
Roses, chocolates, rings, promises.

I guess all those things are attached when everybody hears the word commitment. All those things are eventually needed in a commitment, right? Because I know from the people I'm closed with, that when they fully commit themselves to a girl, they rush to me for help for where to find all those things.

Honestly, I don't really get the true meaning of commitment. I've dated a few girls when I was a teenager but the relationship was never close to a commitment. Maybe that was because the girls were only dating me because I was rich and famous, well, my parents are famous, or maybe there was never a commitment because I didn't want one.

For me, commitments just suck. It's just a way for girls to get a hold of guys credit cards so that they could shop till they drop. But why was it that even then those, guys still gets down on one knee and ask the girl to marry them? I just don't get the whole point about it.

My name is Samuel Landon Evans.

I'm 25 years old and I'm working my way on becoming the owner of my father's company. Even as a kid, my father had always told me to be determined and focus in life. I was taught to never get distracted by girls, by friends, I just have to be on top. My life was already planned out before me, all I had to do was push myself forward until I reached the top and be everything my father wanted me to be.

I guess you can say that my father was hard on me. Honestly, he wasn't. He just kept telling me to never let everything bring me down because the Evans' aren't suppose to be dragged down by something or someone. It was my father's motto and he always told me and siblings that. I guess that was because he was also raised with that same motto by my grandfather.

I was the eldest among us siblings and so, my father pretty much molded me into a modern him. I was supposed to finish what he started, I was supposed to be the next David Evans. And I tried my best to be him and pretty much, I succeeded. Of course, he was proud of me, but thing was, he was only proud of me and he sometimes ignored my siblings.

And so because of that, it pretty much made me be the father figure to my younger siblings. There were six of us and so that meant I had five younger siblings. I'm glad they didn't make it hard for me because if they did, I would honestly lose my sanity. I'm also glad that my mother was there. Sometimes, she acted as both mother and father when I just act like the older brother.

My Mom, Sarah, practically raised the six of us alone because even if Dad was at the house, the only time we get to see him, well, my siblings get to see him, is at breakfast and at his parties. I guess you could say that my siblings were a bit fatherless because I usually had Dad all by myself.

I think you guys would guess that I'm too focused on my career and family that I don't have a social life, right? Well, wrong. I actually have a social life. I have friends and they also came from a rich family because my Dad only let me hang out with rich kids. I guess I'm lucky that those kids are amazing friends to me. I also dated girls, hot ones but we're not committed fully because I think I'm not that ready for a commitment so I dump them when they ask for one or they dump me when I refuse to be in one. But I did commit myself to one girl, one girl only and she chose to dump me. And so because of her, I refused to be on relationships.

Well, I know that could make me a jerk because those girls and my sisters, Amber and Destiny, tell me that I am. But I just think that they don't get me. I don't want a commitment; they just ruin guy's life. I'm already nearing the top of my game, I don't want someone to distract me.

I've seen my friends in a commitment and I've seen them get really happy that they act like they're high or they get really sad because of the fights and get heavily drunk that makes me the designated driver. Thing was, they said commitments may hurt but it could be the best when the feeling is truly mutual but to me, commitment is just a word that's in the dictionary that would freaking ruin my perfect slate life.

I didn't want a commitment, yea, I wanted to marry but not just now, once I have everything perfectly in order like my father planned, then maybe I could look for someone to have a commitment with and then maybe marry that someone one day at the church where my grandma married. And plus, it would be pretty easy to just get a girl. With my blonde hair, blue eyes and freakishly amazing body, I could get a girl with just a wink.

My mind was already set, I was ready to be the new owner of Evans industries. I wasn't gonna let anybody or anything drag me down. I was already focused, determined and driven and then I thought that my mind, my heart, was already set for my game.

And then I met her.

And everything that has driven me went away, everything that I focused on all my life just disappeared.

Because when I met her…

I got enchanted