I glanced up as I strained my hearing in order to get in on the conversation. "I said let go of me!" Akuma shouted. My heart skipped from the distress that was in her voice. I began to panic, trying to think of a way out of the hole by looking around. My eyes landed on something white. There at the bottom, stabbed by several spikes, was the Zetsu who had captured me. "Not the Akatsuki… then who?" I whispered as I peered up.

Akuma wasn't screaming nor did she show any signs of fear towards the person who kidnapped her. The thing was… whoever that person was, they weren't after the Kyuubi; I could tell… they were after Akuma. Akuma was famous, and there were still many people who did not know that she was the Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi.

"I said let go!" I heard a loud echo of a slap, causing me to cringe. Maybe I was worrying a little too much about her safety. "I don't know who you are… but you should never hold a woman like that!" I glanced back down at my situation while Akuma began pestering the person to who they were. It appeared that the only way for me to get out was if Akuma noticed me down here.

Akuma's POV

Normally by now someone would have given in on the pestering habit of a child… but apparently not this person. The bastard was ignoring me! After a while of me constantly asking… he finally lifted his hand to silence me. My gaze landed on the hand as I lifted a brow. The cloth that covered his hand was quite familiar. I slowly dropped the tension I had from uncertainty of who the person was. I watched him as he walked away from me. His aura told me I had nothing to be afraid of; that I could trust him.

I just wondered why that cloth looked familiar… in reality, it shouldn't right? "Ah…" I held my head as I stared down. I forgot about that seal. Before I could think too much into it, I heard what sounded like something falling below me. That was when I noticed the open platform in the ground. I walked over and peered in to see darkness. "Akuma… a little hand here?" the familiar voice made me sigh with relief, well that was until I noticed that the voice was Itachi's and that he was surrounded by explosive tags. "Um… Itachi how did… actually no, I won't ask. I'll take a mental image, inform Sasuke about it, and then maybe help you?" The glare told me that he didn't want to be down there like that for long.

I waved my hand before glancing around. The trap was well made, considering only someone from above could prevent it from going off. "Itachi, the ceiling is sealed… even if I could help you, the seal would sense the movement and set the whole trap off. It was made to prevent even comrades from saving their people… so you probably pissed some people off." I said as I went to move away. The faint desperate look in his eyes stopped me. Seals… they were my mother's expertise… but she hasn't responded for a while now.

I bit my lip as I tried to recall anything from before that would help out in this matter. The seal had to be released or else trying to move the rope at all would kill Itachi. Sasuke has hated me in the past… I didn't want the hatred to continue because his brother was dead. So what would help… what would help me now?

Kushina's POV

Kyuubi's words continued to echo through my head. "Kushina… she has been crying for you for a while now. Why do you continue to hold back?" I turned to see Kyuubi staring at me. "Why did the village do that to her… How can I face her when I know what they did to her… my only child" I grit my teeth as I slammed my hand against a wall of darkness. "She was supposed to grow up a hero… to be happy and have no worries… so why?" I could feel the tears threatening to leave.

"Kushina… I'm sure by this point we can say that nothing ever goes as planned. She was already an unplanned child that wasn't meant to be born and even live for that matter. But did we not share our love with her from the start? Despite knowing what she possibly was, were you not happy to hear that you were a mother? Despite knowing what she could turn to be, were you not happy to see her birth? I know I am not her mother, but I know I can say I was proud to see her grow despite all of what she is and what she might become." I turned to Kyuubi to see a gentle look in her eyes. I could see sadness mixed in, telling me she was filled with regret.

"Think back… do you regret what you did?" I turned away with a frown on my face. My gaze wondered around, as if trying to search for something to say right before me.

I stared up in awe at the sacred gem. It felt weird that the leader asked me if I wanted to view what kept the clan alive, but I was glad I agreed. "Kushina, this gem is what we call the 'Eternal Gem'… it was said to once be part of the sacred tree that created us. Many will attack our clan to get this gem… I fear they might come soon, as we will soon be entering another war. There is a reason you were brought here, child…" The look in his eyes told me that he was pained by what was on his mind.

"Kushina… you already know that you are being taken to Konohagakure… your chakra is perfect… for the task that is there, and for the task I am about to place on you… take the Eternal Gem… guard it with your life and bring it to Konohagakure. Only those from the Uzumaki clan can guide it… if put into the wrong hands…" I nodded in understanding.

"Why… why did my child have to be the Eternal Gem?"

Akuma's POV

"Okay so my choice is to either find that guy or to try and break it myself… which might end in your death either way." I sounded so positive about my abilities, didn't I? Sarcasm...

"For some reason I find humor in someone from the Uzumaki clan saying something like that about a seal…" Itachi said as his gaze turned away. He had no sign of feeling any humor, but surely he felt discouraged. I waved my hand to him before walking up to the seal. "Quite complex… but…" I stared at the seal as it felt like it was decoding before my eyes. My body moved on its own as I lifted my hand to the seal, whispering something even I didn't understand. I stared in shock as the seal disappeared.

"I thought you said you didn't know what to do!" Itachi shouted. "Wait… why is your attitude so sarcastic you jackass! I'm saving you and now you are acting like Sasuke!" The stare I got in return probably answered me. "I'm his older brother… if Sasuke was to act like anyone; it would be pretty close to me. That aside, there should be a lever up there to pull me up find it and use it. I'm pretty tired of dangling down here while staring at a dead corpse." I glanced away. "Part of me just wants to leave you there…" I mumbled. Despite what I said, I looked for this 'lever' that he was talking about. "Don't see why I have to hit a lever when there are tags around the walls…"

There was silence, causing me to turn back to the hole. "…" I stared before narrowing my gaze. "You forgot about—"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes before leaning over the edge. "Ok Uchiha, tell me now, how do you want to get out? Don't forget I'm your means of getting out of there, unless you figured out a way to avoid the spikes and tags. Oh wait… is that a little trap that will light the rope on fire?" I smiled at the glare I got. "I'm teasing you Itachi… I remember putting you in a trap like this before… didn't you use that on Orochimaru?" He looked away. "Oh, you were hoping I forgot that, didn't you?"

I pulled out a kunai, stabbing the rope before catching it. Using several clones, I pulled Itachi up before freeing him fully from the rope. "By the way… All those tags were defective; you could have gotten out on your own." I dodged the fist as I laughed. "I really can't understand you… at a time you should be worrying, you stand here laughing and joking around as if you have nothing to fear." Itachi stated as his gaze became serious.

"You're wrong… I'm scared—scared out of my mind. Being down here, I fear what could be going on up above. Is the war still blazing? Are our people still dying? Will I be too late? Will I be the cause for all those deaths? I'm quite burdened by all of this but when it comes right down to it… I have to be strong or else there is no hope." I looked away from Itachi as a frown joined my sullen mood. "In the long run, only I can defeat that man… but I admit I will need help from everyone." I turned towards Itachi. "Something tells me that I previously fought him… but I don't know what the outcome was nor do I know why I fought him. I don't know why I haven't remembered everything after all this time with the seal being destroyed."

"I don't think it's the seal that is causing your memories to be so hazy." I gave Itachi a questionable look. "Kyuubi seems to know everything about your memories… have you put any thought into it that she may be causing some of your memories to stay hidden? She is always protecting you, so it is possible that some of your memories that you aren't learning, are actually things that she is protecting you from. She loves you like a mother… just think about it." Protect me from memories? Could those memories be bad then? Did they cause me pain or did they cause me fear?

"Anyway, I think we should try and find a way out. We can separate, you take the south hall, and I'll take the north." I nodded; my mind still wandering. I had no clue where I was really; I just remember waking up on that guy's shoulder as he walked around the cave system. The only thing I knew was I could partially trust this guy, but I can't because he chooses to stay hidden behind a cloak. I shook my head to keep the troubling thoughts out of my head. "I have to focus if I want to get out and stop this war…" I mumbled as I made my way down the hall.

My body froze up, causing me to panic. Why couldn't I move my body anymore? What exactly was going on? 'The birthplace of the stone…' My eyes lit up as my mother's voice appeared in my head. Wait, what stone? 'My child… this area is dangerous for you to be… you need to go back and try another route.' I blinked. It wasn't like I could move to begin with! I was pretty much stuck here unless someone could push me or something.

"Kushina, she is frozen on movement. You must explain to her about the stone at least." Oh sure, now everyone starts talking? Where were they when I needed help on that damn seal! Okay, granted, I got it just fine on my own however I don't quite recall what I did to break the seal. Actually, did I even do anything? 'Akuma, there was once a stone that the Uzumaki clan protected. It laid thousands of feet under Uzushiogakure, where it protected our lands from war, pain and even death. That stone was the reason why our clan was known to have longevity. It was given the name Eternal Gem when our clan realized the power it held. We never used it for our personal gain, but instead we protected it from the greed that plagued the lands over the seas. You are near the place at which the stone was found, and where it stayed for many years before.'

"So I guess the Ultimate Gem is reacting to the Eternal Gem then since I can't move." I guess that made sense, since this Eternal Gem seemed quite strong. "I wouldn't quite say that." Kyuubi immediately stated. 'The Eternal Gem was removed from Uzushiogakure many years ago, long before you were born. It was right before they were smashed down during the war.' Okay then was I unable to move due to the place it was sealed? Common, someone throw me a bone here! I just want to move!

'What worries me is… only a selected few knew where the location of the Eternal Gem was… the leader, one ANBU and me. All of us died, so the one who is here… it causes me great concern. Though I did tell your father the general location but not the true spot…' I could hear concern in her voice. If the gem was still here, then that person would have caused some damage or something. Hell, I don't even know what the stone does to begin with!

'You need to turn around… you can't enter this room. If you enter that room…' She trailed off. "How exactly do I avoid it?" I asked, not really trying to be a brat. "Listen to your mother and trust her on this. You are currently below Uzushiogakure, even further away from the war than you previously were. However, these caves do lead to the main land… but you cannot take that route, only Itachi can." Was the Ultimate Gem really that sensitive? Man, if Orochimaru only made it less fragile, I could make it through here without a problem. Apparently that man enjoys problems.

"What are you doing in this hall?"


Hey guys it has been quite a while hasn't it? I'm still working on rewriting chapters but my work schedule has made it quite impossible to do. Getting paid minimum wage on something that should be getting paid more than places like McDonalds… it really isn't helping me with my money issue. I hate Christmas time might I add, but I wanted to give you guys a Christmas present, which was an update to my stories. I've been working hard on trying to get all my stories prepared for a chapter update for Christmas, between all my shifts. Let me tell you… that is hard! The department I work in, well… it is quite low on staff so they have me working the shifts that the others cannot which ends up being weekdays. I sometimes open, and other times I close. I may be done cleaning at around 10 or 11 PM, and the place may close around 11 or 12 PM… but my shift doesn't end until 2 or even 4 in the morning.

Getting this job really did lower my updating chances, more than I thought it would because I happened to get hired when they fired about 90% of the staff in my department. In short, I was taking over for their lost hands. In the long run, that made it worse because now when it is busy, our department has to call up the managers for help practically every time we have to clean, because there is only one cleaner or rarely two. It gets horrible because they make one person stand door rather than pulling them off to help clean. Ugh it's just one big mess for me.

Also this is being updated before Christmas for one main reason… I work Christmas…. I was originally only working a short 4 hours, but someone needed my shift so I took his… so instead of my 1:30 to 6ish, I work a 2 to 10… Yeah, I won't be getting any dinner! All the stores will be closed and not just that but, even if I came home… the fridge is broken so I can't actually find anything in the house to eat so all I will have is breakfast before I go in… Yay me?

Alright so relating to the story… I lost my little NUA story outline that I made for how I want the story to progress and end. Trust me, that outline was even my way to get rid of the BS I had for chapters before this… because I spent maybe a month and a half recording key details on this story alone… (85 chapters before this… you can understand the long time it took me to outline the story) so I had to recreate an outline for my chapters and rewrite the earlier chapters that weren't posted yet… this chapter happened to be one of them. Originally in this chapter, Naruto finds Itachi and both of them were in sour moods, Itachi for being captured and Naruto because some guy ran off with her. Kushina was pretty much out of the picture but I decided to bring her back instead, because I realized I could use her for more than what I had done… I mean I pretty much killed off Kushina again after Naruto proved that she surpassed her parents. Yeah… let's keep Kushina a bit; she has a good use later on…

So then I came across a file I had on my memory stick… inside my original NUA folder, I had a folder named 'Possible chapter ideas' and there was just a bunch of files in there. The one that caught my attention was a file originally named 'Gem of Eternity' which I, being lazy, decided to call the Eternal Gem instead. Not only does it give you more wonder about Naruto, but it also gives a plot twist… which by now you guys should know I love plot twists… I can't live without doing those in my stories!

So I hope everyone enjoys my Christmas gift to them…. Which wasn't much at all… it could have been better. At least it wasn't just 1.2k in words; this was doubled in words as a special in a way. Since I work Christmas, most of my story updates will be between today and on Christmas eve, before I go stay over 'Tachi's house (because she knows I work on Christmas, she is having everyone stay over so that in the morning, before I go into work, gifts can be opened and I can get breakfast before I go in.)

I don't know when I will update a chapter next, I mean technically if you guys are still fine with unedited chapters that will later get revised, then I can just put up a chapter when I can but… knowing my sleep crazed moments, some of those chapters will need to be reviewed…

As usual, an as promised of a no header has been done. Just a very long footer only because I wanted to let you guys know what was up and where I had disappeared off to… now to see what other stories has a chapter that can be put up today…

-Ja ne