So this is my second attempt. My first attempt publishing here failed, never continued the story. I got inspired to write this one because everyone around me had either gotten pregnant or engaged or had a scare so why not write about it. I hope anyone that reads it likes it and/or reviews.

So the title comes from Feist's "Secret Heart".

Disclaimer: Don't own anything BTR

Two little stripes on the plastic device. I couldn't believe it was happening to me. I hadn't told anyone but my best friend Stephanie that I had this suspicion. After my 18th birthday I got really drunk, I was depressed. I know alcohol isn't an excuse and I'm not trying to make it one, but I know of someone who will. So I told Stephanie what happened and how I was feeling and my suspicion, she told me to take a test and well, I'm pregnant.

Who am I you may ask. I'm little Katie Knight who's not so little anymore.

"Katie, can you please get out of the bathroom?" I heard my brother yell through the door. I kinda panicked; no one was supposed to be home.

"It'll take a bit longer, use mom's bathroom!" I said and heard him walk away.

As soon as I could I hid everything in the bag and went to throw it in the big trashcan outside the house that was for every single house on the street.

What happened to the Palm Woods? It's still there, but with four grown 21-year-olds that needed their own space we decided to move.

I tried to sneak back inside the house, but the boys, Camille and Jo were all in the living room that was on the side that I tried to sneak in. I mean really? They choose today to hang out there when they usually don't.

"Well thank you Katie for letting me in the bathroom." Kendall said sarcastically.

"You're welcome big brother." I said with a big smile on my face.

I needed to call Steph, I had no idea of what to do. I didn't want anybody to find out that not only was I gonna be a young mother, because I don't believe in abortion, but also that the father wasn't going to be around because he wasn't the kind to step up.

"Katie, are you okay?" Carlos asked while I realized I stood there for a bit too long.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go call Stephanie." I said and everybody just nodded.

Carlos and Stephanie had broken up, but remained good friends. She was becoming too busy and had to move so it would've been very difficult.

I went upstairs to my room and dialed Steph's number in my cell phone. She picked it up right away.

"Well?" She asked knowing I had just taken the test.

"Positive." I said hardly being able to articulate.

"What are you going to do?" Asked Stephanie with a worried tone in her voice.

"Abortion is not an option." I said immediately, probably sounding like a very publicized slogan.

"Yeah, we've been over that already. But I was trying to say that well you don't have the dad's support and you don't want to tell anyone, not even your mom. Don't you think everybody is going to notice you're not that thin anymore in a couple of months." She said with an obvious tone in her voice.

"I'm not stupid, I know that. But for now it won't show, I have 3 months till the bump shows, there's only 2 months of high school left. I can just go away after that."

"Go where?" she asked a bit hysterical.

"First, calm down. Second, I really don't know." I said started to get worried myself.

"Well you need to figure it out, but Katie gosh, I'm really worried about you. I know you've always been mature and all but…" she trailed off.

"Seriously don't worry." I said trying to convince both of us.

I was worried, very much. I told her what was happened and how I got pregnant, but she still pushed me in two things: asking for help and telling her who the father was. See, I don't want to tell anybody who the father is because I know for a fact he doesn't remember that night. Besides, if I tell him or anyone things just won't be the same, everything will break apart.