Dark Horse

Author's Note: I got inspired to write this AU take on Alice and Hatter after discussing songs with Brumeier. She was the one who really wanted me to do this story, and Smiles2Go was another big encouragement. Don't worry, I haven't stopped with Firsts, but this is something that was churning in my head. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

Dark Horse by Amanda Marshall

Indian summer, Abilene

You were new in town, I was nineteen

And sparks flew

They called us crazy behind our backs

"Romantic fools," we just let 'em laugh

Because we knew, it may be a long shot

We may be lonely down the line

But, love knows no reason, and I won't let them make up my mind

My money's ridin' on this dark horse, baby

My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one

And it's true color's gonna shine through someday

If we let this, let this dark horse run

Stars are brighter, in a desert sky

No need to wonder, or justify where this will lead

I wear your locket, our picture's inside

Inscription says, "The joy's in the ride" and I believe

Something so sacred

Is something worth this kind of fight

Cause love knows no patience, and you can't please everyone all the time

My money's ridin' on this dark horse baby

My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one

And it's true color's gonna shine through someday

If we let this, let this dark horse run

My love is ridin' on this dark horse baby

My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one

And it's true color's gonna shine through someday

If we let this, let it run baby

My money's ridin' on this dark horse baby

My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one

And it's true color's gonna shine through someday

If we let this, let this dark horse run

Indian summer, Abilene

You were new in town, I was nineteen

June Part 1

Hatter grunted as he fell through the Looking Glass. The sticky heat of the southern Virginia summer was already causing a fine sheen of perspiration along his hairline. He shrugged off his leather jacket, and made his way down the alley. Hatter stopped when he spied her leaning against the red Mini Cooper. She was in the process of tying her long brown hair back in a loose bun. She sighed, wiping the sweat from her neck off on her jean shorts. She fanned her face with her hands. Hatter's breath caught in his throat.

Alice wasn't used to the humidity of the South. She fanned her face, and secretly wished that she hadn't worn her Converse sneakers with no socks. She could feel the pool of sweat building up in between her toes. She flipped her car keys around her wrist. Part of her wondered if Jess was alright. Her friend had been in the bathroom for a while. Alice looked up. The young man she saw come out of the alley was still there, under the shade of the toy store. He was overdressed for the heat, his dark hair wild under his hat.

Hatter averted his eyes when he knew that she caught him looking.

He cleared his throat, and adjusted his shirt as he walked over to her. Alice immediately bristled, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Excuse me, do you know where a bloke can get a spot of tea around here?" he asked, giving her a smile.

Alice swallowed. "They have tea in there," she replied, and pointed to the building behind her.

Hatter looked up. Mill Mountain Coffee. "Right. Yes, brilliant. They probably would have…a spot of tea there." He sighed, feeling stupid. "Um, look, my name's Hatter, and-"

Jess ran out of the door just then. "Oh, god! I'm so sorry, Alice! Are you ready to go? Alice?"

Alice. Her name is Alice. "I was wondering-" he started to say.

She smiled at him apologetically. "I have to go. Enjoy your tea."

Hatter and Alice locked eyes, and Alice blushed. "I…I…" Hatter adjusted his hat, and looked down.

Alice gave him one last glance before she started her car. Hatter didn't get a chance to say anything else, for Alice drove away.

Alice was sitting at one of the small round tables, sipping on her iced coffee.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" a man's voice asked.

"No thank you, I…" she looked up. "Hi."

Hatter stood there, holding his cup of hot tea. "Hi. I wasn't sure if you were going to remember me."

"I can't really forget those with a British accent here in the South," Alice ventured a smile. "Do you work here?"

"Ah, no. I own a tea shop…um, somewhere else. I just-" He grinned, and chuckled. "I'm Hatter."

"I'm Alice." She gathered up her papers. "Do you want to sit?"

"Oh, yeah."

Alice took another long sip of her coffee. "So, you're from England?"

"What? Oh…yeah. From some part you've never heard of." Hatter gave her a dimpled smile.

"So, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I, erm, visiting. I like to go to different parts of the Oy-erm, the world, and…just to see it." He chuckled again. "I'm not making much sense, am I?"

Alice smiled. "Sounds good to me. I'm just here for the summer on an internship, you know, here to learn."

Hatter looked into her eyes. There were blue, and deep. He felt like he was peering into the depths of the ocean. He cleared his throat. "I-"

"Alice! I didn't think I was going to run into you here. Are you doing the internship program this summer?"

Hatter watched as Alice hugged the man with platinum blonde hair. "Yeah! I didn't know that you were accepted as well, I mean, I haven't seen you in the Thursday classes."

"Ah, well, I'm taking it on Monday, so…"

"Oh." Alice stuttered for a minute. "Um, uh, Hatter, this is Jack. He goes to NYU with me, and apparently in the same program for the summer."

"Hi." Hatter startled, and his eyes narrowed as he took in Jack's features. "Oh, I-"

"So, listen, Alice," Jack went on, ignoring Hatter. "Have you done any of the Blacksburg area yet?"

She glanced at Hatter. "Um, no. I've been assigned here first."

"Oh, well you should check out the bars when you do get down there. Virginia Tech is there, so the bars are awesome."

"Won't be much fun for me. I'm only nineteen." Alice looked at Hatter, and smiled. "Did you want to join us?"

"Um, Alice. It's getting late, I should probably…" Hatter smiled. "I should go home."

"Hatter, no. I'm just-"

"No, I…it's really getting late, and the ride home is kind of…mind boggling to say the least." Hatter shot a glare at Jack. "I just wanted to say hi." He gave Alice one more smile before leaving the building.

"Um…" Alice grabbed her books, and followed Hatter outside. "Hatter! Wait!" She spied his straw hat, and ran after him. "Hatter!"

He turned around. "Alice, hey. You didn't have to leave your friends."

"He's not really a friend. I mean, he's Jack. We go to school together, and we're doing the same major, so he's in all my classes." Alice shrugged. "Do you really have to leave? I was enjoying hearing your accent."

"Ah, you enjoy the accent, yeah?" Hatter winked at her cheekily.

"It's not one that I get to hear a lot."

"No. I-I have to go. The tea shop doesn't run itself…most of the time, but, you're around the coffee place, yeah?"

"I'm staying at the long term hotel place down…" Alice waved her hand in the general direction. "The program is putting the interns up there. Um-" She took Hatter's hand, and started to write.

"What's that?" He looked down at the numbers, not willing to let go of Alice's hand.

"My cell phone number. Call me, or you know, text me. Um, it'll be nice to have another friend in the area, even if you're not staying for too long." Alice gave him a shy smile. "Kind of a strange place."

Hatter chuckled. "I've seen stranger."

"Maybe you could tell me about it sometime."

"Yeah." Hatter looked at his hand. "You have nice handwriting."

"Thank you. Call me, okay?" Alice playfully touched his arm. "Have a good…trip home?"

"Yeah. Sometimes it's a bloody weird trip, um…goodnight, Alice."


Hatter watched as Alice headed down the street. "Oh…wow."