AN: Thank you to my wonderful reviewers: Veronica Willis, Loslote, MayFairy, SiRiUs-PaDfOoT-bLaCk23451 and BlueSkies13 ! All of whom I recognized from my old story ^-^ Missed you all so much!
It would be an odd sight for anyone but a witch or wizard to see. Teens milling about in Kings Cross station, dragging along cats and owls in cages and frogs and whatnot. Most of them were holding wooden sticks, or had them in a pocket. Parents ushered them on quickly, clad in what looked like long nightgowns. It was quite the peculiar sight; and the children and their families were getting a few questioning glances. They didn't seem to mind at all.
One of these families was composed of a father, a mother, and two daughters. The father was quite tall, with balding blonde hair and a long nose. The mother was very small with auburn hair and brown eyes. She had thin lips, and short hair. One of the daughters was dressed in a little tank top and tight jeans she looked in her young twenty something. She had her father's hair color, but it was accentuated with bright blonde highlights. She had brown eyes, just like her mother, that were surrounded with eyeliner and mascara. The youngest, about 16 or 17, had flaming red hair, much more vibrant than her mother's auburn. She had large eyes, and a faint splattering of freckles across her nose. She was very short, with a small figure. She was one of the teenagers pulling along a trunk, and had a wooden stick.
"Can we hurry up?" groaned the oldest. "I promised to meet Vernon at one. I don't want to be late."
"Petunia, you won't see your sister until Christmas. And all you care about is your date?"
"Yeah," she mumbled under her breath. The mother obviously looked irritated at this, but her sister couldn't care less, and discreetly wanled right through a wall.
Yes, right through a brick wall that divided platforms 9 and 10.
Although no one seemed to notice as her family followed suit.
When she emerged, she and her family were standing in front of a large red train with the words Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and a crest emblazoned on the front. A large smile spread accorss the redhead's face.
Finally, she thought, I'm going home to Hogwarts.
AN: yes, I know I already wrote a prologue. But I'm replacing it with this one, which I like much more. Chapter 1 up this week!