AN - Just a bunch of little drabbles of different ways Naley could meet :) was pretty fun writing! Tell me which ones were your favourites and I MAY just write a full fic or oneshot on it :)

Also, for anyone reading Waiting Game... I am so sorry for how long it is taking to update, but even though I've only written one chapter I hit a major writer's block, (even though I know exactly where I want it to go) and everything has just been piling on top of everything, and my life just got extremely busy! So sorry! I will try to get it updated as soon as possible!

Anyway... Enjoy these little drabbles xD I switched POV in each so you get different little stories and thoughts :)

DISCLAIMER - I do not own One Tree Hill, or Nathan Scott (though I wish I did) or Haley James (Scott)! And I do not own the You Me At Six song Always Attract.

1. Happy Holidays

Excitedly waiting for the arrival of his sister in the airport, he probably should have felt guilty that as soon as she walked through the terminal, his eyes immediately focused on the friend she was bringing for the Christmas vacation.

He knew Brooke was bringing her college roommate for the Holidays, but he had no idea how beautiful she would be, and how he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off her. He noticed her blush, and he stammered when Brooke introduced them both with a knowing glint in her eye.

It looked like Christmas was going to get a lot more interesting.

2. Fall into my Arms

She was running late. In fact she was running incredibly late. She rushed along the road towards her car, keeping her head down to shield her face from the lashing rain. After the morning she had had, of course it was going to be pouring with rain, and she had no raincoat with her.

Her head still faced towards the ground, she quickly turned the corner, not realising there was someone coming in the opposite direction until she collided with something, or rather someone. Large hands quickly covered grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling hard on her ass, and she looked up quickly into the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen.

3. I Wanna Hold You

He would've never 'borrowed' that stupid school bus if he'd known this was what he was going to have to suffer through. Although, unlike a lot of the others who had been involved, he hadn't been suspended, he was still stuck doing this for the entire summer. Mentoring kids. Great fun. If his space on the team next year wouldn't compromised if he didn't do this he wouldn't have gotten up this god damn early, and he couldn't for the life of him understand where all of the volunteers had come from. Who voluntarily got up at 7AM during summer to babysit a bunch of brats three times a week. It was insane!

Suddenly he felt a tap on the shoulder and was met with the scowling face of a girl he vaguely recognised, who huffed and immediately thrust a piece of paper into his hands

"You're late. Don't make a habit of it." she practically growled at him, before pointing at the piece of paper. "This is your schedule. You'll be shadowing me this week, before going on your own after. Understand? Good."

And with that she had turned her back and started to walk towards a craft table, expecting him to follow. For someone who wasn't used to being told what to do, he was surprised by how willing he was to follow her, and listen to her. She definitely intrigued him and he didn't even know her name.

4. Not Alone

Helping to close the out of campus cafe she called her workplace, that night, she looked around and noticed a man, probably the same age as she was, sitting in the corner. Every night, without fail (or from what she knew from the hours she worked) he would be sitting there, right until closing, cradling a cup of coffee in his hands.

This time however he seemed sad, and had been staring down at a brown envelope in front of him for the good part of an hour, not touching it or opening it. The mystery of this man intrigued her, from his ash dark hair she could see hidden under the hat he always wore, to the unreadable, unchanging expression he had on his face.

She decided this would be the night she would talk to him, and making her way over to him, she was just about to speak, when he turned around and looked her straight in the eye. She noticed he looked different from the other times she had studied him from afar, and it was only them that she noticed he was smiling.

5. Those Magic Changes

It was so embarrassing to be standing in this office. She'd die if any of her friends found out why she was there. I mean, who fails gym? It seemed Haley James did.

"Are you sure there isn't any other sport or something I can do Coach?" she asked desperately, not understanding the town's inane obsession with basketball.

"All the other girl's had to pass on basketball. So, so do you Ms James. You have a week to make that three throw or I have no choice but to fail you." He told her sympathetically. He always had had a soft spot for the girl. "I actually have an idea... You're a tutor right?"

Before she could even nod her head, he had walked out of the office, returning not even 5 minutes later with a confused Nathan Scott in tow.

"May the tutor become the tutee." He grinned at both of them. "Nathan's going to teach you how to get the ball in the basket."

Both just stared in shock at each other for a few seconds, before they both spluttered out at the same time.



6. I've Got A Feeling

He hated how much of a pushover he could be when it came to his friends. Peyton had guilt tripped him into attending some 'concert' she was putting on at TRIC and of course it was a total blow. All chick rock and whiney emo junk. He didn't understand why Peyton couldn't just hire some good act for once.

It was when he heard the next act start to sing however, that made him sit up a little straighter in his seat. It wasn't his usual music but something in that voice called out to him, as did the woman singing it.

Turning to Peyton, he ignored the grin on her face as she told him the artist's name, shouting in his ear over the music.

Haley James. He liked the sound of that.

7. Back Home

After leaving her mom in the hospital room, she ignored the ache in her heart at what she had just learned. Pressing her back against the door, she suppressed the tears threatening to fall, and the guilt she could feel about all of the time she had wasted, avoiding this place.

She say two men in white coats walk past, one older with greying hair, the other, younger, with raven black. It wasn't until they had both passed her, that she realised why her eyes had been glued on the younger man. It couldn't be him? Surely not.

"Nathan Scott?" she called out, laughing when he turned around, his face turning into a grin when he saw who it was.

8. Growing Up Beside You

He had always found her pretty. Even hot. But seeing her all dressed up for the party had awakened something inside of him. But of course he couldn't do anything about it. She was his best friend. And he was hers. She would probably hit him if she knew what he was starting to think about her. Lucas would beat him if he knew. And if he was honest, he himself would beat up any guy thinking the kinds of things he had been thinking about her for the past few months.

Grabbing her hand, he smiled assuringly at her, and dragged her to the makeshift dance floor. She had confided in him, that she was hoping some guy would ask her to dance at the party, and he hoped that it being him wouldn't disappoint her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, her own going around his neck, he quickly checked her smile, took a deep breath, and whispered in her ear what had been on his mind all night.

9. Out of Time

Trust Brooke to drag her to some college party that weekend. It wasn't exactly her scene, but, if she was honest, she was surprised at how much fun she was having. She had been sitting most of the night, chatting to some of the Duke University students, about things ranging from majors, to funny stories, to relationships, and she was surprised at how down to earth some of the students were.

One of the guys however caught her eye in particular. She had known him from when he went to Tree Hill High, 2 years older than she was, but he had always been the king of the school, the most popular raven. He barely knew she existed, but she definitely knew he did. He had caught her eye as soon as she'd walked in, and she was more than surprised when he returned her shy smile, and joined the group of people talking to her, his eyes not leaving her face.

One by one people left the conversation, either to dance, or get more drinks, or to talk to their classmates. But he stayed, sitting closer to her, and she could feel the tingles when he leaned in to talk into her ear over the music. They stayed chatting the whole night, flirting, bantering and joking.

10. Make my Heart Fly

He shivered as he looked around the Tree Hill High hallways, ones he hadn't walked down in about 8 years. His mother had had to go to a last minute business trip regarding her cafe, and his father had been busy working at the Auto shop he owned, and because he was in town he had been sent on this task. His little sister, Lily's, parent teacher conferences. He knew it would be all good, Lily being the brain box she was, talking after Lucas rather than himself, and sure enough every teacher had given her glowing reports.

He looked down at the list Lily had written him as he made his way towards the english classrooms, looking for a door which said Miss James. He didn't recognise the name, like he did with the others, so she can't have been teaching at the school when he went, but he expected someone old and fuddy duddy nonetheless.

When she opened the door however, he was nearly blown away. She most certainly was not frumpy, and from what he could tell, Miss James had certainly filled out and matured, in a good way, since the last time had saw her.

Tell me which ones you liked, with a little review ;) PLEASE :D

and all the little drabble titles come from songs :) but I CBA disclaiming all 10 :P