OKAY! Let me explain some things... I looked up Renaissance artist names, and with my bros, voted on which ones we liked best. Those shall be the ones that are used for the Dark Turtles in this particular story. With Dark Don, I would have preferred to name him Giovanni, but I was outvoted. Oh well. This is a sort of sequel oneshot to the one in my Dark Turtles collection, called No Clone No Bro. Linzerj wanted to see the hoverboard race, and who am I to deny such a request? :D Especially from such a nice reviewer.

Leo and Raph were on high alert, and both had their hands on the handles of their weapons. Don was trying to look like he was relaxed, but he was just as tense. Mikey on the other hand... "Dudes, are you even looking?" he asked indignantly. "This is an extra special handstand!"

"I fail to see how it's special," said Don.

"Uh, maybe because I am eating pizza, hopping up and down, and juggling some of your machines with my feet?"

"You're WHAT?" shrieked Don, shooting to his feet. Just as he rescued his precious creations, the alarm system went off.

"Guys they're here!" yelled Cody. Mikey shot up and ran off to the hangar, where he grinned widely as the Terrorpin set down and the Dark Turtles got out. Dark Mikey and Dark Raph seemed to shrink slightly from the dark looks (no pun intended) that were being sent their way. Dark Don and Dark Leo however... they didn't seem to care.

"Greetings, O Lord Ignoramus," snickered Dark Don, waving to Mikey. Mikey rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha, very funny, Grape Butt," he said. "Come on! Master Splinter got a list of names together that you guys might like to use!" Mike grinned at Dark Mikey and Dark Raph. "Hey you two! I convinced Cody to help me build hoverboards for you two!"

"I don't know if they'll work properly for you or not, so you'll have to test them in the dojo before actually going out on them," said Cody, rubbing the back of his head.

"That probably won't stop them," said Dark Leo, sending his two younger brothers a dark look (pun intended this time).

"Come on come on! No time for talking!" said Mikey excitedly, hopping around in an impatient manner. The Dark Turtles followed him to the roof, where Master Splinter sat in his little zen garden with a book on his lap.

"Ah, greetings my sons," he said, smiling. The Dark Turtles paused and gave him a confused look. "Michelangelo has informed me that you are part of the family, whether any of us like it or not." The old rat laughed. "His enthusiasm on the subject, as well as detailed descriptions on his dealings with you, went a good way towards influencing my decision to officially add you to the family." Mikey leapfrogged over them and landed in a perfect kneel in front of Master Splinter.

"Can we show them the names yet? Oh please oh please oh pl-"

"Silence Michelangelo!" said Master Splinter, though you could tell there was no real annoyance in the way he said it. "Kneel, my sons," said the rat, gesturing. The Dark Turtles, along with Raph, Leo, and Don, knelt. Master Splinter held up the book. "I have written a few names in here that I think you might like, it is up to you whether or not you choose them." So saying, he passed the book to Mikey, who passed it to Dark Leo.


"We've decided," said Dark Don, passing the book back to Mikey. "We made notes beside each one," he added. Master Splinter nodded, looking over the names.

"These will serve you well," he said, almost to himself. Then he stood with a smile, gesturing for all of them to rise as well. "You chose the names I thought you would," he said. "This is extremely fortunate."

"How so?" asked Dark Leo. Master Splinter's reply was to pass each of them a book.

"I made journals for each of you, with your names on the front."

"What are we supposed to call them now?" asked Leo, giving them suspicious looks. Master Splinter smiled.

"Why not ask them yourself?" Before Leo could, Dark Mikey started.

"Bronzino," he said, shrugging, his hands still running over the cover of his new journal. From the memories he had inherited from Mikey, he knew what to do with one... just never thought he'd end up using one himself.

"Mantegna," said Dark Raph. He had already decided he was bored with the journal. Seriously, a punching bag would have been more suitable...

"Tintoretto," said Dark Don, already making a note inside his book.

"And what about you?" asked Leo, looking at his clone.

"Matthias," growled the blue turtle.

"Now that you are named, we must show you the rooms you shall have," said Master Splinter, smiling.


"Well it's a shame that D- Mantegna's board isn't working, but Bronzino's is, so all isn't lost."

"Hey Bronzy, isn't this great? It means we get to have that hoverboard race I promised you!" said Mikey, getting excited.

"Mmm..." Bronzino was examining the picture Mikey had drawn of him in a superhero outfit. Seeing as Mikey had been nice to him, he didn't exactly want to be mean but... well... the outfit looked stupid. But then again, that might just be because he didn't know what its purpose was...

"Hellooooo... Anybody home?" asked Mikey.


"I was just telling you what the racecourse'd be! Dude, you seriously can't space out on me for things like that! It just isn't fair!" Bronzino rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever."

"I'll fly you to the starting point in the Hovershell-"

"Why not just make the roof the starting point?" asked Bronzino.

"Because we might crash into Master Splinter's garden or something, and that'd make him mad," said Mikey. Bronzino nodded.

"So where's the starting point, and where's the finishing point?" Mikey grinned in a thoroughly diabolical fashion.

"Come closer, Grasshopper, and all shall be revealed..."


"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" yelled Bronzino, ducking to avoid a truck.

"YES!" Mikey said, laughing. "Dude, it's the ultimate racecourse! Full of dangerous, unpredictable obstacles!"

"And possible d-" The yellow turtle shot sideways to avoid another vehicle. "You know this is gonna get the Peacekeepers on our tails right?"

"Well duh! That just makes it even more fun!" said Mikey gleefully. "Honestly, you gotta live a little sometimes! Life is far too short!"

"And you're possibly making mine shorter!" snapped Bronzino. His headset crackled.


"Yeah, Tin head?" Tintoretto sighed, and Bronzino knew he was rolling his eyes.

"Hardy hardy har har, you're very funny. There's a pattern to the vehic- DUCK!" Bronzino did. "Now, you have ten seconds until you have to dodge to the left, after that, you have to go down a level, then up again. The next time, you go to the right, this'll keep you relatively safe."

"Thanks for the tip."

"Oh, and to get ahead of Mikey..." Bronzino smirked.

"I'm listening."

Meanwhile, on Mikey's headset, he was engaged in a similar conversation. He already had the pattern down, though he enjoyed doing last minute dodges a little too much to follow it. "Okay Mikey, focus, is there anything you might be able to use against him?"

"Well on the way back they are working with that weird cement-like stuff, I can knock the stuff back to hit him," said Mikey, images of possible weapons flickering before his mind's eye.

"Good, use that on the way- LOOK OUT!"

"Hu-?" A box hit the side of his board, sending it into a spin.

"See ya later Goofball!" cackled Bronzino as he shot past.

"Foul play!" Mikey shouted back, though he was laughing as he did it.

"What happened Mikey?" asked Leo's voice, he had obviously pushed Don out of the chair.

"Can't talk, gotta get a power up!" Raph looked at Leo and Don.

"Does anyone else get the feeling Mikey thinks he's playing a futuristic version of Mario Kart?"


Bronzino had never felt so elated. Sure, he had been beaten, but it had been a very narrow win for Mikey. Heck, Mikey had even wanted to call it a tie before Don and Tintoretto both pointed out that Mikey had passed the finish line just a second before the yellow turtle. So now, they were going to watch a movie. And for some reason, Michelangelo wanted to watch something with a guy called 'Johnny Depp' in it. Mikey had voted for a movie called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Bronzino and his brothers, however, outvoted him when they all caught sight of the movie 'Sleepy Hollow'. Bronzino found it strange that Mikey had no objections to seeing it.

Of course, Mikey didn't let them just sit down to watch it. He dragged them to the kitchen, where he set them all to gathering or helping him make snacks for watching. "It's not that I'm against eating, but WHY do we have to do this so we can watch a movie?" grumbled Mantegna.

"Because, Manny-boy, a movie experience isn't complete unless there's snacks and drinks to be had while you watch!" Mantegna muttered something but didn't reply. When they finally finished, they sat down and Mikey went to turn it on.

"Hey, mind if we join you?" asked Leo. The younger three Dark Turtles tensed up, but Matthias shrugged.

"Whatever, as long as you're on THAT side," he said, pointing to Mikey's other side.

"Whateva," muttered Raph, leaping onto the couch. "Sleepy Hollow? You've got good taste," he said, looking pleased. Don sighed.

"This time Raph, don't tell me the awful scenes are over when they're actually still in progress."

"No guarantees," said Raph, smirking. Leo shook his head as he sat down.

"By the way, you forgot the butter for the popcorn," he said to Mikey.

"MY BABY!" Mikey exclaimed, clutching the bowl of melted butter, before carefully drizzling it over the popcorn. "How could I have forgotten you?" he asked the butter. Bronzino covered his ears.

"I didn't hear that, I seriously didn't hear that..." Master Splinter smiled and shook his head, then walked over and sat in the armchair.

"Leonardo, I think it would be best if you were in command of the remote." Cody couldn't help but grin as he watched them all stare intently at the TV as the movie started playing. Family bonding time... you had to love it.

"Hey Serling," he whispered. "How long would it take to get a miniature feast together for dinner tonight?"

"By myself?"

"Shh! No, going out and buying it."

"It should take about half an hour, Master Cody."

"Come on, let's go get dinner then."

OKAY THEN! :D I hope this was a satisfactory followup. O_o I think my favourite part had to be 'MY BABY!' I mean come on Mike! Seriously? Melted butter being your baby? You'd be EATING your baby! -_- But Mikey doesn't think of these things... *sighs* Oh well. But as promised, here were the names that my bros and me voted on for the Dark Turtles. :D

Dark Don was going to be Giovanni (what I wanted to use), Tintoretto (which we used), or Nicholas.

Dark Raph was going to be Sandro, Mantegna (which we used), or Albrecht.

Dark Leo was going to be Lorenzo or Matthias (which we used).

Dark Mikey was either going to be Bronzino (which we used), or Francois. :3

Once again, I just wrote what my fingers typed, but whatevs! ^_^ Read and review! :D And Mikey, I wanna play against you in futuristic Mario Kart! D: