What the hell?

'I'm just sayin' may be there is more to this than meets the eye.' Everyone stared at Dempsey as if he's completely lost his mind. Then again they are taking a small break from fighting zombies, the reanimated corpses that were meant to be myths' or in scary stories to frighten children.

'And vhat vould you think is currently happening, Demphsey?' Richtofen asked, crossing his arms as he awaited the answer. Takeo and Nikolai stared at each other briefly before shooting their heads to the American.

'Well, look at the facts guys.' Dempsey began, suddenly he pointed to the right hand corner' as everyone else looked there as well. There were four bars in four colours, White, Blue, Yellow and Green. And the number counter was currently over ten thousand. 'We have a frickin' point system that grows with every zombie we manage to hit or kill. And we buy guns off of walls, WALLS for christ sake!'

Takeo, Nikolai and Richtofen stared wide eyed at the "point system". Dempsey was right there were four bars, on the right side corner. The three looked at each other nervously before they focused on Dempsey. 'Next,' Dempsey pointed above his head with his thumb. 'Our names are above us! And it's the same colour as our point system!' Richtofen rubbed the back of his head in disbelief and looked above Nikolai. He blinked once. Twice. Thrice. And saw the Soviet's full name floating inches above his own head. What the hell was going on here?

'Then there's the whole power ups, perks, highly advanced weapons, teleporters' Hellhounds, frickin' space monkeys and a spirit of a vengeful little girl whose gone bat-shit crazy because Richtofen killed her. And when we die, we come back when all the zombies are dead!' Dempsey added, he paused for effect letting everything he said absorb into their heads.

'Richtofen...' Nikolai slurred. 'Ja Nikolai?' Nikolai's right eyebrow twitches nervously as he opened his mouth. 'What the fuck is going on?'

'This is sooooo confusing...' Takeo complained, rubbing his forehead as a headake came.

'There is one thing I came up with that'll explain this guys.' Everyone looked at him in silence. 'We are in a video game.'