade.

"Doctor!" Someone gasped.

Rose and the Doctor whipped around and saw Jackie with Tony balanced on her hip, Pete and Mickey stood in the doorway.

"Told you he was coming." Rose said.

"He's really here – that's really him – that's – that's the Doctor." Mickey stammered.

"Yes I am." The Doctor grinned. "It's good to see you all again."

Everyone but Rose stood staring at him in shock.

Rose instead was staring at the watch. It was almost screaming at her to open it now.

When she looked around at the others, only the Doctor showed any signs that he could hear it. She glanced at him, then stood up and went over to her mum, pulling her and Tony into a tight hug.

"You know I love you right?" She said.

"Of course I do. I love you too sweetheart." Jackie told her. "What's going on?"

Rose didn't answer her. She kissed her mum on the cheek and baby Tony's forehead and turned to Pete. She hugged him too.

"I love you too." She whispered.

Pete frowned as she pulled away.

"Rose, I love you but...really, what's going on?"

Again, Rose ignored the question as she walked up to Mickey.

"Mickey...thank you. You've been my best friend throughout all this madness, even though you didn't believe me this time. I love you anyway though." She laughed through more tears. She hugged him tight. "I'll miss you." She whispered. Rose stood in front of them all and smiled. "Listen, I need to speak to the Doctor. Do you mind leaving us alone for a minute?"

"Erm...ok...yeah sure." Jackie nodded, frowning.

Rose watched them leave before turning to the Doctor.

"Why didn't you tell them?" He asked quietly.

"Because they won't remember and they'd never understand anyway." She answered.

Rose walked over to the table and picked up the watch. The Doctor grabbed her wrist again before she could open it.

"Rose, you don't have to do this. You can stay with your mum and dad and I can take the watch. I'll get rid of it. You can lead a normal life if you want." He told her.

"I can't." She whispered. "Now that I know, I can't live my life knowing it's all a lie. I have to put things right. Plus, there's no way I'm leaving your side ever again."

"I don't want you to but..." He saw the determination in her eyes. He shook his head and let go of her wrist. "Ok, open it."

Rose took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.

"Don't let me forget." She said.

"I won't." He promised as she flipped the watch open. A sigh of contentment left the watch as a golden light streamed from the watch into her eyes. He grasped her arms as he began to remind her of who she was. "Never forget who you are, never. You're always curious to learn about the planets we visit, always determined to find out more. You're always trying to help those who need it, even when there's nothing you can do. Remember Gwyneth, you wanted to protect her even when you knew you couldn't because that's who you are. You see those who don't fit in or feel like they belong and you care for them so much. You listen to your heart and you make them feel loved. You found me, a Time Lord filled with rage and anger at the loss of his people and you made me better. You changed me for the better. You never do anything I say, you can be so stubborn sometimes, never backing down until you get your way. It can be so frustrating sometimes but that's who you are. I love you because of all that and more. I love you because you are Rose Tyler. Remember it, believe it. You are Rose Tyler."

The light stopped and the watch tumbled to the floor, empty.

The Doctor held his breath as he watched her. She looked into his eyes.

"I am Rose Tyler." She mumbled.

"Yes." The Doctor nodded.

She nodded back and smiled.

"I'm still Rose Tyler. Thank you. I love you." She grinned. They hugged each other and laughed in relief. "I'm a Time Lord." She folded her hand over her chest, feeling the beating of her two hearts. "Two hearts, like you. I can see all the stars and the planets I've dreamed about, I know all their names. It's all so beautiful." Her smile disappeared as she looked at the doorway. "Mum – Jackie...she's gone home hasn't she? Mickey too."

The Doctor nodded sadly.

"Come on, it's time you went home too." He told her, taking her hand in his.

"Home? Where is home?" She asked sadly.

"With me, on the TARDIS." He answered. "If that's what you want."

"It is." She nodded. "I'm going to miss them all. We've both been left alone by the people we love so much. At least we have each other now."

She smiled at him, that dazzling smile of hers with her tongue between her teeth. He tucked a stray hair behind her ear and leant in to capture her lips in a gentle kiss.

As they left the mansion, the Doctor scooped up the empty watch and placed it in his pocket.

When they reached the TARDIS, Rose twirled around the controls smiling. She'd missed it so much. It felt like she'd never left as she ran her hands over everything. It was all so much better than she'd remembered it to be.

The Doctor watched her fondly as he stepped up to the controls.

"So, we'd better get out of here before -"

"Before the whole of reality catches up with us, tears a hole in time and space causing every universe to collapse." Rose finished. The Doctor stared open mouthed at her and she laughed at him. "You're forgetting you're not the only Time Lord around here any more."

She flipped a switch and started the TARDIS' engines.

"Oh we are going to have so much fun." The Doctor grinned.

"Yes we are. Allons-y!" She grinned back as the TARDIS flew into the time vortex.