
Okay, this is my first fanfic in a long time and my first M rated…and Mpreg fic. But no mpreg in the first chapters. :3

Isshushipping 3

But yeah, enjoy.

'This was probably gonna be a normal day. ' Was the first thing Black though when he woke up just as he used to, in his bed, in his house and beside N who was clinging onto him as if he was the only damn thing in the world… It was usually like that when he wakes up and then he and N goes around in Unova and just hanging around. Often fight with each others about pokemon. N doesn't want Black to have pokemons as ''slaves'' and Black are just trying to complete his pokédex. Then they would eat out on some weird place N choose and then stay home. That was a normal day for Black. Well now it was time to wake N up because Black was trapped in the arms of the other man. ''N, wake up. You're kinda giving be claustrophobia or something'' Black said and started to get out of the hold of his boyfriend wsho had opened one eye when he had told him to wake up. Maybe he had been awake ever since Black himself had woken up or something. ''Hnng, but you are so warm and cuddly'' Was the answer Black got and N tightened the grip on the younger man. If you didn't know N so would you probably lie there in bed with N the whole day but Black know of course how to get out of the bed. He knew his boyfriend better than any other person. ''N, there is a horrible trainer outside…'' Was the only thing he said before N got a kinda scary stare and rushed outside in just his boxers and cap screaming about not using pokemon.

Black chuckled at N and got up from the bed. ''Ah, now I'm gonna be alone for a few hours. N is gonna run around the most routes and try to make people to stop catching pokemon. I don't really see what' so wrong with catching pokemons.'' Black said to himself before he got to the shower to clean himself up after his and N's… game last night. And while he showered a blushing N was watching him through the window.

''I think I'm gonna go and catch some pokemons, I really need to fill up my pokedex.'' Black said while he dried himself off and dressed himself for the day. N who had been outside the window for some time got the same stare as he got when he was in the bed. ''Black! Why do you still catch pokemons? I have told you thousands of times that it's wrong! Why doesn't you ever get it!'' N sobbed and shaked poor Black. ''You know N, it's not like I have them as slaves. And by the way get some clothes on. It's kinda uncomfortable when you're standing there in just boxers and your cap…in the kitchen.'' Black said and started to go out of the door leaving a very sad/angry boyfriend behind him in the house. ''Hm, I wonder if I'm gonna find any new pokemon today.'' Black said as he walked down the path for a new route. ''I maybe find a legendary pokemon… or something that makes N calmer.'' ''W-wait for meeeeee Black! You can't just leave me all alone in the house'' N came and screamed after him. 'Oh yeah, N didn't like to be alone. I kinda forgot that…not' Black though as N hugged him.

After like 2 hours of searching for new pokemon so hadn't they found a single new. Black was kinda pissed off because of that and N…yeah he was Im-so-happy-that-i-can-bleed-rainbows happy. ''This sucks, not even ONE new! Whyyy can't it come a new pokemon!'' Was the only things Black said while they were going on the end of the route. ''It's just because they don't want to be captured and used!'' N said happily. But, just when he said that so came a little white pokemon that flew a few centimeters over the ground as if it wanted attention, came out from a bush.''Yes! Finally something to catch!'' Black said and cried a little of happiness, took out his Serperior from it's pokéball. ''Oh noes, don't capture it Black! It will be so unhappy!'' N screamed and gave him a death stare.

''Serperior, use leafBlade!'' Black ordered the big grass snake pokemon while he tried to ignore N's stare. Seriously, that stare was scary. The grass pokemon used a leafblade on the small little furball. But it didn't attack back for some reason. ''That's..weird. Let's try to catch it.'' Black said and took out a pokeball. N gave him a sharper stare and Black stared back. ''Advgsfd stop staring like that N!'' He hissed at the green haired man. ''Not until this is over.'' N answered. Black gave N one more stare and tossed the ball at the pokemon. It wiggled a few times until a little 'click' came from it that showed that the pokemon was caught. ''Yes I got it'' He said and let it out from the pokeball so he could look at it properly. It was a white pokemon, kinda round and fluffy, with closed eyes, small winglike things on the head and a big red Y on the chest and it leaved spores everywhere. ''Oh, how could you Black! What if it doesn't want to be your pokemon!'' N cried and shaked Black.

''C-come on N. People do that all the time.'' Black said while he got shaked in like 10 minutes. The new little pokemon watched them all the time. ''H-hello you two'' It said and smiled. Both N and Black stared at the pokemon in union, because it wasn't normal at all that a pokemon could talk, no way in hell. ''Oh my, hi little guy there how are ya?'' N said to the pokemon and totally forgot about the little shocked Black. ''I'm very good, thanks for asking.'' It told N and smiled and jumped onto N's shoulder. Leaving spores everywhere in the progress. ''Wanna be friends little guy?'' N asked happily. ''Sure, who wouldn't'' It said. ''I-I wouldn't'' Black said now being on the ground.

''Look Black this is how pokemon and people are gonna be'' N said proudly and pointed at the white furball on his shoulder. ''You think so?'' Black said and sat up and took the pokemon from N. ''He's mine get your own.'' He said and smiled to N. ''So, hi little guy why can you talk'' He then said to the pokemon. ''Pokemon of my speices can talk, it's like a ability.'' It said and smiled, but not a normal cute smile it was something with it…but Black couldn't think of what. ''Okay, what's your name?'' He asked. ''Kawamari! And before you ask more questions, I like to be active, sleep 1 o' clock in the days and drink warm chocolate.'' Kawamari said happily. N moved closer and took the pokemon back again. ''Hey let's go home Kawamari! He said and ran away leaving his boyfriend alone on the ground.

''…No this wasn't gonna be a normal day'' Black though while slowly starting to go home.

Authors note: If you want to read about Kawamari so is there a pic and info about him on my DA account, Juliasss.