**I do NOT own True Blood or the characters in it. All rights go to Alan Ball, HBO, & Charlaine Harris (Southern Vampire Mysteries Author). Enjoy! Please Review! **
Anna looked over her checklist while she got ready for her trip down south. Once she decided she had everything she folded the paper and slipped in her back pocket and closed her suitcase. She lugged all three of them out to her car and put them in her trunk. She closed and locked her house and jumped in the car. She had a nine-hour drive ahead of her.
Anna looked at the clock on her dash, she had been driving for three hours and it was pitch black outside. She sighed as she started looking for a place to sleep for the night. She made a mental note not to start a trip in the afternoon. She found a small motel that had a vacancy. She pulled into the parking lot and turned off the car. As she climbed out of the car and stretched she took in her surroundings. To the left of the motel was a Laundromat, to the right a gas station/mini mart. Across the street was a nightclub. She rolled her shoulders and grabbed her purse and walked into the building.
Eric sat at his desk looking at the inventory list for the bar. He sighed and laid the paper down. There was a knock at his door.
"Master, Bill Compton och Sookie är här," said Pam walking into the office. (Master, Bill Compton and Sookie are here.)
"Jag vill inte prata med dem. Skicka iväg dem," said Eric. "I do not wish to talk to them. Send them away.)
Pam nodded her head and closed the door. A few minutes later Sookie Stackhouse came bursting through the door. Eric calmly looked up from his desk as she started shouting about something he could care less about.
Eric stood up from his desk and ran past them both and out the back door of the bar. As soon as the cool night air hit his face he stopped running. He walked across the back parking lot. He walked over to his car and climbed in. He threw the car into gear and drove off.
Once Anna had her room her grabbed one of her bags and walked towards her ground level room. As she was locking her car she watched a maroon corvette pull out of the parking lot of the bar. She turned her attention back to the door and unlocked the door.
Eric parked the car at the edge of the woods and climbed out. She locked the car and started walking. He took an unnecessary breath in the woodsy smell around him. He leaned up against a large oak tree and looked up to the sky at the full moon overhead.
"Vadgör du,älskare?" asked a blonde woman walking out of the trees. (What are you doing, lover?)
"Om man tittar påmånen," replied Eric. (Looking at the Moon.)
"Ett offer förMáni?" asked the blonde. (An offering for Máni?)
"Nejsågbara," said Eric. (No. Just gazing.)
The blonde nodded as she walked around the tree. She stopped on the other side of Eric and looked up to the moon and sighed. Eric heard her and turned to face her. She had worry written all over her beautiful features.
"Vadärfel,älskare?" asked Eric. (What is wrong, lover?)
"Jagbaratänker.Dukommer att blikungsnartochharinget behovför mig," she replied. (I am just thinking. You will be king soon and have no need for me.)
"Vega,minkärlek,kommerjag alltid hartid fördig," said Eric. (Vega, my love, I will always have time for you.)
Eric turned her face so she was looking at him. He leaned forward and kissed her lips gently. As he leaned back he saw that she was still worried.
"Berättavadannarsstördig," said Eric. (Tell me what else bothers you.)
"Jag harträffatsiaren," said the blonde looking away. "Jag harintelång tidpå denna jord." (I have met with the seer.) (I do not have long on this earth.)
"Vadpratar duom?" asked Eric. "What are you talking about?)
"Honserdödeniminnärmaste framtiden.Jagkanske intesistasommaren," replied Vega. (She sees death in my near future. I may not last the summer.)
"Omdet är sant,kommer vi attgöradet bästa avdet," said Eric. (If that is true, we will make the most of it.)
Eric leaned over and kissed her again. He pulled away smiling and grabbed her hand, leading her back to the village.
Eric shook his head and turned and headed back to his car. It had been many years since he thought of Vega. He didn't have the time to reminisce his past life anymore.