Disclaimer: I, NekoYami, own no part of the Hasbro enterprises, and own none of the characters/plots/etc. of Transformers.

Author's Note: I am taking this to a level more people are comfy with than the way I presented the poem edit of this^^ I've put a few chappies into normal format, so they should be easier to understand, and I hope you'll get into it more than the other one. Still, I will continue the poem AND standard of the story to appease my friend who likes comparing them, because one side might have something the other doesn't becasue it either didn't correllate well or I just din't like the way it went in the other way. Well, enough of my drivel, I give you, A single glance, standard edit^^

A Single Glance- Standard Edit

She was being flayed. She could feel her skin crackling, peeling, ripping and tearing. She heard its sizzle as it burned off. Her fingers...she could see them...that couldn't have be en her hand. It was tipped in claws sharp enough to rend flesh, she could feel it. Or maybe that was the waves of heat she could see coming off of her arms. It was reminiscent of distant asphalt on a hot summer day.

Tears, hot and fresh, made tracks down her cheeks as she thought back on what she had lost. She'd once had a family. Her brother, her bear of a dog, her mom and dad. It had seemed, as of late, that noone had cared about her. She knew now that it had not been so, but was blaringly true now.

There was a man coming near, the look of a socially deprived scientist showing in the depraved gleam within his eye; not mentioning the lab coat he was almost drowning in, or the notes he was scribbling on a clipboard like one would see a desperate student doing to ace a final. He followed her movements carefully, enthusiastically. It would have crossed her as creepy as all hell if she weren't so focused on not coming apart at the seams.

She didn't continue to watch him watching her, and couldn't even if she had wanted to(which she didn't) as a new wave of flames swept up her legs. She felt the agony settle into her hip bones, blowing away any pains she could ever remember experiencing during any menstrual cycle. What she saw when she glanced down only served to alarm, confuse, and scare her further. There was still flesh peeling off, falling to the floor in little ribbons in a disgusting show of pink underflesh. But there was more underneath that... there was black metal, there, with purple veins lacing up and over the legs.

Finally, she lay exhausted, the feeling of pounding herupon the wall slowly leaving her head. But this also brought with it a clearing of her mind; a noticing of what was going on. 'But it makes no sense!' How could she possibly be alive, when the morning last she drank the poison down swiftly as though it were water and she a parched man. She knew it would be her brother who would find her. She had faintly heard him trying to call her name through the haze which seemed to distance her miles away from reality, and felt as dead weight already when he lifted her to his chest. That was when her life left her, hopefully she was dead before he realized she had lived to see him there.

The realization that she was now a test subject, brought back to a second life however it was done, brought renewed strength to her tears, and she was wracked by sobs as the memory of calm, warm darkness is destroyed forever. It is now a closed door, one more place she never retrun, and becomes nothing more than the memory it is. It is destroyed by this new life, her second creation, her cursed new existence at the hands of pure evil she can tell.

She's locked into life, she has to get out. Out of this place, back to the bright darkness she had started to call home, before it is shut to her forever. She claws at her own body, the sound of metal being attacked by ametal sounding off of opal walls. She tries to cry, to wail, 'LET ME GO!' but is suddenly bound against herself, restraints wrapped round her tight.

She screams, hollers, screeching. She has to get out; setthings right. To make this body like before, heavy with death, peace, but no. She'e now nothing but a frightened metal girl inside of a piercing white room. It's the flash of movement in her peripheral vision which causes her to glance up. There is a mirror on each wall - no, they ARE the walls, and a black visage gazes back at her.

In this one look, this single glance, she sees her future lain bare in her own eyes. She's trapped here, a mere guinea pig, a new toy. She will be tested and played with. Her life is forfeit, and she will eventually be cast aside. Her body died so long ago, and now, with a new black and purple her staring back, a shudder ripples through her as more sobs break free of the deafening silence she had remained in. And with a single glance, a single gesture, she withdraws upon herself. They wrack her body, shoulders heaving, and though she tries, they refuse to be held back.

Woot! Chappie one is up! I just have to type the other three I have, and at the same tie(in class of course) write the other FOURTEEN chapters I have done in poem form!

i'd like to know you're opinions, good bad, or hateful, so fling them my way through reviews! After all, the worst thing is you throw flames and I get to have a nice sleepover with my friends and we all tend the fire and roast marshmallows^^