God I hate my brother! I would never do this for anyone else. Here I am a fairy walking into vampire bar, And not just any vamp bar. No my brother would have to have the leftovers from the biggest vamp bar in Louisiana. So here I stand waiting in line to go into a vipers nest. Waiting in line proves to be boring so I let my shields fall. It's funny what humans think about most of the time here however it isn't. All anyone is thinking about is sex with a vampire or getting bitten. I pull up my shields just in time to see a vampire walking towards me this should be fun…


Being king is wonderful. So many blood bags at the ready for my enjoyment, Ever since we announced we actually lived among them we have never ending droves of desperate pathetic bags throwing themselves at us. I being king afford me certain privileges. Anything that has never been bitten before has to come directly to me so I will have first taste then the others can take what they will. During my musing my phone buzzes. Pam my lovely child has sent me a text message.

Pam: Master, I have found the most delectable blood bag. Untouched! .

Well this is defiantly something. So I text her back

Eric: Fang or Cock?

A few seconds later her reply comes through.

Pam: Both!

Gods it's good to be king I haven't had virgin blood for a long time now. So I tell here to bring the blood bag before me so I can take what is mine.

About two minutes later she still has not come to me and I am getting irritated so I get up off my throne. When I do the music cuts of and I can hear yelling from the front.

"Listen blood bag, my Master wants you and what my master wants he gets. I will take you by force if necessary."

Just then I hear a crash and race to my child. I didn't want any trouble and I don't understand why the blood bag wasn't glamoured into doing what she was told. As I come around the corner I notice it is not the blood bag that is in the rubble but my child. Then I hear the most beautiful but icy voice speak.

"I don't care what your Master wants. You will not disrespect me!"

I look at the embodiment of the voice and beautiful doesn't even begin to describe her. Its then I realize the blood dripping down her arms. Then I smell it her blood. It's fae she is fae. I barley have time to compose myself before she speaks again.

"You have committed a blood offence against the royal house of Brigant. Your life is forfeit!"

Then she looks at me and narrows her eyes.

"You're her Master?" She says master again with such disgust. Her eyes are filled with the storm of battle. I don't care who she is I will not be addressed this way. I stand up to my full height hoping to intimidate. But to my complete and utter shock she just straightens herself and looks at me with disgust. No one has stood up to me in over eight hundred years. I hide my shock I am king damn it I will not have this.

"I am king of this area and you will address me as such little fae!" She snorts! Snorts damn it!

"Well, isn't this nice. I will have a kingdom!" She laughs as if she just said the funniest thing on earth.

"Your child was to get me and bring me to you because I am untouched? You think it is within your right to take what is only mine to give? I would never for in a million years allow you to touch me! Let alone have my blood the thought of it makes me sick! You have committed this offence and since you are her maker and she acted on your orders I am well within my right to seek both your deaths from the council or your kingdom. However I am here seeking information and will look past this offence if you would offer assistance in this matter."

Her being of royal blood does complicate this situation. I will take her back to a private area and glamour her to forget then to give herself to me. I have missed the feeling of fae blood in me and am looking forward to it again. Since she is so uppity I will take her like a common whore. Right in view of the vampires in my bar she will call me master!

"Of course, follow me to a feeding area and we will get down to business." I say this with a leer and I can see the revolution in her eyes. And for once I find myself feeling something. I have not allowed myself to feel anything in almost a thousand years so I don't know what I am feeling but I know I hate the fact that I am. She walks into the semi closed off booth and takes her coat off and lays it on the seat before sitting on it. She touches nothing and the look of disgust remains.

"What can I help you with little fae?" I say as I sit down my child stands and I can feel she is seething. It's not every day pam gets thrown on her ass. I send calm through our bond I don't need any more trouble than is necessary. As soon as I am able to make eye contact I will have her in my thrall and all will be well. She pulls two pictures out of her purse and proceeds to lay them on the table.

"These women were found strangled with vampire bites fresh on their skin. My brother was with each of them and is a suspect in their murders. But vampires are as well. I know you have been with her..." she points to the picture of the young one. "And so do the police."

"How do you or the police know I had her?" I ask getting angrier by the minute she has yet to make eye contact with me and I can't glamour her till she does. Just then she looks me in the eyes and speaks with utter confidence.

"Well, for one I thought you being a king would have better taste but from the looks of you bar it fits. Not only did you not glamour her when she left you left your marks all over her she was proud for whatever reason and was showing them off all night long. My brother likes your sloppy seconds. Which I really don't get I mean fucking nasty but whatever floats his boat. So now the police will be here soon to question you. What I want to know is if you could smell any other man on her that might have been responsible." After her little tirade I have my chance and I use all the force my glamour has.

"You will get on your knees like a good little fae and please me and never worry about anything other than my pleasure again!" what happens next has never happened to me in all my thousand years. To say it doesn't work is an understatement. I know I have failed as soon as I see the fire in her eyes.

"I thought we could do this civilly. But I should have known better. Vampires only respond to one thing and one thing only. Power. Well your about to feel just how far my powers reach." She looks over to my child and says "Enjoy this night for it will be your last. Oh yea your about to be raided" Then she just poofs out. I look to my child and I see something I haven't seen from her before fear.

"Do not fear my child I will never allow it!" just then the police come through the door and my child and I make haste to leave. I flip out my phone and call one number I never thought I would have to.

"Speak!" well this beginning is not what I expected.

"Niall I just had the most unexpected run in with a relation of yours and I can't tell you I am pleased." There try to sow the seeds of doubt.

"No Viking you did not meet just any relation to me you have met my granddaughter Sookie. And I have already spoken to her to try and plead your case but with how you tried to glamour her into sucking your cock I have no pity. And let me just say as a king myself you have fucked up royally. Do you even know who you just made an enemy of? …. I will take your silence as a no. Allow me to be the first to tell you the news she is Sookie Brigant. Famed telepath. Loved by many supernatural beings savoir in Rhodes. Friend of many packs. You actually had an appointment with her later this month to sign a contract for her services. Alas my grandson is a whore and as always his sister is trying to get him out of trouble. Well Viking I hope you can sort this mess out because the next summit is coming soon and everyone is going to want her on their team. I wish you luck you're going to need it."

Fuck, fuck, fuck! "Surely there has to be a mistake. The way she acted here was unacceptable if she had been around vampires before then she should know her place!" Laughter coming through the line just great not at all what I was hoping for.

"Ah, now I see where the problem lies perhaps you should call your fellow kings and queens and ask them how they got along then maybe you will understand. She bows to know one not even me! And I am her king! But I know the reasons behind her actions. It is not my place to tell you though. She will never subservient to anyone again ever."

"Ah, you said ever again. I will have to meet this man and get some pointers." I laugh to myself but stop as a growl comes over the line.

"You will never meet him he is dead. Her first kill she was eight." That gives me pause. Now I understand. The situation has come to another level of understanding.

"Is she going to go to the council and demand the life of my child Niall?" Silence

"Why would she have cause to bring your child in front of the council? Speak Viking what has happened that I am not aware of?" Shit!

"She is untouched my laws stand that I am to have first feed and fuck of any who enter my bar untouched. My child did not know who she was and there was a blood offence committed..."a roar is what I am greeted with.

"Because she did not tell me of this I will leave it up to her what happens but know this if she decides to go to war it will be out of my control she is the rightful heir to the throne. Any exceptions that are made can be viewed as a weakness. If it was just the offence I would say no harm done but that on top of the insult. Like I said before you are on your own. Rest well Viking this night may be your last." Then he hangs up. Fucking wonderful! I need to call the other kings and queens and find out the best way to deal with this situation. I dial the only person I can trust in this situation my maker, king of Texas.

"Godric." My maker's voice fills me with pride.

"I have a little problem I think I need your guidance with Master."

"Speak child, make it fast though I have a meeting that cannot wait. One of my nest mates has gone missing and I have hired the most delectable creature to assist in their recovery."

"Pam got into it with a fairy. But not just any fairy, a Sookie Brigant. Do you know of her?" silence why does this keep happening to me tonight.

"Was she harmed Eric? This is very important. What happened?" So I proceed and tell him the events of the night everything from pam to me.

"Oh Eric, of all the beings you could have chosen to degrade you chose the worst. She is the one I am waiting on to help me find Isabelle. She is here. I am going to place you on speaker phone do not speak unless spoken to as your maker I command it."

"You majesty, May I present Sookie Brigant." I hear some shuffling

"Good evening Ms. Brigant. Thank you for agreeing to help me with this situation." My maker always playing nice with everyone.

"You're very welcome. Please call me Sookie may I call you Godric?"

"Of course Sookie. How are you this evening?"

"Well to tell you the truth it has been a very trying day."

"Anything I can help with?"

"Unless you can tell me how someone so beautiful can be such an ass then no I don't think you can. I however can help you. But I doubt I can help whoever you have on the phone. Is it alright to speak freely or should I go cryptic? Cause I have to tell you I am too tired to do cryptic right now."

"Speak freely my child is on the line and I trust him with my life anything you have to say can be said in front of him." She stuns me with what she says next.

"I don't know if you know this but there is a listening device under your desk. Here I will just take care of it. Come to me! Do you have a glass of anything in here blood is good." I hear a plop

"Alright now we can get started. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you but it is an inside job. Her lover Hugo is with the fellowship. He is angry with her for denying him the chance to be immortal. He wanted to teach her a lesson. Fucking twisted little shit. I can kill him for you if you'd like? I don't take death lightly but the little fucker deserves it for what he has done to her. Here is the address where she is being held. She will need lots of blood and even though y'all are vampires I might recommend some type of counseling for her when she returns the things they did to her are of a more rape oriented variety." Her voice shakes for the last part of her statement. What I hear next takes me flying through the air.

"Grab my hand now!" she screams then I hear bombs exploding and the line goes dead.