I will not ever try to convince anyone that I own the amazingness that is Glee. It is not mine, and the likelihood of that ever changing is astronomical. My claims to this chapter are just the plot that has come out of words woven together from what Glee has done to me and, of course, the pathetic sappiness of the poem.
Rating: T for safety, innuendo, and possible future chapters
Spoilers: Everything up to Original Song & much of what has been leaked across the media - basically if you are afraid of being spoiled, wait at least until episode 18 or 19 to start reading this.
This is my first fic, and it's pretty short. It could be a one-shot; I don't know. I definitely have tons of ideas for future chapters. Reading fanfictions has become like crack to me in the Glee hiatus; I've had so much of the show swimming around in my head, I decided it's finally time to write something down.
A special request: Please no vicious attacking of Karofsky's, Blaine's, Rachel's, Quinn's, Santana's or anyone else's character - attacking my portrayal of them is perfectly fine; I will not pretend that my writing is anything close to flawless, but I do not want any nasty sniping going on in my reviews unless it's attacking me and my writing capability instead of the show.
Oh, yes; reviews = virtual cookies baked with love, and they're totally vegan. *lessthanthree*
Lovesick Puppies
It was nearing six o'clock, and Rachel would probably decide to run rehearsal again because the last time Mr. Schue had been this late, she had taken over, and Mr. Schue had actually called to say he couldn't make it. Kurt sat in his usual spot in the glee club next to Mercedes, whispering to her about the Santana drama and drama in general, eventually starting in on the Mr. Schue situation. Mr. Schue was late – spending time with Holly again.
"I swear she puts a spell on everyone – when I first saw her I thought perhaps I had been a little hasty in my decision to write off women from my romantic life; we can't really blame Mr. Schue for abandoning us completely; but who's to say that we can't use this golden opportunity of his continued neglect to influence his song choices a bit?"
Mercedes was laughing, and suddenly pulled him in for a one-armed hug.
"You know? I really missed you, white boy," she whispered a smile on her face now that her best friend had returned, and she was glad to be hugging him for the first time in months.
"I missed you too, Mercedes – the boys were kind, but can they belt Madonna with me like you can? I think not."
"Mmm. Julliard's gonna get a whole lot of attitude comin' their way because once they hear me, I'll be in, and this diva needs her Kurt so there's no withdrawal from the awesomeness of being with your best friend in college like what was goin' down when you left me for the Warblers."
"I don't even know if they want me or not, Mercedes; don't jinx it!"
Pulling away, Mercedes coarsely interrupted, "Oh Hell to the no, boy; you applied, and you're getting in. Don't even go saying that you aren't good enough for them–"
The newest member of the club, a one Dave Karofsky, watched the scene with slight jealousy. Mercedes was closer to Kurt than he would probably ever get again. Dave and Kurt had kind of smoothed things out after Kurt and that too-good-looking-for-his-own-good semi-hobbitish boy from the private school Kurt had run off to had finally helped him come out and accept who he was. Despite the smoothing out via a completely awesome performance of Born This Way, after which only death could have kept Dave from joining glee (or perhaps his father finding out…), Dave was still not completely happy. He felt lonely trying to make his pining over Kurt surreptitious, and he had now lost all of his old friends, including his best one – Azimio.
Azimio was being a complete idiot about the whole thing. What the hell was up with Azimio anyways? At first he had snapped at Dave "prob'ly checking me out this whole time; thought you were my freakin' friend – not a singing fag"; then came, "I don't know what's going on Dave, but you've always been like my brother, and maybe I've just gotta accept who you are" and now, Azimio was completely ignoring him. The upside was that the New Directions slushy intake had drastically reduced as of late, but that didn't stop Dave from missing his friend.
Dave's thoughts were interrupted by an adorable squeal from Kurt's direction as he received a new text, which had drawn the attention of the other members as well. Sam was confused, then suddenly an "Oh" look hit his face. Brittany was whispering, "Dolphin" into Artie's ear who laughed only a little too loudly. Santana was looking a bit upset at everyone else's happiness – especially Artie's. Puck and Lauren took each other's hands and rolled their eyes at each other, biting back laughs. Quinn smirked – as did Rachel; Finn looked slightly uncomfortable, but smiled all the same, and Mike and Tina gave each other an Asian look of understanding, smiling at Kurt.
"You have got it bad, my friend. I don't think I've ever seen you this happy," Mercedes said to him teasingly.
"Shhh," Kurt admonished holding up a finger and running his eyes over the text. "…officially now your horoscope today, and I predict an unexpected gift coming your way… He has been acting kind of strange lately, but" shutting the phone he continued, "why would Blaine write that?"
"Already trying to get off first base; I've got a lot of respect for the guy," Puck commented approvingly, causing Lauren to punch him on the shoulder.
Kurt's eyes widened and ears reddened while the rest of the club (minus Dave) laughed just as Emma Pillsbury-Howell, who had been staying at school extremely late every day, pouring over her students' predicaments since Carl had moved out came in with a single beautiful light bluish-turquoise hydrangea about the size of a fist.
"Who died this time? When my goldfish died, my parents clipped me those types of flowers from our garden, and I flushed them down the toilet with him because I know that's how you bury fish, and I wanted him to keep the flowers because they were just the color of the ocean, and Finding Nemo taught me that all fish want to go to the ocean, but then the water starting building up and–"
"No! No, Brittany; you can stop," Emma interrupted, "It's okay nobody died. Actually there's a very sweet," she paused almost sadly, "note here from a certain lovesick," she looked down guiltily as she said the word 'lovesick', "young man that came with this flower." She brightened up cheerfully, and said, "For you, Kurt. I'm glad I finally get to come to you with something cheerful after the depressingly dreadful message that I had deliver the last time I came to you."
"Gee. I wonder who that could be from," Tina commented innocently dripping with well-intended sarcasm; Mike smiled and kissed her on the cheek. Kurt waved her off and ran his eyes over the note, which was painstakingly written in beautiful handwriting, while smelling the flower with a smile on his face.
Ocean Eyes
Ocean eyes,
How I miss you.
My paradise,
You sparkle like
Dragons breathing fire.
Apart from you, my
Reasoning goes…
Lovesick, and
I've tapped into
Newly found
Gushy declarations
In desperation for you.
Losing my self-restraint; I'm simply,
Vying for your heart
Every breath I take
You sink deeper in to mine.
Ocean eyes,
Uncomfortable yet, my love?
Scribbled in Blaine's normal penmanship was a note at the bottom:
Hey, I know it's mildly creepy, but I can't stop thinking about your eyes right now. I'll eventually get used to it, but I'm so used to having you with me all the time; I think I'm detoxing. I wrote this little poem for you, and with my ninja-hobbit skills, I managed to clip a pretty hydrangea from one of the bushes on the vast Dalton grounds - I would get you a bouquet, but I'm worried enough Mr. Gareth will notice that just one is gone from his precious bushes. While it doesn't quite match your eyes, it's the closest I could find, and the flower shop had nothing like it. Yes; this is what I was so mysteriously happy about that I would not reveal to you last night; I had decided to have this delivered today, and knew this would be come to you at school, and make you think of me, even if you find it incredibly over the top instead of sweet. I actually wrote a tune to sing with the poem, but I didn't know how much of my attention was too much (this was probably too much; as you know, romance and me tend to occasionally go overboard), so I just sent the poem – let me know if you want to hear it. – Blaine
"What does it say?" Rachel nosily pressed. Some of the other club members looked at her with surprise because she was not demanding they start rehearsal and was instead interested in Kurt's situation. Kurt ignored her as if he hadn't heard, and smelled the flower again, while Mercedes laughed and Rachel turned away huffily.
Damn, he's sending him flowers! What the hell? How am I supposed to compete with that? I don't think I would ever be so mushy, but Kurt is drinking it up, thought Dave helplessly. Dave let out a little sigh that went unnoticed by everyone except Santana who sent him a questioning look as he watched his bright eyed friend whip open his cell phone.
Blaine, that was so sweet I am losing teeth right now, and you better sing that poem for me. I am not answering my phone so it will be a voice mail, and I can play it over whenever I want - Kurt. Kurt sent the text, and closed the phone with a smile.
As soon as Kurt closed his, the classroom phone rang. Rachel sprang up, running to it.
"William McKinely Choir Room; may I ask who's calling?" Rachel said brightly into the phone.
"Hey Rachel, Miss Holiday and I are kind of trapped at this restaurant. Apparently, it isn't customary to… well uh; that's really not the point. The thing is, I won't be able to make it to rehearsal today– *his voice suddenly became more distant as if not being directed into the phone* No; Honey, don't blame yourself! How were you supposed to know that they weren't really–"
"Okay Mr. Schue; As co-captain, I've got it covered. There's nothing to worry about," Rachel interrupted, not wanting to hear their entire predicament.
"Now; wait, Rachel–" Mr. Schue was cut off by the phone being placed into the receiver.
"Practice starts now, everyone! Time for warm-up," Rachel announced, interrupting everyone's flowery thoughts.
"Mr. Schue can't make it?" asked Dave, who was becoming somewhat annoyed with Rachel's leadership style during practices.
"He and Miss Holiday are trapped in a restaurant," Rachel announced calmly, "So no."
"Trapped! Are they okay?" asked Finn.
"They seemed fine; now everyone shut up! We are starting warm-up," Rachel yelled to the room, somewhat flustered, "We are going to beat Vocal Adrenaline this year. They've lost Jessie, but they have Sunshine, and they are going to freakin' bring it, so we have to start taking things seriously!" The club groaned and gave into her demands.
Practice had ended, and Kurt who usually stayed afterwards to chat with the Mercedes walked out as soon as it was over, dreamily sniffing his flower.
"Emergency girls' meeting!" Mercedes announced as everyone else was starting on their way out.
"Sorry, Mercedes; Puck and I are going to BreadstiX, and I've decided not to stand him up this time," Lauren blurted out as Puck grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door smiling.
"Anyone else have to go?" Mercedes asked. The rest of the girls began towards the chairs in indication that they didn't.
"I have important things to do; this better be worth my time," Santana remarked, walking back to her seat.
"Kurt's gonna be upset he was left out of this," Tina announced.
"He is an honorary girl," Quinn agreed.
"I probably should have kept him here because I do want to have him be a part of this," Mercedes admitted, "but I couldn't make myself snap him out of his dreamy trance. Kurt is so happy right now."
"Speaking of Kurt," Rachel cut in, "it was totally rude of him to ignore me like that!"
"Everyone doesn't have to share their business with you constantly, Miss Controlfreakbitch," Santana told Rachel, "You were trying to cut into his private note."
"Now hold up, Santana; if I wasn't too busy laughing, I would have asked the same thing," Mercedes said. Quinn and Tina nodded.
"What is your problem, lately, Santana? You haven't been this nasty to me since you were itching to tell me that Finn lost his virginity to you!" Rachel said.
"My problem? Everyone seems to think I've got one these days," Santana answered, shooting a look at Brittany who looked back slightly confused, "Well, I think I'll just leave seeing as the whole room has a problem with me." In a somewhat Rachel-like fashion, she stormed out of the room angrily.
"Anyways, back to subject," Rachel began after Santana slammed the door, "Kurt is really zoning out; I mean did he actually not hear me?"
"I don't know; it's likely that he didn't. Our boy has it bad," Mercedes answered happily.
"He is incredibly happy," Quinn observed, "I couldn't even be annoyed with the sweetness, and they way my relationships are going lately, you'd think I'd be irritated by it."
"He has like the softest hands in the world," Brittany interjected causing some odd looks in her direction.
Rachel continued, "I mean I can understand his lovesickness. I'm much the same way with Finn, especially now, and Blaine is an amazing kisser-slash-singer. But that doesn't mean– "
"Hold up; I've been wondering what happened with you, Blaine, and Kurt after that party. Kurt would not talk about it with me," Mercedes pressed, "Is there some drama I need to know about to make sure my best friend isn't being played?"
"The day after the party, I called up Blaine and asked him if he wanted to go out," Rachel began.
"How could you do that?" Tina questioned "You knew Kurt liked Blaine. Mercedes told me how he was comfort eating about him during your sleepover in February!"
"Hey, they weren't together, Blaine and I seemed to have a spark, and I was trying to get over Finn," Rachel defended with a slight edge in her voice, looking at Quinn during her last line, who turned away with guilt, "Anyway, Blaine and I went on one date where we mouthed the lines of the characters we were watching, but there was no kiss. Kurt bet me that if Blaine and I kissed sober, there would be no chemistry. The next day, I walked into the Lima Bean, kissed Blaine, and he declared he was 100% gay."
"That kiss you guys had at the party was pretty hot," Brittany remarked.
"Yes; it was Brittany. His face was delicious, but Kurt does deserve a good guy, and I wasn't really all that into him, so I'm not upset about it," Rachel told everyone.
"Well I think that Kurt is probably the better kisser," Brittany said, "He has the softest lips out of anyone I've ever kissed... and the softest hands."
"Whoa; you guys actually kissed during that awkward microsecond you were a couple?" Quinn asked.
"Yes; he told me my lip gloss tastes like root beer, and he wanted to know what boys' lips taste like," Brittany answered, sending Mercedes and Tina into silent laughter at the last part.
"Brittany, I don't want to tell you that you're wrong, but Blaine is definitely the better kisser. I mean when we were both sober in that coffee shop, he wasn't even really kissing me back, and it was still..." Rachel trailed off.
"Kurt was hardly kissing me back, but his lips were so soft," Brittany described, "I tried putting my hand on his leg - Artie never moves my hand - but he kept moving it. I know now that he is definitely a boy peacock that likes other boy peacocks, but if he had wanted to, I would have taken that big V off him right there."
"Well Blaine– " Rachel started.
"Listen to us fighting over which one of our two gay friends is a better kisser," Quinn observed, "I think it's time we end the meeting and go home; it's getting late."
"I agree," Tina chirped in, "The chicken-leg salad will be gone by the time I get home if we don't get out soon."
"Wait girls; the whole purpose of this meeting hasn't even been discussed yet," Mercedes cut in, "Rachel's right; Vocal Adrenaline is going to pull out all the stops, and we need to impress. I think we should do a number with just female vocals, and split the solos evenly because we are all fantastic. Except maybe Lauren can just stay background vocals, but anyway, I was thinking about singing Seasons of Love at nationals. I want to get all sorts of diva going on that song, but we have to start practicing and making it jaw-dropping if we're going to convince Mr. Schuester."
"I'm actually... impressed by your choice," Rachel observed, "It would be able to showcase our different styles if we adapted it, and I'm not opposed to showcasing the other girls' voices as long as I get to sing a solo during it. We do all have unique talent in our own way, except I agree that Lauren should probably not be featured in this."
"Guys, can't we do this tomorrow? Santana and Lauren are missing, and even though Lauren thinks show choir's stupid, Santana will be five different types of mad at us for cutting her out of the song," Tina pleaded, "Also, I know that the salad will be gone if I don't hurry."
"If we start practicing, Kurt will be pretty upset that we don't have him here right now too. There is no way I would dream of cutting him out of the song because he is an honorary girl," Mercedes added, "I guess meeting adjourned for the night, but I really want to go through with this idea."
So, the verdict? Should I make this any longer? Next chapter will probably include some more Dave if I do - and plenty of Kurt/Blaine.