I. Slang


"Matthew, I hope you are aware that for me, you are the best thing that's ever happened since sliced bread, and that you're quite bang-tidy," Arthur said solemnly. "And I'm not aled up this avvy, I'm speaking the truth."

"Um, Arthur," Matthew began uncertainly.

"I also know I'm a bit of an arse sometimes, and that I blank you and mistake you for that git Alfred a lot..."


"...I know you must be so buggered of being treated like that. But I swear on my Queen, I never mean to do any of those things. I genuinely adore you, Matthew," Arthur finished, his cheeks flushing red. Why was it always so hard for him to admit things like these! Well, at least Matthew finally knew about his feelings...

"Arthur," Matthew started for the third time. He adjusted his glasses, looking confused. "I have no idea what you just said."

Cor blimey on a bleeding stick!

There went all that effort...

A/N: It had to be done. XD All British slang was found on the handy-dandy Internet!

Anyway, these shorts will be short, and will vary in pairings, although it will always include Canada. Always. Because he needs more love~