A/N: I do not own NCIS:LA or any familiar characters, if I did, Chris O'Donnell would have his shirt off and Sam would be going to the moon and Iceland. The only character that I own is Nicole (Nikki) Daniels. Characters may be a bit OC, but that is only to fit the storyline.

Chapter One: Nicole (Nikki) Daniels

"Is it just me or does Hetty look like she's really worried," Deeks said as he came in this morning. Sam and Callen looked over to Hetty's desk and indeed they saw that she looked extremely worried about something.

"No, it's not just you, she does look worried," Sam said.

"That's not like Hetty at all, she's never worried, unless one of us is in extreme danger," said Callen.

"And that's what makes me worried," Kensi said, as she sat down.

Nate had come home a couple of days ago, and he too noticed that Hetty looked worried, and it shook the team to their very core.

A shrill whistle sounded from above, and the team looked to see Eric standing there.

"Hetty, video call on the big monitor," called Eric. Hetty got up from her desk and ran for the M.T.A.C promptly kicking both Eric and Nell out of their control room.

"Hey Eric, who was calling for Hetty," called Callen. Eric shrugged.

"Mr. Callen, Mr. Deeks, Ms. Blye, Mr. Hanna, Eric, Nell, and Nate, please join me," called Hetty. The team ran up the stairs, hoping that it would ease their thoughts, but what they didn't know was that it was not a case.

"Alright Hetty, what's up," asked Sam.

"My granddaughter, Nicole is back in the country and Director Vance has located her here, you'll need to take care of her, and make sure she does not get hurt," explained Hetty. The team looked shock.

Granddaughter? Did Hetty have kids?

"Wait, Nikki? Nikki's back in the country," Kensi asked walking towards Hetty. Hetty nodded.

"How come she didn't tell me?"

"Ms. Blye, I was unaware that you and my granddaughter were friends."

"Yeah, Nikki and I have been friends ever since the two of us went on that..."

"...undercover mission four years ago in Spain, where that photographer was killing any models that had Navy connections," said a brunette that was standing behind Nell. Kensi hearing the voice turned and squealed, launching herself into the girl's arms.

The brunette was laughing as Kensi and her were reunited. Hetty stood there smiling, while Nell was pulled into a girl's group hug. Callen, Sam, Deeks, Eric and Nate were looking at the brunette with a renewed interest.

Two very subtle coughs came from behind them. They turned to see Hetty staring very intently at them, which sort of creeped them out.

"I ask that the five of you listen to this warning, Nicole is a Lang, she may not be by name, but she is by blood, and just like her mother and myself, she has left a trail of broken hearts behind her, she likes to play games, boys, she's an amazing agent, but you must understand, she will have no qualms in letting you get attached without any feeling any attachment herself. Just watch yourselves," Hetty said, as she watched the three girls, talk about where Nikki was stationed last.

Hetty began to walk away from the five of the guys.

"Does she really think that we're all going to fall for the boss' granddaughter," asked Callen.

"Well, I mean, look at her, it wouldn't be hard, but Hetty's probably right we should just do our job," said Nate, as he walked up to Nikki, introducing himself, only to be pulled into a hug.

"I'm going to go introduce myself, and see if I can show her around L.A. sometime," said Deeks, as he left the other three to their thoughts.

"Hi, I'm Deeks, but you can call me Monty..."

"Oh, I know who you are, Kensi told me all about her new partner," said Nikki, giving him a hug, just like she did to Nate. Deeks instantly wrapped his arms around her waist, and returned it. He found that her perfume had the most intoxicating smell. It smelled like the ocean with a mix of grass after a rainfall.

"Uh, Monty," said Nikki.

"Yeah," he hummed.

"Uh, I have other people I need to meet," she answered.

"Like who," he asked.

"Uh, me," said a voice behind them.

"And me," said another.

"Yeah, them," said Nikki. Deeks quickly let go of Nikki, and blushed. Kensi silently giggled at him. She knew that Deeks would act like a love struck teenager once he saw her.

She understood that Nikki was gorgeous, she had beautiful curly brown hair, with striking green eyes. It did not surprise her that Deeks found her attractive.

"Hi, I'm Sam." He held out his hand to her. Nicole looked at the hand, but hugged him instead. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her waist as well. She felt so petite in his arms, it was like she needed to be protected, and he could do just that. He was strong, and face it good-looking. He loved it.

"Uh, Sam..."

"Right," he answered, quickly letting go of her. She turned towards Callen.

"Nikki Daniels."


"Just Callen?"

"G Callen," he said holding out his hand, like Sam had done. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and put her head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around her. She fit perfectly. It was as if they were two puzzle pieces separated by time, but they finally found each other. Nikki pressed herself even closer to Callen.

The way he smelt reminded her of her late grandfather Mr. Desmond Lang, he would take of her when she was sick or when she was upset, he was always there for her, and now Callen reminded her of him.

The group was watching the two intently. Deeks, and Sam were glaring at Callen, as they watched Nikki burrow her head into his shoulder, wishing to surround herself with the smell of his cologne. She felt so safe in his arms.


Nikki quickly detached herself from Callen, and ran towards the voice of her grandmother.

Callen, Sam and Deeks watched her go, until Kensi coughed from behind them.

"Enjoying the view," she asked.

All three of them began to look elsewhere, making sure not to look in the direction that Nikki had ran off. It was almost laughable, how alike the three of them were. Kensi could tell that each of them were under Nikki's spell. She's seen it many times before. Nicole has this sort of magnetism towards guys and it seems like the guys, have fallen, and fallen hard.

She knew that Nikki, didn't really like Deeks or Sam...she had wanted to quickly detach from their hugs, and that's what she'll do if she doesn't feel a connection, but Nikki's hug with Callen confused Kensi. Usually Nicole would quickly end the hug, but not only did she continue to hug Callen, for awhile, but she also burrowed her head into the crook of his neck. That was NOT normal Nikki behaviour.

Downstairs, Nikki was sitting opposite her grandmother.

"Now, Nicole, I am quite aware of the games you play with your fellow male agents, and I will not stand for any of those games being played here, while you work. I know that you are not working for me, but you are Director Vance's L.A. Executive Assistant, but you will be doing undercover work, while you are here, and I must warn you that all three of those men up there, are extremely broken on the inside, and I won't stand for you to hurt them anymore," Hetty said, before she took a sip of her tea.

Nikki looked at her grandmother, also taking a sip of her tea.

"Grams, I'm not here to play games, and actually I really don't play games, I just attract them, I don't ask for their attention, but really what girl wouldn't want it," Nikki explained, as she watched her grandmother. Both were quite aware of the other's past.

"Nikki, this is not like..."

"I know this is not..."

"Then why are you acting like it's..."

"I've only been here for a few hours, how have I been acting like I'm in..."

"Don't you argue with me, you know you were acting like you were in..."

"I was not acting like I was there, I was acting like myself."

"Really? Giving hugs, as soon as you meet them," Hetty yelled.

"That's how I've always been. Should I remind you of Mom's favourite story to tell to..."

"Anyone that is in the family, about when I first..."

"Held me, that I quickly wrapped my little..."

"Arms around my wrist, and held it close to you..."

"And that was the beginning of me being a..."


"Hug whore."

"Nicole Bridgette Daniels."

"What you know it's the truth."

Back in the control room, the team could hear, the argument that was going on downstairs, between the two Langs. Kensi being aware of what Nikki's past holds, quickly ran downstairs, to make them both aware of what was being heard.

"What do you think happened to Nikki," asked Nell, coming to stand beside Nate.

"Whatever it was, it's bad," Deeks said.

"Yeah, but is it something we want to know about?"

"Probably not."

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed it!
