Dark Horse

Author's Note: Here is the last chapter guys! You didn't think that I was going to end it off like that, did you? Again, I would have a bounty placed on my head by certain people. A big thanks to Brumeier as always who has been excellent in pushing me, and giving her suggestions for scenes. Let me know what you think guys!


Three Weeks Later: November

Alice dropped her bag on her bed, and started pulling the books out. "Mom? Mom, are you home?"

"Alice?" Carol stuck her head in the doorway. "Why are you not at school?"

"I didn't feel like heading all the way back. I had a class to teach, and I'm all sweaty, so I was just hoping to shower, and spend the night…" Alice finished off lamely.

"Oh, Alice." Carol hugged her from behind. "I know this break up with Jack has been hurting you."

Alice shrugged her off. "It's not Jack, Mom. I mean, I'm fine. I'm just going to shower, okay?"


Alice walked over to the bathroom door. "Mom. It's not what you think, okay? I promise. This is the last night."

"Alice, you're always welcome to stay at home. I just worry about you, that's all."

"I know. I'll talk to you more about this later. I just want to get the sweat off me, okay?"

Carol nodded. "Okay. I was planning on making some meatballs for dinner tonight. Sound good?"

"Thanks, Mom."

Carol was about to head into the kitchen, when there was a knock on the door. "Coming!" she exclaimed. She opened the door, and smiled. "Yes? Can I help you?"

"Mrs. Hamilton? Is Alice around?"

"Um, yes. Are you here to see her?"

"Oh, I hope so. Do you think you can get her?"

"Oh, um, well she's in the shower actually. Would you like to come in, and wait for her?"

"Thank you."

"Sure. I didn't catch your name."

He took off his hat, and followed her inside. "David. David Hatter."

Alice tightened the towel across her chest, and closed the door to her bedroom.


She screamed, and covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh, my god."

"Your mum let me in. Is that okay?"

Alice nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Hatter!" She ran into his arms, pressing herself as tight as she could against him. "Are you really here?"

He breathed out a sigh of relief. "I am. I missed you."

Alice looked up at him. "Are you here to stay?"

"I am. If you want me to," Hatter said nervously.

She pulled on his shirt, moving him close enough so that their lips were touching. Alice forced his mouth open with her tongue. "Does that answer your question?" she panted after they kissed for a long minute.

"Mmmm hmmm. Finally," he murmured, and kissed her again.

Indian summer, Abilene

You were new in town, and I was nineteen…