A/N; thanks so much for all the reviews! I love reviews, and I hope you love the story! OK, no more delay…

"Well… I… uh… yeah. Yeah, I did. And if you don't like it, deal," I say, sitting up a little straighter. He crushed his lips to mine, his arms around me tightening. My heart sped up.

"Babe, I like it," he murmured against my lips, "I like it very much,"

"Come on, Paul, Sam's going to start worrying soon," I sigh, standing up. I take his outstretched hand, and try to heave him up, but he won't budge. With a sharp tug from him, I ended up back in his arms.

"Nah, I like it better here. I could do without the annoying big brother," he said, kissing my mouth again. There was a heat low in my belly that was getting hotter.

"Paul," I gasped against his lips, "How can you make me feel like this. I've never felt this way before,"

"Bella, are you a virgin?" he asked. I stopped, pulling away, and blushing a deep scarlet.

"Why do you ask," I say, looking at the waves. Kim was right, they were calming.

"Just curious," he says, "Is that a yes?"

I take a deep breath, "Yes. Yes, I've never had sex before. Of any kind,"

"That's good, Bella, it makes me happy," he says, and I look for deceit on his face. When I find none, I can't help but be confused.

"How the hell can that make you happy? I won't know anything, you won't be able to be rough with me immediately, and you'll have to show me what to do,"

"Bella, I think you should know that as a wolf, I am naturally possessive. To think of you even being with someone else, to think of them touching your body… it makes me angry,"

His body had light tremors running through it, and I put my hands on his arms.

"Hey, hey," I whisper softly, "It's ok. You're my first everything, Paul. I've never even had a boyfriend before,"

He stopped shaking, "I don't understand. No-one's asked you out?"

"Well, yes, they have. But I was never interested. Kim called me picky, but I just couldn't see myself with them,"

"Thank you, Bella. I know it was unfair to get upset about the past, but just the thought…"

"Ok, calm. Can we go reassure Sam we're still cool. I never told him that I was ok with him being a wolf,"

"Yeah, alright," he sighed, standing with me and grabbing the shirt, putting it around me. I grinned, inhaling his scent.

"I hope Kim and Jared are ok," I say, stopping and biting my lips. Paul's quiet for a moment, turning his head.

"They're fine. Kim's telling him about her past,"

"Oh," I say, "Come on, wolf-boy, let's move,"

We walk at my usual pace, until Paul picks me up, swinging me over his shoulder onto his back.

"Hey!" I giggle.

"You wanted to get back," he says, laughing and running. I hold in a scream, and enjoy it. The wind stings my eyes slightly, but I love every second.

We're at my house in a matter of minutes, and I can see Sam pacing on the porch. He comes running over to us when he sees me.

"Are you ok? Don't ever do that again!" he shouts, and I shrink against Paul, who gives Sam a warning growl.

Sam stops, takes a deep breath, and calms down.

"What took you so long?" he asks Paul.

"I had to tell her about my childhood,"

I watch as Sam's eyes widen in shock, then snap to me.

"You… you're ok? I mean, you're not upset?"

"Nope," I say, hugging Paul fiercely, "I'm angry,"

"Angry?" Sam asks, and I can see Paul's face is equally puzzled.

"Well, duh," I say, "He got away. I swear, if he ever comes back here… I won't be nice enough to kill him,"

Sam laughs, and I smile, but Paul looks alarmed.

"What?" I ask.

"If he ever comes back, you're not getting anywhere near him," he says, his jaw set tight. I raise an eyebrow.

"Says who?"

"Me," he tells me.

"You and what army?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"The pack'll back him up. There's no way you'll get within a mile of him, Bella, he's too dangerous," Sam says seriously.

"Fuck this shit," I mutter, storming inside, "I just won't tell you then,"

I hear muttering outside, and Sam's slumped shoulders. He comes back inside, bounding up the stairs. When he comes down, I realise he's got my emergency bag I always have packed. He throws it outside to Paul, who catches it easily. Then Sam comes towards me, picks me up, and carries me outside.

"Put me down this instant, Samuel Uley!" I shout, but he says nothing. He hands me to Paul, kissed my cheek, and went back inside.

"Did I just get kicked out my house?" I ask quietly, as we walk through the woods.

"No, I just told Sam you were staying over at mine," he says.

"Why?" I ask, challenging him.

"Because we need to talk,"

No more is said on the way there. Eventually we stopped in front of a two story cottage that was deep in the woods. It was possibly the biggest house I'd seen in La Push.

"It's beautiful," I told him, rolling from his arms and walking up to the door. I turned the handle, surprised that it opened, "Don't you lock your doors?"

"Why would I need to? If anyone steals anything, I can track them. And it's not like I couldn't hear the heartbeat of anyone waiting to get me,"

I shrug, "I guess,"

I turn on the light switch, and look around. The door opens straight into the living room, just like in my own home, and there's a bunch of door around the place. I open one, finding a bathroom. Another holds a cupboard, and another an office. But the last on opens into a large kitchen/diner, and I gasp.

I step inside, and look around.

"You like?" asked a sexy voice from the doorway. I turned to see him leaning against the doorframe.

"This is definitely my favourite room," I say.

"I think I can change that," he says, shrugging off the wood and coming over to me. He kisses me softly, and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he carries me up the stairs at one side of the kitchen.

Opening one of the doors up the stairs, we tumble onto a large bed. Paul makes sure he's on top of me, kissing my lips roughly, and my hands bury themselves deep into his hair. His lips move from mine, travelling down my jaw, onto my collarbone.

"Paul, Paul, what are we doing?" I gasp out.

"What do you want to do, my Bella?" he asks, his voice low and sexy, and I feel myself growing wet. He growls at what I can only guess is the smell, and it really doesn't help my situation.

"Paul… help me… please… give me some… release!" I stumble over my words.

"Hmm, do you want me to pleasure you, pet?"

"Please," I beg.

"Perhaps, but tell me. Who do you belong to?"

"Please…" I whisper, my back arching, trying to get to him. I hear him chuckle at my antics.

"Soon, my Bella, but I need to hear you say it first,"

"You, Paul, you, ok? Now just fuck me already!" I shout at him. He raises his head, eyes glinting with mischief.

"Would you like that?" he asks, mouth coming up to my ears, and further away from where I need him, "Would you like me to do that?"

"So much…"

"I have to do what you want,"

"Then fucking hurry up!" I say.

"My poor Bella. So desperate for release. Perhaps I should help…"

I try and beg, but a strangled noise is all that escapes my mouth. He chuckles.

"Well, ok then, I guess," he smiles against my skin. In a second, my clothes are a pile of shredded material on the floor.

I blush like a traffic light as he takes me in.

"Oh Bella, my Bella, so beautiful," he murmurs, "I think you in an orgasm could only beat it,"

He leaves me, and I whimper from lack of contact. In a second he's back, and he catches my hands in his. I feel them being secured above my head. When I try and pull them away, I find they're secured there.

I watch Paul through hooded eyes as he makes sure I'm ok with it. Then he kissed my lips, and down my neck, past my collarbone, onto my breasts. As he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, and pebbles the other between his finger and thumb, I struggle against my restraints.

He switched breasts, making sure to give them equal attention. I start to moan, and my breathing becomes ragged. I didn't know it was possible to feel so much.

His lips continue down, placing open mouth kisses everywhere, leaving a trail of wet fire on belly.

He skips the most sensitive place in my body, and I growl in frustration, pulling again on my restraints. I feel him chuckle against my thigh, and my eyes roll back in my head with a moan.

His tongue suddenly darts out and touches my clit. I cry out at the new sensation, my hips bucking to get closer to him. His arm comes up and lays over my belly, holding me down.

He takes a long lick of me, and I can feel myself losing it already.


I couldn't resist taking a long lick of her, and I nearly came in my pants. If I thought she smelled good…man her taste fucking drove me wild. But just now was all about Bella.

I'd told her about my past, sure she would run away screaming. I'd never told anyone all the details, except Sam and Jared, who had lived through it when I first phased. But my Bella took it all it her stride. My Bella. I loved it.

But I almost went crazy when she said she'd get my dad if he ever came back. She was not getting anywhere near him. He tried to take all the good things from my life, and Bella was the best thing that ever happened to me. If he got within one hundred feet of her, I'd kill him.

Not that I wouldn't kill him anyway.

I didn't even realize I'd stopped my actions with Bella until I heard;

"Paul, please,"

Her voice would be my undoing. Breathy and needy… perfect. With one more long lick, I let my tongue enter her, and pulling it out quickly. I pushed it in as far as it would go, and removed it again. Bella moaned. Hmm, it seemed my girl liked being tongue fucked almost as much as I enjoyed tongue fucking.

I slowly inserted on finger into her tight passage. She cried out, head thrashing. I was currently holding her lower half down, purely to frustrate her more, which in turn would give her a better release.

I pumped my finger slowly, and she moaned continuously, breathing erratic. When I felt she was ready, I pushed another finger into her. Again, a cry of pleasure came from her. I could tell she was close, and I let my tongue dance around her clit. Little mewing sounds escaped her throat, and I moaned against her. I brought her to the edge of pleasure, and then backed away again. Over and over, until I could smell the salt from her tears of frustration.

When I decided she had been through enough of my games, I pulled her clit into my mouth, and bit down lightly, at the same time as curling my fingers inside her.

Her scream echoed into the night, and I removed my fingers and lapped her juices up. Oh, my girl was a gusher. I was the luckiest man in the world.

"Paul!" she screamed again, and I looked up, seeing my woman in her orgasm. Fucking perfection. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes closed. Her hair was fanned everywhere, and her arms pulling on her restraints. I felt a huge surge of pride it was my name she screamed.

Mine! My wolf growled.

When she opened her eyes, I could see she was tired. Hell, I'd just prevented her orgasm for an hour, and then she'd had the first one in seventeen years? Yeah, she would be tired. Little Paul could wait another day to get some, Bella came first.

I untied the cloth I'd bound her with, and scooped her into my arms.

"How do you feel, babe?" I asked quietly, settling her against my chest. She curled into my heat.

"Like a puddle," she said happily. I laugh, and she puts her head over my heart. I watch as her eyelids flutter closed, and listened to her breathing, which eventually made me drift off into a relaxed slumber.

A/N; Ok, so thank you for reading another chapter! Please review! It'll only take a wee minute, thank yoooooou!