Are We There Yet?
Part the Twenty-first:
"I need my toothbrush." Harry mumbled, shoving past Hermione, who was unpacking her suitcase in a new hotel room. She smiled at her friend.
"Where did you see it last?" she asked, in a motherly voice. Harry thought for a moment.
"In the other hotel room." He said grumpily. "Dammit. Now my mouth will be all nasty."
"That's what she said!" Sirius exclaimed from his seat on the windowsill. Ginny snorted into her cup of morning coffee and gave Sirius a high-five. Ronald looked confused.
"That's what who said?" he asked, scratching his head. Hermione giggled. Sirius shrugged.
"It could be anybody."
"Yes, but who particularly?"
"Anyone. Anyone who's a female." Sirius answered. Harry shook his head. He paced around the room, checking everywhere for his toothbrush.
"God, I know that I brought it with me." he said, folding his arms across his chest. "Why does this have to be so hard?"
"That's what she said!" Sirius barked. Hermione rolled her eyes, but tried not to smile. Harry, on the other hand, didn't seem to hear.
"Alright, so last night, I had it in my mouth..."
"That's what she said." Sirius whispered.
"But I took it out, because I had to spit..."
"That's. What. She. Said."
"And then I dropped it, because it was too slippery..."
"She also said that."
"I think I left it in the other room." Harry decided. He barely noticed that Hermione, Ginny, and Sirius were silently shaking with laughter. "Wait! I was brushing my teeth, and Remus kept knocking on the door and I got irritated and asked if he was coming in or not!"
"That's what she said!"
"And when I said that, I accidentally tossed my toothbrush into the loo!" Harry cried. He looked around. "What's funny?"
"You're doing that on purpose." Ginny said, bursting out laughing. Hermione nodded her agreement through her giggles. Sirius on the other hand was clutching his sides and throwing his head back. Harry glared at them all.
"Way to be mature, guys."
A/N: I've been so busy! But here's a chapter. The majority of the reviews asked for this, so here. I know it's not the best, but still.
I hope you all enjoy it! I'll try to get a new chapter up.
Here's the review challenge this time! But I think it'll be fun. I just need participation.
Okay. So in a review, leave three to five words of your choosing. Any words that you like. Make them weird and choose obscure or random words. If it's a word that has a weird definition, tell me what it means. Give me words that you think are just hilarious. I'll pick my favorites, and use them somewhere in the next chapter. Try to make this a challenge for me(: I'll put your name at the end of the chapter if I like one of your words.
This should be fun if people participate.
Thanks for reading!